LD 1284
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act Related to the Financial Regulation of Health Maintenance Organizations ... LD 1284 Title Page
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LR 742
Item 1

D.__An amount equal to 8% of annual health care
expenditures, except those paid on a capitated basis as
reported on the financial statement covering the health
maintenance organization's immediately preceding fiscal year
as filed with the superintendent; or

Sec. 5. 24-A MRSA §4204-A, sub-§2, ķE is enacted to read:

E.__An amount equal to the company action level risk-based
capital as defined in chapter 79.

Sec. 6. 24-A MRSA §4222-B, sub-§§5 and 6, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 332,
Pt. O, §8, are amended to read:

5. The requirements of section 222, subsections 2 to 9,
subsections 11-A and 11-B and subsections 13 to 18 apply to
domestic health maintenance organizations.

6. The requirements of chapter 57, subchapters I and II apply
to domestic health maintenance organizations.

Sec. 7. 24-A MRSA §4222-B, sub-§§15 and 16 are enacted to read:

15.__The requirements of section 415-A apply to health
maintenance organizations.

16.__The requirements of sections 3483 and 3484 apply to
health maintenance organizations.

Sec. 8. 24-A MRSA §4231, as amended by PL 1995, c. 332, Pt. O, §10,
is further amended to read:

§4231. Insolvency or withdrawal; alternative coverage

1. Continuation of coverage by other carriers. In the event
of an insolvency of a health maintenance organization and if
satisfactory arrangements for the performance of its obligations
have not been made as provided for in section 4214, all other
carriers that made an offer of coverage to any group contract
holder of the insolvent health maintenance organization at the
most recent purchase or renewal of coverage, upon order of the
superintendent, shall offer the enrollees in the group covered by
that contract a 30-day enrollment period that begins on the date
of insolvency.

Each carrier shall offer the group's enrollees the same coverage
and rates that the carrier had offered to those enrollees at the
most recent purchase or renewal of coverage prior to the
insolvency, except that a successor health maintenance

organization may increase the group's rate to the extent
justified by including the new enrollees in a recalculation of
rates using the existing method of rate calculation of the
successor carrier or, if the group was covered under a multiple-
year contract, to the extent justified to take into account
increased health care costs, as approved by the superintendent.

2. Allocation of enrollees. If no other carrier had offered
coverage to a group contract holder in the insolvent health
maintenance organization, or if the superintendent determines
that the other health benefit plan or plans lack sufficient
health care delivery resources to ensure that health care
services will be available and reasonably accessible to all of
that group's enrollees in the insolvent health maintenance
organization, then the superintendent shall allocate equitably
the insolvent health maintenance organization's group contracts
among all health maintenance organizations that operate within a
portion of the insolvent health maintenance organization's
service area, taking into consideration the health care delivery
resources of each health maintenance organization. Each health
maintenance organization to which a group or groups are so
allocated shall offer such group or groups the health maintenance
organization's existing coverage that is most similar to each
group's coverage with the insolvent health maintenance
organization at rates determined in accordance with the successor
health maintenance organization's existing rating methodology.

Sec. 9. 24-A MRSA §4231, sub-§4 is enacted to read:

4.__Allocation upon withdrawal.__If any group contract holder
of a withdrawing health maintenance organization is unable to
obtain replacement coverage subsequent to a withdrawal pursuant
to section 415-A, the superintendent may allocate equitably the
withdrawing health maintenance organization's group contract
holders among all health maintenance organizations that operate
within a portion of the withdrawing health maintenance
organization's service area in accordance with subsection 2.

Sec. 10. 24-A MRSA §4351, sub-§§4 and 5, as enacted by PL 1969, c. 132,
§1, are amended to read:

4. All persons in process of organization, or holding
themselves out as organizing, or proposing to organize in this
State for the purpose of becoming an insurer; and

5. All other persons as to whom such provisions are otherwise
expressly made applicable by law.; and

Sec. 11. 24-A MRSA §4351, sub-§6 is enacted to read:

6.__Health maintenance organizations, which are considered
insurers for the purposes of this subchapter and subchapter II.

