LD 1302
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LR 2097
Item 1

billing form must be deposited into a dedicated fund established to
increase access to health care.

Sec. A-5. Commission to Study the Challenges of Community Nonprofit Hospitals

1. Commission established. The Commission to Study the
Challenges of Community Nonprofit Hospitals, referred to in this
section as the "commission," is established for the following

A. To study the roles of community nonprofit hospitals in
the 21st century, including their relationships with other
health care providers and their communities. The study must
include options for new community roles, including dental
care and flexibility in the use of hospital beds and

B. To study funding mechanisms and levels, methods of
reimbursement, the role of insurance and 3rd-party payors
and the effect of unreimbursed care;

C. To study facility and equipment needs, financing options
and capital needs for the future;

D. To explore public policy regarding community nonprofit
hospitals and incentives and barriers to change. Public
policy questions to be considered must include access to
health care for consumers and the challenges of making
transitions to new community roles;

E. To make recommendations regarding public policy
initiatives to better define the roles of the community
nonprofit hospitals and to strengthen the hospitals and
equip them to serve the residents of the State through the
21st century; and

F. To study areas in which the hospitals may be able to
collaborate with other health care providers, particularly
rural and community health clinics, to improve the delivery
of health care and reduce duplication of effort among

2. Membership. The commission consists of 13 members, each
of whom must possess a strong interest or expertise in community
nonprofit hospitals.

A. The President of the Senate shall appoint:

(1) Three members of the Senate, at least one from
each of the 2 major political parties; and

(2) One person representing community nonprofit
hospitals, one person representing statewide
organizations of consumers of health care services and
one person representing insurers or other 3rd-party
payors of health care services.

B. The Speaker of the House of Representatives shall

(1) Three members of the House, at least one of whom
must represent the minority party; and

(2) One person representing community nonprofit
hospitals, one person representing statewide
organizations of consumers of health care services and
one person representing insurers or other 3rd-party
payors of health care services.

C. The Commissioner of Human Services or a representative
of the commissioner is a member of the commission.

When making the appointments, the President of the Senate and the
Speaker of the House shall give preference to members from the
Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services.

3. Appointments; chairs; convening of commission. All
appointments must be made no later than 30 days following the
effective date of this section. The appointing authorities shall
notify the Executive Director of the Legislative Council once all
appointments have been made. The first named Senate member is
the Senate chair and the first named House of Representatives
member is the House chair. The first meeting must be called by
the chairs no later than September 30, 2001.

4. Duties. The commission shall consider the challenges of
community nonprofit hospitals and must be guided by the purposes
outlined in subsection 1. The commission may:

A. Hold public hearings to collect information from
individuals, hospitals, health care providers, insurers,
3rd-party payors, government-sponsored health care programs
and interested organizations;

B. Consult with experts in the fields of health care and
hospitals and public policy; and

C. Examine any other issues to further the purposes of the

5. Staff assistance. Upon approval of the Legislative
Council, the Office of Policy and Legal Analysis shall provide
necessary staffing services to the commission.

6. Compensation. Members of the commission are entitled to
receive the legislative per diem as defined in the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 3, section 2 and reimbursement for travel and
other necessary expenses for attendance at authorized meetings of
the commission.

7. Report. The commission shall submit a report and any
necessary implementing legislation to the Second Regular Session
of the 120th Legislature no later than November 15, 2001. If
the commission requires an extension of time to make its report,
it may apply to the Legislative Council, which may grant the

8. Commission budget. The chairs of the commission, with
assistance from the commission staff, shall administer the
commission budget. Within 10 days after its first meeting, the
commission shall present a work plan and proposed budget to the
Legislative Council for its approval. The commission may not
incur expenses that would result in the commission's exceeding
its approved budget. Upon request from the commission, the
Executive Director of the Legislative Council or the executive
director's designee shall provide the commission chairs and staff
with a status report on the commission budget, expenditures
incurred and paid and available funds.


Sec. B-1. 22 MRSA §1, first ¶, as amended by PL 1983, c. 409, §1, is
further amended to read:

The Department of Health and Human Services, as established
and in this Title called the "department" shall consist consists
of such bureaus and divisions as may be required to carry out the
work of the department. The department shall must have an
official department seal, which shall must be judicially noticed.

Sec. B-2. 22 MRSA §1, 2nd ¶, as amended by PL 1993, c. 685, Pt. B,
§2, is further amended to read:

The department is under the control and supervision of the
Commissioner of Health and Human Services, referred to in this
Title as the "commissioner," who is appointed by the Governor,

subject to review by the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over health and human resources
services matters and to confirmation by the Legislature, and
serves at the pleasure of the Governor.

