LD 795
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Rebalance Maine's Tax Code and Reduce the Structural Gap LD 795 Title Page
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LR 1324
Item 1

Effective July 1, 2002, the bill would apply a tax on
electricity at the following rates per kilowatt hour based on the
source from which the electricity is generated: .9 cents for
coal, .6 cents for oil and .3 cents for gas.

Beginning July 1, 2002, the bill would permit retailers to
retain 1% of sales tax collections up to $100 per quarter. This
right would be forfeited if the retailer does not file a timely
return or remit the proper amounts due.

These changes in the tax system would take effect if
alternative revenue sources are identified and enacted by June 1,
2002 as follows. A commission would be appointed and required to
report to the Legislature by December 15, 2001 with recommended
expansions to sales and use tax and gross receipts and franchise
and excise taxes sufficient to compensate for the revenue loss
resulting from the other changes in this bill. The commission
would be guided by the following criteria: finding new revenue
to broaden the tax base while controlling rates, shifting the tax
burden from income to consumption, reducing volatility,
minimizing regressive impacts on Maine's low-income population,
avoiding losses from the exporting of taxable sales, allocating
appropriate portions of the burden to out-of-state payers,
conserving energy and counteracting sprawl. The commission would
be comprised of the State Tax Assessor and the Director of the
State Planning Office or their designees and 5 persons with
backgrounds in economics, economic public policy or public
accountancy, one appointed by the Governor, 2 appointed jointly
by the President and the President Pro Tem of the Senate, and 2
appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

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