LD 839
pg. 1
LD 839 Title Page An Act to Allow a Property Tax Exemption to Landowners Whose Property Abuts a S... LD 839 Title Page
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LR 632
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:



This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208.

This bill proposes to provide a property tax exemption to
those landowners whose property abuts or is directly connected to
a solid waste facility.

In order to obtain the exemption, the following criteria would
have to be met:

1. The property must abut or be directly connected, such as
through an aquifer or well, to the solid waste facility;

2. The person must have owned the property that abuts the
solid waste facility prior to the development of the facility;

3. The solid waste facility must provide a substantial public
benefit to the people of the State.

A landowner who sells abutting or connected land to a facility
or who purchases such land after the development of the facility
would not be eligible for the tax exemption.

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