LD 910
pg. 1
LD 910 Title Page An Act to Provide Opportunity for Affordable House Lot Development LD 910 Title Page
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LR 1233
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 35-A MRSA §314 is enacted to read:

§314.__Line extensions

Charges related to single-phase overhead line extensions by
transmission and distribution utilities are governed by this

1.__Amortization.__A transmission and distribution utility
that charges a customer for the cost of a single-phase overhead
line extension to serve that customer must allow the customer to
amortize the cost for up to 5 years.

2. Multiple users.__If more than one customer is connected to
and served by a single-phase line extension, and if the
transmission and distribution utility charges any of these
customers for the cost of the extension, the charge must be
apportioned among the customers based on the average length of
line per customer.__If a new customer is added to a line
extension for which other customers are being charged, the
utility shall reapportion the charges to include the new customer
as if the customer had been connected initially so that charges
to all the customers terminate concurrently.

3.__Rules.__The commission shall adopt rules consistent with
this section establishing standards for the payment of the costs
associated with single-phase overhead line extensions provided by
a transmission and distribution utility to a customer.__Rules
adopted pursuant to this section are major substantive rules
pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A and must be
submitted to the Legislature for review by January 1, 2002.


This bill establishes standards for transmission and
distribution utilities that charge customers for single-phase
overhead line extensions. The standards provide for amortization
of the costs for up to 5 years and apportionment of costs among
multiple users of the line. The bill also requires the Public
Utilities Commission to adopt rules establishing standards for
the payment of the costs associated with single-phase overhead
line extensions provided by a transmission and distribution
utility to a customer. These rules are major substantive rules
and are required to be submitted for legislative review by
January 1, 2002.

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