Sec. B-3. 22 MRSA §1, 3rd ¶, as amended by PL 1995, c. 560, Pt. J,
§2, is further amended to read:

The commissioner may employ any bureau and division heads,
deputies, assistants and employees who may be necessary to carry
out the work of the department. All personnel of the department
are under the immediate supervision, direction and control of the
commissioner. These personnel are employed subject to the Civil
Service Law, except the Deputy Commissioner; Director, Bureau of
Child and Family Services; Director, Bureau of Elder and Adult
Services; Director, Bureau of Health; Director, Bureau of Family
Independence; Director, Bureau of Health and Medical Services;
Assistant Deputy Commissioners; and 3 Regional Executive

Sec. B-4. Interpretation. Until such time as the Legislature enacts
legislation to fully implement the change in name of the
Department of Human Services to "Department of Health and Human
Services," until such time as the department amends its rules and
any plans and program information on file with the Federal
Government and until such time as the department amends or alters
contracts and written obligations of the department, the words
"Department of Human Services" as they may appear in the Maine
Revised Statutes, in rules, plans and program information and in
contracts and written obligations of the department are deemed to
mean the Department of Health and Human Services, except for
references that clearly refer to the former Department of Human

Sec. B-5. MaineCare program. Effective January 1, 2002, the name of
the Medicaid program and the name of the Cub Care program in this
State are changed to "MaineCare program." Pending the effective
date and final changes to law, rule, plan and contract, the
Department of Human Services may use the name "MaineCare program"
in reference to the Medicaid program and the Cub Care program.

Sec. B-6. Interpretation. Until such time as the Legislature enacts
legislation to fully implement the change in name of the Medicaid
program to "MaineCare program" and the change in name of the
CubCare program to "MaineCare program," until such time as the
department amends its rules and any plans and program information
on file with the Federal Government and until such time as the
department amends or alters contracts and written obligations of
the department, the words "Medicaid" and "Cub Care" as they may
appear in the Maine Revised Statutes, in

rules, plans and program information and in contracts and written
obligations of the department are deemed to mean the MaineCare
program, except for references that clearly refer to the former
Medicaid and Cub Care programs.

Sec. B-7. Review and report. The Revisor of Statutes shall review
amendments to the Maine Revised Statutes that are required to
fully implement the change in name of the Department of Human
Services to "Department of Health and Human Services," the change
in name of the Medicaid program to "MaineCare program" and the
change in name of the Cub Care program to "MaineCare program."
By January 10, 2002, the Revisor of Statutes shall report to the
Second Regular Session of the 120th Legislature the legislation
that is needed to bring the laws into conformity with the new
name of the department. The Joint Standing Committee on Health
and Human Services may report out a bill to the Second Regular
Session of the 120th Legislature to implement the recommendations
of the Revisor of Statutes.


Sec. C-1. 22 MRSA §1718 is enacted to read:

§1718.__Electronic filing of claims

By July 1, 2002, a person, facility or other entity licensed
to provide health care services to persons in this State shall
develop the ability to file claims for services by electronic
means.__By July 1, 2003, each person, facility or entity shall
file at least 50% of all health care service claims by electronic

Sec. C-2. 24 MRSA §2332-E, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 477, Pt. D, §5
and affected by Pt. F, §1, is amended to read:

§2332-E. Standardized claim forms

On or after December 1, 1993, all All nonprofit hospital or
medical service organizations and nonprofit health care plans
providing payment or reimbursement for diagnosis or treatment of
a condition or a complaint by a licensed physician or,
chiropractor must or other person, facility or entity licensed to
provide health care services to persons in this State shall
accept the current standardized claim form approved by the
Federal Government Maine Health Data Organization pursuant to
Title 22, section 8704, subsection 12 and shall accept claims
filed by electronic means. On or after December 1, 1993, all
nonprofit hospital or medical service organizations and nonprofit
health care plans providing payment or reimbursement for

diagnosis or treatment of a condition or a complaint by a
licensed hospital must accept the current standardized claim form
approved by the Federal Government.

Sec. C-3. 24-A MRSA §2753, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 477, Pt. D,
§10 and affected by Pt. F, §1, is amended to read:

§2753. Standardized claim forms

On or after December 1, 1993, insurers providing individual
medical expense insurance on an expense-incurred basis Insurers
providing payment or reimbursement for diagnosis or treatment of
a condition or a complaint by a licensed physician or,
chiropractor must or other person, facility or entity licensed to
provide health care services to persons in this State shall
accept the current standardized claim form approved by the
Federal Government Maine Health Data Organization pursuant to
Title 22, section 8704, subsection 12 and shall accept claims
filed by electronic means. On or after December 1, 1993, all
insurers providing individual medical expense insurance on an
expense-incurred basis providing payment or reimbursement for
diagnosis or treatment of a condition or a complaint by a
licensed hospital must accept the current standardized claim form
approved by the Federal Government.

