LD 924
pg. 1
LD 924 Title Page Resolve, to Grant an Exception for Inspections of Low-use Elevators LD 924 Title Page
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LR 1391
Item 1

Sec. 1. Board of Elevator and Tramway Safety to create exception for inspections of
low-use elevators. Resolved: That, by January 1, 2002, the Board of
Elevator and Tramway Safety shall adopt rules to create an
exception for inspections of low-use elevators. The rules must:

1. Allow for a low-use elevator inspection schedule that does
not compromise safety with a frequency of no less than 2 years
between inspections;

2. Define "low-use elevator" for churches, small businesses
and other organizations that have an elevator that is used
infrequently; and

3. Create a mechanism to verify that an elevator is used
infrequently; and be it further

Sec. 2. Rules. Resolved: That rules adopted by the Board of Elevator
and Tramway Safety to implement this resolve are routine
technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter


This resolve directs the Board of Elevator and Tramway Safety
to create rules to make an exception in the yearly scheduling of
inspections for low-use elevators in churches, small businesses
and other organizations that have elevators but use them

LD 924 Title Page Top of Page LD 924 Title Page