LD 1147
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act Creating the New Crime of Aggravated Attempted Murder LD 1147 Title Page
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LR 1090
Item 1


This bill repeals the current special sentencing scheme for
the Class A crime of attempted murder and creates a new Class A
crime of aggravated attempted murder, the authorized punishment
for which is imprisonment for life or for any term of years.
Imposition of a life sentence for aggravated attempted murder is
governed by the law applicable to the imposition of a life
sentence for murder under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 17-A,
section 1251. The existence of an aggravating circumstance
allows the court to consider whether to impose a life sentence.
Unlike the punishment authorized for murder, there is no
mandatory minimum term of imprisonment if the court chooses to
impose a definite period of years. Further, unlike murder under
Title 17-A, section 1201, the person guilty of aggravated
attempted murder is eligible for a sentence alternative that
includes a period of probation.

The purpose of this bill is to return sentencing for the crime
of attempted murder to that authorized for Class A crimes
generally and to respond to the fact that the current special
penalty provision for attempted murder allowing for the
imposition of a life sentence "with proper findings" appears to
be unconstitutional in light of Apprendi v. New Jersey, 120 S.
Ct. 2348 (2000)(the aggravating circumstances not being alleged,
submitted to a jury or proved beyond a reasonable doubt) by
creating the new crime of aggravated attempted murder.

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