Sec. C-4. 24-A MRSA §2823-B, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 477, Pt. D,
§11 and affected by Pt. F, §1, is amended to read:

§2823-B. Standardized claim forms

On or after December 1, 1993, all All insurers providing group
medical expense insurance on an expense-incurred basis providing
payment or reimbursement for diagnosis or treatment of a
condition or a complaint by a licensed physician or, chiropractor
must or other person, facility or entity licensed to provide
health care services to persons in this State shall accept the
current standardized claim form approved by the Federal
Government Maine Health Data Organization pursuant to Title 22,
section 8704, subsection 12 and shall accept claims filed by
electronic means. On or after December 1, 1993, all insurers
providing group medical expense insurance on an expense-incurred
basis providing payment or reimbursement for diagnosis or
treatment of a condition or a complaint by a licensed hospital
must accept the current standardized claim form approved by the
Federal Government.

Sec. C-5. 24-A MRSA §4235, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 477, Pt. D,
§12 and affected by Pt. F, §1, is amended to read:

§4235. Standardized claim forms

On or after December 1, 1993, all All health maintenance
organizations providing payment or reimbursement for diagnosis or
treatment of a condition or a complaint by a licensed physician
or, chiropractor must or other person, facility or entity
licensed to provide health care services to persons in this State
shall accept the current standardized claim form approved by the
Federal Government Maine Health Data Organization pursuant to
Title 22, section 8704, subsection 12 and shall accept claims
filed by electronic means. On or after December 1, 1993, all
health maintenance organizations providing payment or
reimbursement for diagnosis or treatment of a condition or a
complaint by a licensed hospital must accept the current
standardized claim form approved by the Federal Government.

Sec. C-6. Technical assistance. From October 1, 2001, to September 1,
2002, all health insurance carriers, nonprofit hospital and
medical service organizations and health maintenance
organizations licensed to provide health coverage to persons in
this State shall provide, without charge, technical assistance
regarding the filing of claims by electronic means to persons,
facilities and entities licensed to provide health care services
in this State. The Department of Professional and Financial
Regulation, Bureau of Insurance may adopt rules necessary to
implement this section. Rules adopted pursuant to this section
are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter II-A. This section takes effect October 1, 2001.

Sec. C-7. Effective date. Except as otherwise provided, this Part
takes effect July 1, 2002, and that section of this Part that
enacts Title 22, section 1718 takes effect October 1, 2001.


Sec. D-1. 32 MRSA §1099-A is enacted to read:

§1099-A.__Dental hygiene in public health setting

Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter, a dental
hygienist may practice dental hygiene in a public health setting
under the general supervision of a dentist.__The dentist shall
provide supervision by review of patient records and consultation
in person or by other means of communication.__For the purposes
of this section, "public health setting" means a public or
private school, hospital, clinic, community or rural health
clinic, nursing facility or other institution or health care
facility or nontraditional practice setting.__The dentist
providing general supervision must have specific standing orders

or policy guidelines for procedures that are to be carried out.__
The__dentist need not be present when the procedures are being
performed.__A written plan for referral or an agreement for
follow-up must be provided by the dental hygienist, recording all
conditions that should be brought to the attention of the
dentist.__A summary report once a year must be reviewed by the
supervising dentist.


This bill contains a number of provisions to enhance access to
health care and update the laws covering the Department of Human
Services and the Maine Health Data Organization. The bill also
does the following.

1. It requires the Maine Health Data Organization to make its
data available to the Department of Human Services for
comprehensive health planning.

2. It requires the Maine Health Data Organization to adopt
rules for the use of a uniform billing form to be effective July
1, 2002.

3. It requires any savings realized as a result of using the
uniform billing form by the Department of Corrections, the
Department of Education, the Department of Human Services and the
Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance
Abuse Services to be deposited in a dedicated fund established to
increase access to health care.

4. It establishes the Commission to Study the Challenges of
Community Nonprofit Hospitals to study and make recommendations
on the roles of community nonprofit hospitals through the 21st

5. It changes the name of the Department of Human Services to
"Department of Health and Human Services" and changes the name of
the Bureau of Medical Services to "Bureau of Health and Medical
Services." The bill contains transition language pending full
amendment to state laws, federal plans and program information
and departmental contracts and written obligations.

6. It changes the names of the Medicaid and Cub Care programs
to "MaineCare program" effective January 1, 2002. The bill
contains transition language pending full amendment to state

laws, federal plans and program information and departmental
contracts and written obligations.

7. It requires providers of health care services to develop
the ability to file claims electronically for their services by
July 1, 2002 and requires 50% of all claims to be filed
electronically by July 1, 2003. It requires insurance carriers,
nonprofit hospital and medical service organizations and health
maintenance organizations to accept claims filed electronically
and requires those entities to provide technical assistance to
providers regarding electronic claims filing from October 1, 2001
to September 1, 2002.

8. It allows dental hygienists to practice dental hygiene
under the general supervision of a dentist in public health
settings. "Public health setting" is defined as a public or
private school, hospital, clinic, nursing facility or other
institution or health care facility or nontraditional practice

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