LD 934
pg. 1
LD 934 Title Page An Act to Allow Timely Public Comment on Matters Heard Before Sanitary District... LD 934 Title Page
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LR 2188
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 38 MRSA §1211 is enacted to read:

§1211.__Public comment; opportunity required

Prior to taking a final vote on any of the following matters,
the board of trustees of a sanitary district shall provide an
opportunity for the public to comment:__budgets, expenditures,
expansions, reconfigurations of the sewer system, moratoriums on
expansions of service, the preclusion or delay of the provision
of service to any property or group of properties otherwise
eligible to receive service, or the cessation of service to any
property or group of properties receiving service.__The
requirements of this section are in addition to other applicable
requirements of law.

Sec. 2. 38 MRSA §1252, sub-§10 is enacted to read:

10. Public comment; opportunity required.__Prior to taking a
final vote on any of the following matters, the trustees shall
provide an opportunity for the public to comment: budgets,
expenditures, expansions, reconfigurations of the sewer system,
moratoriums on expansions of service, the preclusion or delay of
the provision of service to any property or group of properties
otherwise eligible to receive service, or the cessation of
service to any property or group of properties receiving service.__
The requirements of this section are in addition to any other
applicable requirements of law, including applicable provisions
of the private and special law governing the sewer district.


This bill requires a sewer district or a sanitary district to
provide an opportunity for the public to comment before the board
of trustees takes a final vote on important matters affecting the
users of the district.

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