LD 1145
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 Resolve, Authorizing the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services ... LD 1145 Title Page
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LR 859
Item 1

The state property may be sold, in whole or in part, at the
discretion of the commissioner, subject to such permits or
approvals as may be required by law; and be it further

Sec. 4. Property to be sold as is. Resolved: That the commissioner may
negotiate and execute leases and purchase and sale agreements
upon those terms the commissioner considers appropriate; however,
the state property must be sold as is, without any
representations or warranties.

Title must be transferred by quitclaim deed without covenant
and executed by the commissioner; and be it further

Sec. 5. Exemptions. Resolved: That any lease or conveyance pursuant
to this resolve is exempt from any statutory or regulatory
requirement that the property first be offered to the Maine State
Housing Authority or another state or local agency; and be it

Sec. 6. Purchase price. Resolved: That the commissioner shall have the
current market value of the Jacob Abbott House determined by an
independent appraiser. The commissioner may list the property
for sale or lease with private real estate brokers at its
appraised value and negotiate sales or leases, solicit bids, sell
directly to purchasers or enter directly into leases with
tenants. The commissioner may reject any offers.

The commissioner shall establish the rent or purchase price
and the terms of lease or sale.

If the commissioner elects to solicit bids, the commissioner
shall publish notices of sale sufficient to advertise the
property. The commissioner may reject any bids; and be it

Sec. 7. Proceeds. Resolved: That any proceeds from the sale of the
state property must be deposited in the Bureau of General
Services - Capital Construction and Improvements Reserve Fund to
be used for the renovation, construction, expansion, abatement or
demolition of structures at the Stevens School Campus in
Hallowell; and be it further

Sec. 8. Repeal. Resolved: That this resolve is repealed 3 years
from its effective date.


This resolve authorizes the Commissioner of Administrative and
Financial Services to sell or lease the Jacob Abbott House

and transfer the Reed Auditorium in Hallowell with a suitable
amount of land.

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