LD 1257
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Change the Membership of the Workers' Compensation Board BY REQUEST ... LD 1257 Title Page
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LR 2178
Item 1

Members of the board hold office for staggered terms a term of 4
years, except for the initial members of the board. The terms of
one member representing management and one member representing
labor expire February 1st of each year. A member may not serve for
more than 2 full terms.

The Governor shall initially designate one member representing
management and one member representing labor for terms expiring
February 1, 1994; one member representing management and one
member representing labor for terms expiring February 1, 1995;
one member representing management and one member representing
labor for terms expiring February 1, 1996; and one member
representing management and one member representing labor for
terms expiring February 1, 1997.

2. Removal. Board members hold office for the terms provided,
unless removed, and until their successors are appointed and
qualified. They must be sworn and may be removed by the Governor
for inefficiency, willful neglect of duty or malfeasance in
office, but only with the review and concurrence of the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
state and local government matters upon hearing in executive
session or by impeachment. Before removing a board member, the
Governor shall notify the President of the Senate and the Speaker
of the House of Representatives of the removal and the reasons
for the removal.

3. Vacancies. If a vacancy occurs during a term of a member,
the Governor shall appoint a replacement to fill the unexpired
part of the term. The replacement must be from the group
represented by the member being replaced. In case the office of
chair becomes vacant, the remaining board member who has served
for the longest period of time shall act as chair until the
Governor makes an appointment to fill the vacancy members shall,
by agreement, select a successor chairperson. In the event that
the 2 remaining members can not agree on the selection within 60
days of the vacancy, the Governor shall appoint the chairperson.

4. Chair. The board shall annually elect one of its members
to serve as chair for a one-year term expiring February 1st each
year. The term as chair of the first member elected to that
position expires February 1, 1994. The chair must alternate
between management and labor members. The chair may vote on all
matters before the board.

5. Voting requirements. The board may take action only by
majority vote of its membership. Decisions regarding the
employment of an executive director and the appointment and

retention of hearing officers require the affirmative votes of at
least 2 board members representing management and at least 2
board members representing labor.

6. Salary; expenses. A board member is entitled to a per
diem of $100 per day. Members of the board receive their actual,
necessary, cash expenses while on official business of the board.

7. Leave of absence. An employer may not terminate the
employment of an employee who is appointed as a member of the
board because of the exercise by the employee of duties required
as a board member. The member is entitled to a leave of absence
from employment for the period of time required to perform the
duties of a board member. During the leave of absence, the
member may not be subjected to loss of time, vacation time, or
benefits of employment, excluding salary.

8. Headquarters; regional offices. The board must have its
central office in the Augusta area and such district offices as
it may choose to establish. The board may hold sessions at any
place within the State.

9. Seal. The board must have a seal bearing the words
"Workers' Compensation Board of Maine."

Sec. 2. Transition provisions. The terms of the members of the
Workers' Compensation Board on the effective date of this Act end
January 14, 2002. The Governor shall appoint 2 members to the
board no later than January 15, 2002.


This bill changes the composition of the Workers' Compensation
Board. It provides for a board with 3 members, one representing
management and one representing labor, appointed by the Governor,
with the chair selected by agreement of the 2 appointed members.

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