LD 768
pg. 1
LD 768 Title Page An Act to Require a Life Sentence for Murder Unless There Are Mitigating Circum... LD 768 Title Page
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LR 1279
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 17-A MRSA §1251, as amended by PL 1999, c. 536, §1, is
further amended to read:

§1251. Imprisonment for murder

A Notwithstanding section 1252-C, a person convicted of the
crime of murder shall must be sentenced to imprisonment for life
or, if mitigating circumstances exist, for any term of years that
is not less than 25. If mitigating circumstances exist, the
court shall specify those circumstances. The sentence of the
court shall specify the length of the sentence to be served and
shall commit the person to the Department of Corrections.

In setting the length of imprisonment, if the victim is a
child who had not in fact attained the age of 6 years at the time
the crime was committed, a court shall assign special weight to
this objective fact in determining the basic sentence in the
first step of the sentencing process. The court shall assign
special weight to any subjective victim impact in determining the
final sentence in the 2nd and final step in the sentencing
process. Nothing in this paragraph may be construed to restrict
a court in setting the length of imprisonment from considering
the age of the victim in other circumstances when relevant.


The bill specifies that a person sentenced for the crime of
murder must be sentenced to imprisonment for life. Only if
mitigating circumstances exist can the court adjust the sentence
downward, and if mitigating circumstances exist, the court shall
specify those circumstances. If a sentence for murder is
adjusted downward, it can not be adjusted below 25 years, which
is the current minimum term of imprisonment for murder.

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