LD 1152
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Standard Valuation Law for Life Insurance and to Restrict L... LD 1152 Title Page
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LR 744
Item 1

disciplinary proceedings and setting forth procedures
satisfactory to the superintendent for preserving the
confidentiality of the memorandum or other documents,
materials or other information.

M.__Once any portion of a memorandum is cited by the life
insurer in its marketing or is cited by the life insurer
before a governmental agency other than a state insurance
agency or is released by the life insurer to the news media,
all portions of the memorandum become public records.

Sec. 3. 24-A MRSA §2630 is enacted to read:


A group life insurance policy delivered or issued for delivery
in this State may not contain a more restrictive exclusion from
liability for death resulting from suicide than death by suicide,
while sane or insane, within 2 years from the date coverage
commences or within 2 years of an increase in coverage.


This bill amends the Standard Valuation Law for life insurance
by clarifying the confidentiality provisions. It ensures the
ability of the Superintendent of Insurance to maintain the
confidentiality of sensitive regulatory information, while
allowing the sharing of information with other state, federal and
international regulators and law enforcement officials.

This bill also requires group life insurance policies issued
in the State to contain suicide exclusion clauses that are no
more restrictive than clauses allowed under individual life
insurance policies issued in the State. The provision would
allow companies to exclude coverage for death by suicide
occurring within 2 years from the date coverage commences or
within 2 years of an increase in coverage but would prohibit an
indefinite exclusion of coverage for death by suicide.

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