LD 1073
pg. 1
LD 1073 Title Page An Act to Provide Compensation to a Person Detained on the Basis of a Warrant I... LD 1073 Title Page
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LR 710
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 15 MRSA §707-A is enacted to read:

§707-A.__Action for compensation for person detained

on the basis of defective warrant

1.__Court action.__A person who is detained on the basis of a
defective or baseless warrant or a warrant issued in error may
bring a civil action for liquidated damages of $50 for every hour
that the person is wrongfully detained against the judicial
department by naming the state court administrator in a civil

2.__Fees and costs.__A successful plaintiff in an action under
subsection 1 is entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs
incurred in connection with that action.


This bill allows a person who is detained on the basis of a
defective or baseless warrant or warrant issued in error to sue
the state court administrator to recover liquidated damages of
$50 for every hour that the person is wrongfully detained. A
successful plaintiff in an action is entitled to reasonable
attorney's fees and costs incurred in connection with that

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