LD 1237
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Page 1 of 2 Resolve, to Provide Resources for Youth who are Homeless or At Risk of Homeless... LD 1237 Title Page
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LR 94
Item 1

youth-driven and that create a nontraditional approach to providing
youth services; and be it further

Sec. 2. Stakeholders' group. Resolved: That the Department of Human
Services and the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation
and Substance Abuse Services shall convene a mid-state Region 2
stakeholders' group to assist in the planning, development,
operation and evaluation of the project. "Stakeholders' group"
means a group composed of governmental agencies, regional
children's cabinets, nonprofit organizations and Legislators and
other governmental officials and education officials and other
organizations and individuals who have an interest in
unaccompanied youths and at-risk youths; and be it further

Sec. 3. Location of project sites. Resolved: That the Department of Human
Services and the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation
and Substance Abuse Services with the assistance of the
stakeholders' group shall select project sites in which to
conduct the project; and be it further

Sec. 4. Purpose. Resolved: That the project shall plan, develop and
deliver services at the project sites that address the issues and
needs of unaccompanied youths and at-risk youths. These services
must be innovative, creative, collaborative and youth-driven and
take a nontraditional approach to providing youth services. The
project shall develop services that:

1. Expand and strengthen traditional approaches that provide
low-barrier access for homeless and runaway youths to basic
services such as meals, clothes, health care and emergency night

2. Provide casework on site where the youths are located to
ensure that the youths have ready access to the full range of
services available that allow them to achieve stability in their

3. Increase housing for youths who are 14 years of age to 17
years of age by providing a low-barrier transitional home that
offers a broad array of services that are needed by the youths;

4. Expand educational programs for homeless youths, with
particular attention to youths in middle school, and increase
educational services that are coupled with vocational training;

5. Develop and implement an evaluation mechanism that ensures
the potential to replicate the project in other sites.

The project shall also review whether the Department of Human
Services and the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation
and Substance Abuse Services should each have a bureau for
adolescents that delivers services to youths who are 14 years of
age to 21 years of age; and be it further

Sec. 5. Evaluation and report. Resolved: That, after review by the
regional children's cabinets and consideration of the
recommendations made by those bodies, the Department of Human
Services shall submit an interim report to the Legislature by
December 31, 2001 detailing the progress that the project has
made. By December 31, 2002, after review by the regional
children's cabinets and the Governor's children's cabinet and
consideration of the recommendations made by those bodies, the
stakeholders' group, with the assistance of the Department of
Human Services and the Department of Mental Health, Mental
Retardation and Substance Abuse Services, shall draft an
evaluation of the activities at each project site, including what
services or approaches have worked or have not worked. The
evaluation must discuss areas in the development and delivery of
youth services that need improvement along with any
recommendations concerning the development or delivery of youth
services by the Department of Human Services and the Department
of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse
Services. The project must collect and maintain information on
the ages of the youth served, including as separate categories
youth under 12 years of age and youth 12 to 14 years of age. The
evaluation must provide information on the situations and needs
of youths in different age groups. The evaluation must describe
the development of a comprehensive community plan for providing
residential, educational, health, career development and social
services to homeless youth. The evaluation must also describe
the measurable outcomes of the project at the site, including the
services provided, the number of youths served and other
statistics that the stakeholders' group determines are
significant. The Department of Human Services shall report the
evaluation and recommendations of the stakeholders' group to the
Legislature by February 1, 2002. Following approval of the
community plan by the Commissioner of Human Services and the
Commissioner of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance
Abuse Services, the Department of Human Services shall proceed to
implement the community plan; and be it further

Sec. 6. Funding. Resolved: That funding for the project must be
spent equally among the project sites; and be it further

Sec. 7. Appropriation. Resolved: That the following funds are
appropriated from the General Fund to carry out the purposes of
this resolve.



Homeless Youth Demonstration


All Other$150,000

Provides funds to operate
project sites that will deliver
services to unaccompanied
youths and at-risk youths.

Homeless Youth Demonstration


Capital Expenditures1,800,000

Provides $900,000 to Region 1
and $900,000 to Region 3 for
capital costs as determined by
the needs of each region.






Homeless Youth Demonstration


All Other$150,000

Provides funds to operate
project sites that will deliver
services to unaccompanied
youths and at-risk youths.







Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this resolve takes effect when approved.


This resolve has 3 separate components. The first component
creates an additional Homeless Youth Demonstration Project,
referred to in this summary as the "project," to operate sites at
which the project will develop and deliver creative, innovative
and collaborative nontraditional services to unaccompanied youths
and at-risk youths. The project is administered jointly by the
Department of Human Services and the Department of Mental Health,
Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services along with a
stakeholders' group composed of interested organizations and
individuals organized by the departments for both sites. The
project is to report back to the Legislature with an evaluation
including measurable outcomes and recommended implementing
legislation by February 1, 2002. This resolve appropriates
$300,000 to fund the project.

The other 2 components are continuations of ongoing,
collaborative work created by the original demonstration projects
in both Region 1 and Region 3. This bill supports efforts being
made in each of those 2 regions to address the ongoing needs of
homeless and at-risk youths.

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