Sec. 12. 24-A MRSA §4379, sub-§§1, 3 and 4, as enacted by PL 1969, c.
132, §1, are amended to read:

1. Administration costs. The costs and expenses of
administration, including but not limited to the actual and
necessary costs of preserving or recovering the assets of the
insurer; compensation for all services rendered in the
liquidation; any necessary filing fees; the fees and mileage
payable to witnesses; and reasonable attorney's fees. Any
provider or member claims for covered services under a health
maintenance organization contract, including a point-of-service
contract, incurred between the date a petition of liquidation is
filed and the date coverage terminates may be treated as
administration costs under this subsection.

3. Loss claims. All claims under policies for losses
incurred, including third party claims, and all claims against
the insurer for liability for bodily injury or for injury to or
destruction of tangible property which that are not under
policies, except the first $200 of losses otherwise payable to
any claimant under this subsection. All claims under life
insurance policies and annuity contracts, whether for death
proceeds, annuity proceeds or investment values, shall must be
treated as loss claims. Claims shall may not be cumulated by
assignment to avoid application of the $200 deductible provision.
That portion of any loss for which indemnification is provided by
other benefits or advantages recovered or recoverable by the
claimant shall may not be included in this class, other than
benefits or advantages recovered or recoverable in discharge of
familial obligations of support or by way of succession at death
or as proceeds of life insurance, or as gratuities. No payment
made by an employer to his an employee shall may be treated as a
gratuity. Any provider or member claims for covered services
under a health maintenance organization contract, including a
point-of-service contract, not paid under subsection 1 are
included in this class.

4. Unearned premiums and small loss claims. Claims under
nonassessable policies for unearned premiums or other premium
refunds and the first $200 or loss excepted by the deductible
provision in subsection 3, except that, if the receiver fails to
prorate a premium due to the insurer based on a termination of
coverage under this chapter, any resulting unearned premium must
be paid to the insured under subsection 1 as an expense of the


This bill makes several changes to the laws concerning the
financial regulation of health maintenance organizations.
Specifically, the bill does the following.

1. It clarifies that health maintenance organizations, or
HMOs, are subject to the same provisions as authorized insurers
regarding the voluntary termination of certificate of authority.
The requirements of the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 24-A,
section 415-A are made expressly applicable to HMOs with respect
to a voluntary partial or total withdrawal from the market. The
Superintendent of Insurance is permitted to require a withdrawing
HMO to maintain its deposit after the HMO has withdrawn.
Currently, it is unclear what processes and requirements would be
applicable to an HMO that wishes to voluntarily surrender, or
seek modification of, its certificate of authority. The
requirements of section 415-A provide guidance as to what is
required for these actions and clarify that any such proposal
must be carried out pursuant to a plan approved by the

2. It prohibits any provider who has rendered a covered
service for an enrollee or subscriber of an insolvent HMO from
billing the enrollees or subscribers for these services after a
petition for liquidation has been filed. In this circumstance,
the providers have to seek payment from the HMO or the receiver
of the HMO. Claims for covered services incurred between the
time a petition for liquidation is filed and the time coverage
terminates may be paid by the receiver as costs of administration
in a liquidation. It also clarifies that other provider claims
for covered services fall within the same priority class as
policyholder claims. In addition, if a receiver is unable to
prorate a premium when coverage ceases under a liquidation, the
receiver must return such an unearned premium to members or
subscribers as a cost of administration.

3. It clarifies the appropriate calculation when determining
the amount of required minimum surplus as a percentage of health
care expenditures and the interrelationship of Title 24-A,
chapter 79 and section 4204-A.

4. It clarifies that dividends payable by HMOs, for example,
to a parent organization, are subject to the same standards and
approval requirements as dividends paid by insurance companies.

5. It makes the receivership laws apply to all authorized
HMOs, foreign and domestic.

6. It makes the requirements of the laws concerning bulk
insurance and voluntary dissolution expressly applicable to HMOs.

7. It provides that in the continuation of coverage
provisions after an HMO insolvency, the superintendent is
permitted to take into account increased health care costs in
considering replacement rates for multiple-year contracts. The
superintendent is also permitted to equitably allocate groups of
a withdrawing HMO to other HMOs operating in at least a portion
of the same service area.

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