LD 1056
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Enforce the Taxation of Building Materials and Modular Homes LD 1056 Title Page
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LR 1573
Item 1

A municipality may not issue an occupancy permit for an
activity requiring a permit under this subchapter until proof
that taxes due under Title 36, Part 3 have been paid for
materials used in the activity requiring the occupancy permit.__
For purposes of this section, "occupancy permit" means a final
inspection or approval or certification by a municipality that
all work required pursuant to an issued permit has been completed
and that the building or structure is ready for occupancy.

Sec. 5. Bureau of Revenue Services duties and responsibilities. The Department
of Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau of Revenue
Services, referred to in this section as the "bureau," shall
enforce the sales and use tax under the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 36, Part 3, referred to in this section as the "tax," on
international sellers in the following ways.

1. Contact officials and organizations. The bureau shall

A. The appropriate Canadian officials and trade
organizations, focusing on retailers, modular home and
engineered frame manufacturers and building materials and
lumber trade organizations, to inform them of the
requirements and penalties of the tax and the State's
intention to vigorously enforce the tax against retailers
entering the State from Canada and to request that this
information be passed to Canadian companies who do business
in the State. The bureau shall offer to collaborate with
the officials and trade organizations in informing Canadian

B. Canadian companies known to do business in the State,
focusing on retailers, modular home and engineered frame
manufacturers and building materials and lumber companies,
to inform the businesses of the requirements of the tax and
the State's intention to vigorously enforce the tax and to
encourage registration and voluntary compliance with the
requirements of the tax. This contact may be made by
letter; and

C. Accounting firms in Canada and New England that audit
Canadian companies, focusing on retailers, modular home and
engineered frame manufacturers and building materials and
lumber companies, to inform the firms of the requirements of
the tax and the State's intention to vigorously enforce the
tax and to request that the firms encourage their clients to
register and voluntarily comply with the requirements of the
tax. As much as possible, a contact made pursuant to this
paragraph should be in person by an auditor who works for
the bureau.

2. Audits. The bureau shall audit Canadian companies,
focusing on retailers, modular home and engineered frame
manufacturers and building materials and lumber companies known
to do business in the State to gauge compliance with the tax, to
encourage the companies to register for and comply with the tax
and to gain names and addresses of customers who are state
residents who may have purchased goods or materials from the
companies without paying the tax. The bureau shall also audit
any list of highway fuel tax registrants for Canadian companies
who are not registered under Title 36, Part 3 and may be entering
the State with retail goods.

3. Spot checks. The bureau shall monitor border crossings
and stop motor vehicles suspected of belonging to Canadian
companies, focusing on potential retailers, modular home and
engineered frame manufacturers and building materials and lumber
companies who may not be registered under Title 36, Part 3 and
may be entering the State with retail goods. The bureau shall
also obtain United States Customs Service quarterly reports to
help identify Canadian companies, focusing on retailers, modular
home and engineered frame manufacturers and building materials
and lumber companies who may not be registered under Title 36,
Part 3 and may be entering the State with retail goods.


This bill strengthens enforcement of the sales and use tax
against Canadian companies doing business in the State by

1. Municipalities and the Maine Land Use Regulation
Commission to require proof of payment of the sales and use tax
before issuing a certificate of occupancy or compliance;

2. The Department of Transportation to post signs at Canadian
border crossings informing travelers entering the State of the
sales and use tax requirements;

3. The Secretary of State to forward a copy of every overland
movement permit issued to the Department Administrative and
Financial Services, Bureau of Revenue Services; and

4. The Bureau of Revenue Services to contact Canadian
officials, trade organizations and accounting firms and companies
informing them of the requirement of the sales and use tax and
encouraging registration and voluntary compliance, to audit
Canadian companies suspected of violating the sales and use tax
requirements and to conduct spot checks at the border for

Canadian companies suspected of violating the sales and use tax

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