LD 776
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Authorize the Department of Transportation to Use the Design-Build Me... LD 776 Title Page
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LR 817
Item 1

2.__Authorization.__Notwithstanding section 753 or any other
provision of law, the department may use design-build contracting
to deliver projects.__The department may evaluate and select
proposals on either a best-value or low-bid basis.

The department retains the authority to terminate the contracting
process at any time, to reject any proposal, to waive
technicalities or to advertise for new proposals if the
department determines that it is in the best interest of the

3.__Prequalification.__The department may require that firms
be prequalified to submit proposals.__If the department requires
prequalification, it shall give public notice requesting
qualifications from interested firms in at least 2 newspapers
distributed in the State.__The department shall issue a request-
for-qualifications package to all firms requesting one in
accordance with the notice.

Interested firms shall supply, for themselves and all major
participants, all information required by the department.__The
department may investigate and verify all information received.__
All financial information, trade secrets or other information
customarily regarded as confidential business information
submitted to the department is confidential.

The department shall evaluate and rate all firms submitting a
conforming statement of qualifications and select the most
qualified firms to each receive a request for proposals.__The
department may select any number of firms, except that, if the
department fails to prequalify at least 2 firms, the department
shall readvertise the project.

4.__Request for proposals.__If the department requires
prequalification, it shall issue a request for proposals to those
firms prequalified.__If the department does not require
prequalification, it shall give public notice of the request for
proposals in at least 2 newspapers distributed in the State.

The request for proposals must set forth the scope of work,
design parameters, construction requirements, time constraints
and all other requirements that have a substantial impact on the
cost or quality of the project and the project development
process, as determined by the department.__The request for
proposals must include the criteria for acceptable proposals.__
For projects to be awarded on a best-value basis, the scoring
process and quality criteria must also be contained in the
request for proposals.__In the department's discretion, the
request for proposals may provide for a process for the
department to review conceptual technical elements of each

proposal before full proposal submittal for the purposes of
identifying defects that would cause rejection of the proposal as
nonresponsive.__All such conceptual submittals and responses are
confidential until award of the contract.__The request for
proposals may also provide for a stipend upon specified terms to
unsuccessful proposers that submit proposals conforming to all
request-for-proposals requirements.

5.__Low-bid award.__If the basis of the award of responsive
proposals is lowest cost, then each proposal, including the price
or prices, must be sealed by the proposer and submitted to the
department as one complete package.__The department shall award
the design-build contract to the proposer that submits a
responsive proposal with the lowest price, if the proposal meets
all request-for-proposals requirements.

6.__Best-value award.__If the basis of the award of responsive
proposals is best value, then each proposal must be submitted by
the proposer to the department in 2 separate components, which
are a sealed technical proposal and a sealed price proposal.__
These 2 components must be submitted simultaneously.

The department shall first open, evaluate and score each
responsive technical proposal, based on the quality criteria
contained in the request for proposals.__The request for
proposals may provide that the range between the highest and
lowest quality score of responsive technical proposals must be
limited to an amount certain.__During this evaluation process,
the price proposals will remain sealed and all technical
proposals are confidential.

After completion of the evaluation of the technical proposals,
the department shall publicly open and read each price proposal.__
The department shall calculate the overall value rating for each
proposal, which is the total price divided by the quality score.__
The department shall award the contract to the proposer with the
lowest price per quality score point, provided that the proposal
meets all request-for-proposals requirements.


This bill authorizes the Department of Transportation to use
the design-build method of project delivery for public
infrastructure projects. Unlike the traditional design-bid-build
method of project delivery, design-builders design and build
projects under a single contract. In addition to low-bid awards,
this bill authorizes the Department of Transportation to award
projects on a best-value basis after considering the quality of

the design. In addition, this bill includes a procedural step
that minimizes the risk that bidders will submit nonresponsive

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