LD 1304
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Create the Maine Health Data Processing Center LD 1304 Title Page
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LR 560
Item 1

A.__Collect and process data from 3rd-party payors, 3rd-
party administrators and governmental agencies;

B.__Establish a comprehensive statewide health care claims
database in which all data are treated as confidential;

C.__Provide the Maine Health Data Organization with a
complete all payor and all-setting health care claims
database for public use; and

D.__Promote high-quality and accurate data to support easy
and flexible access to the health care database by multiple

For purposes of determining which data is confidential, all data
collected and processed by the Maine Health Data Processing
Center is determined to be Maine Health Data Organization data
and subject to Title 22, section 8707 and rules adopted under
that section.

§683.__Board of directors; officers

The Board of Directors of the Maine Health Data Processing
Center, referred to in this chapter as the "board of directors,"
consists of a minimum of 8 directors elected to serve in that
capacity in accordance with this section.__The Maine Health Data
Organization board of directors shall elect 1/2 of the directors
from among its members, and the Maine Health Information Center
board of directors shall elect 1/2 of the directors from among
its members.__The director of the Maine Health Data Organization
and the president of the Maine Health Information Center are also
ex officio members of the board of directors.__A person may not
serve as a director for more than 5 years in succession.__The
board of directors shall elect a chair and a vice-chair.

§684.__General powers

The Maine Health Data Processing Center may:

1.__Application for and receipt of funds.__Apply for and
receive funds from any private source or governmental entity,
whether by way of grant, donation or loan or in any other manner;

2.__Real and personal property.__Purchase, receive, hold,
lease or acquire by foreclosure and operate, manage, license and
sell, convey, transfer, grant or lease real and personal property
together with such rights and privileges as may be incidental and
appurtenant to the real and personal property and the use of the
real and personal property, including, but not limited to, any
real or personal property acquired by the Maine Health Data

Processing Center from time to time in the satisfaction of debts
or enforcement of obligations;

3.__Expenditures and obligations regarding real and personal
property.__Make all expenditures and incur any obligations
reasonably required in the exercise of sound business principles
to secure possession of, preserve, maintain, insure and improve
real and personal property or interests in the real and personal
property acquired by the Maine Health Data Processing Center;

4.__Contracts and liabilities. Make contracts, including
contracts for services, and incur liabilities for any of the
purposes authorized in the contracts;

5.__Cooperation with agencies and organizations.__Cooperate
with and avail itself of the services of government agencies and
the University of Maine System and cooperate, assist and
otherwise encourage organizations, local or regional, private or
public, in the various communities of the State in the collection
and processing of health care data; and

6.__Bylaws.__Adopt bylaws not inconsistent with this chapter
for the governance of the affairs of the Maine Health Data
Processing Center, to have the general powers accorded
corporations under Title 13-A, section 202 and to do all other
things necessary or convenient to carry out the lawful purposes
of the center.

§685.__Limitation of powers

The center does not have power or authority to enter into
contracts, obligations or commitments of any kind on behalf of
the State or any of its agencies, nor does it have the power of
eminent domain or any other power not provided to business
corporations generally.

§686.__Prohibited interests of officers, directors and employees

An officer, director or employee of the Maine Health Data
Processing Center or the spouse or dependent children of such a
person may not receive any direct personal benefit from the
activities of the center in assisting any private entity.__This
provision does not prohibit corporations or other entities with
which an officer or director is associated by reason of ownership
or employment from participating in health care data collection
or processing activities with the center as long as the ownership
or employment is made known to the board of directors and that
director abstains from voting on matters relating to that


The State, through the Governor, may accept donations,
bequests, devises, grants or other interests of any nature on
behalf of the Maine Health Data Processing Center and transfer
funds, property or other interests to the center.__The Maine
Health Data Organization may also provide legislatively
authorized funds to the center for the purposes described in
section 681.

§688.__Annual report; audit

The Maine Health Data Processing Center shall provide an
annual report and an independent audit of its activities to the
Governor, the Legislature, the Maine Health Data Organization
board of directors and the Maine Health Information Center board
of directors by January 1st of each year.__The center is subject
to such further audit and review determined necessary by the
Governor or the Legislative Council at the expense of the State.

§689.__General conditions; dissolution

The Maine Health Data Processing Center shall operate as a
not-for-profit organization consistent with its composition and
broad public purposes. The following conditions shall apply to
the operation or dissolution of the center.

1.__Net earnings of the center.__The net earnings of the Maine
Health Data Processing Center may not inure to the benefit of any
officer, director or employee, except that the center is
authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for
services rendered and otherwise hold, manage and dispose of its
property in furtherance of the purposes of the center.

2.__Dissolution of center.__Upon dissolution of the Maine
Health Data Processing Center, the board of directors shall,
after paying or making provision for the payment of all
liabilities of the center, cause all of the remaining assets of
the center to be transferred to the Maine Health Data
Organization and the Maine Health Information Center in shares
proportionate to the total revenue transferred to the center by
each entity.

§690.__Liberal construction

This chapter must be construed liberally to effect the
interest and purposes of the Maine Health Data Processing Center
for an improved health care data collection and processing effort
in the State and is broadly interpreted to effect such intent and
purposes and not a limitation of powers.

Sec. 2. Allocation. The following funds are allocated from Other
Special Revenue funds to carry out the purposes of this Act.




Maine Health Data Organization

Positions - Legislative Count (3.000) (3.000)

Personal Services$175,796$181,109

All Other242,323286,000

Allocates funds for 2
Programmer Analysts and one
Planning and Research Associate
II to increase access to and
improve the utility of health
care information and to provide
funds for the establishment of
the Maine Health Data
Processing Center.




This bill establishes the Maine Health Data Processing Center,
a nonprofit organization to collect and process health care
claims data in Maine. The center is created as a public/private
partnership that can capitalize on the interests, resources and
efforts of each sector. The center shall carry out its
responsibilities with direction from the Maine Health Data
Organization and the Maine Health Information Center, a private
nonprofit health care data organization.

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