LD 629
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Allow a Mortgagor to Select a Land Title Company to Perform the Title... LD 629 Title Page
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LR 998
Item 1

or land title company for legal services rendered to the financial
institution as part of the closing.

This subsection may not be construed to require certification of
title to a financial institution or credit union if that
institution does not so require or to a land title insurance
company if that company does not so require. A financial
institution may not require both certification of title and title
insurance to protect its interests.

Any violation of this section by a financial institution
authorized to do business in this State or credit union
authorized to do business in this State is an anticompetitive or
deceptive practice as defined in this chapter and subject to the
remedies provided in this chapter in addition to such other
remedies as may be provided otherwise by law.


This bill requires that a financial institution or credit
union that accepts an application for a residential mortgage for
1 to 4 residential units and requires a title search on the
property subject to the mortgage must permit the prospective
mortgagor to select a land title company to perform the title

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