LD 1306
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Item 1

12.__Technical assistance and statewide standards for
reintegration planning.__In consultation with juvenile
correctional officials, juvenile community corrections officers,
organizations representing school boards, school administrators,
teachers and parents and other interested local officials and
community members, the commissioner shall develop a program of
technical assistance and establish statewide standards for
reintegration planning and transition services for juvenile
offenders who are discharged from juvenile correctional
facilities in the State, who have been enrolled in educational
programs or schools for juveniles located in or operated by
correctional facilities and who are transferring to schools
located within local school administrative units in the State.__
The technical assistance and standards must include, but may not
be limited to:

A.__Timely presentation of student educational records
pursuant to section 6001-B and other appropriate
information, including confidential criminal justice
information regarding juveniles pursuant to section 1055,
subsections 11 and 12;

B.__The level and scope of technical assistance to be
provided by the department to local school officials and the
level and scope of training that local school administrative
units must provide to school personnel who may have access
to confidential criminal justice information regarding
juveniles pursuant to section 1055, subsections 11 and 12;

C.__Annual reporting to the department by superintendents of
the number of juvenile offenders who are released or
i.discharged from juvenile correctional facilities in the
State and who enroll in schools located within their local
school administrative units.__The department shall provide
forms for reporting.

Sec. 3. 20-A MRSA §1055, sub-§12 is enacted to read:

12.__Reintegration teams.__Within 10 days after receiving
information from a criminal justice agency official pursuant to
Title 15, section 3308, subsection 7-A, the superintendent shall
convene a reintegration team.__The reintegration team must
consist of the administrator of the school or the administrator's
designee, at least one classroom teacher to whom the student will
be assigned or who is involved in the school's student assistance
team, a parent, guardian or custodian of the student and a
guidance counselor.__The reintegration team is entitled to
receive the information described in Title 15, section 3308,
subsection 7-A, paragraphs A to F and any other information

permitted by the written consent of the student's parent,
guardian or custodian.__The reintegration team shall also
determine on the basis of need which school employees may receive
that information.

Confidentiality of the criminal justice information regarding
juveniles must be ensured at all times, and the information may
be released only under the conditions of this subsection.__The
superintendent shall ensure that confidentiality training is
provided to all school employees who have access to the

Sec. 4. 20-A MRSA §2902, sub-§8, as amended by PL 1999, c. 669, §3, is
further amended to read:

8. Release of student records. Upon the request of a school
unit, release copies of all student records for students
transferring from the private school to the school unit; and

Sec. 5. 20-A MRSA §2902, sub-§9, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 669, §4, is
amended to read:

9. Medication. Meet the requirements for administering
medication under section 254, subsection 5.; and

Sec. 6. 20-A MRSA §2902, sub-§10 is enacted to read:

10.__Reintegration planning.__Meet the requirements for
administering reintegration planning under section 254,
subsection 12.

Sec. 7. 20-A MRSA §4502, sub-§5, ¶M, as amended by PL 1999, c. 669,
§6, is further amended to read:

M. The use of time-out areas, administered in accordance
with standards adopted by the department and with this
paragraph. The use of a time-out area is subject to the

(1) The time-out area must be well ventilated and
sufficiently lighted. The time-out area may not be
locked; and

(2) The time-out area must be designed to ensure the
safety of the student so that the student is supervised
by a professional staff member in the room or can be
observed from outside of the time-out area and can be
heard by a person supervising the time-out area; and

Sec. 8. 20-A MRSA §4502, sub-§5, ¶N, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 669, §7,
is amended to read:

N. Preparation of a written local policy and implementation
of training for all unlicensed personnel who administer
medication in accordance with the requirements under section
254, subsection 5.;and

Sec. 9. 20-A MRSA §4502, sub-§5, ¶O is enacted to read:

O.__Preparation of a written local policy and implementation
of training for all guidance counselors and school personnel
who administer reintegration planning pursuant to section
254, subsection 12, who participate in a reintegration team
and who have access to confidential criminal justice
information regarding juveniles pursuant to section 1055,
subsection 12.

Sec. 10. 20-A MRSA §4502, sub-§7, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 770, §2,
is amended to read:

7. Juvenile corrections facilities. An educational program
or school for juveniles located in or operated by a correctional
facility must be reviewed for approval by the department on an
annual basis, with special attention paid to alternative
educational programming and discharge planning and related
transition services provided to juveniles who are released from
juvenile correctional facilities and transferred to public
schools in the State. The department shall report to the joint
standing committees of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
appropriations, criminal justice and education matters on the
results of the review by January 15th of each year.

Sec. 11. 20-A MRSA §5151, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 774, §5, is
amended to read:

§5151. Technical assistance for truants, dropout prevention and

reintegration and alternative education

The commissioner shall provide technical assistance regarding
truancy, dropouts and reintegration and alternative educational
programs. To do this, the commissioner shall employ at least one
consultant whose sole responsibility is to cover the area of
truancy, dropouts and alternative education.

1. Qualifications. Any consultant must be knowledgeable in
the problems of truancy and dropouts and reintegration and
policies and programs pertaining to the problem problems and have
this as his the consultant's sole responsibility.

2. Duties. The consultant shall:

A. Provide technical assistance to school administrative
units and private schools approved for tuition purposes to
establish alternative programs;

B. Develop screening tools for early identification of
potential dropouts;

C. Act as a clearinghouse for information on alternative
education programs in the State, on exemplary programs in
other states and on research pertaining to the subject, and
promote effective programs;

D. Function as a liasion liaison among the commissioner,
department staff, advisory committee and school
administrative units and private schools as it pertains to
truants, dropouts and reintegration, alternative education
and adult education;

E. Develop model curricula and programs for alternative
educational schools and programs;

F. Assess and provide for the evaluation of alternative
educational programs consistent with the standards
established by the commissioner;

G. Develop training programs for superintendents,
principals and school attendance officers to improve
effectiveness in performance of their duties as pertains to
truants, dropouts and reintegration and alternative

H. Develop and submit a plan on behalf of the commissioner
for the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over education and the state board on the
prevalence of truancy and dropouts, assess alternative and
adult educational programs and prepare positive strategies
to prevent and remedy the problems identified, including
reintegration planning for juvenile offenders who have been
released from juvenile facilities and are enrolling in
schools in the State;

I. Have the responsibility for preventive and alternative

J. Collect data on the scope of the dropout and truancy
problem in the State;

K. Evaluate the scope of the problem of dropouts and
truants and programs and policies directed to meet it,
including reintegration planning and aftercare services
provided for juvenile offenders who have been released from
juvenile facilities and have enrolled in schools in the

L. Provide staff services to the advisory committee; and

M. Plan and coordinate programs and grant writing to
stimulate programs and research on the problem of dropouts,
truants, alternative education and adult education.

Sec. 12. 20-A MRSA §5152, sub-§2, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 774, §5,
is amended to read:

2. Duties of the advisory committee, as appointed by the
commissioner. The advisory committee shall advise the
commissioner on the development and implementation of state and
local policies and programs that are needed to deal effectively
with the incidence of truancy and dropouts in state schools.
They should consider their mandate in a broad context to assess
the causes of truancy and dropouts, the effectiveness of
alternative and prevention programs and the social and
educational programs or changes needed to encourage students to
remain in school, including reintegration planning and aftercare
services provided for juvenile offenders who have been released
from juvenile facilities in the State and have enrolled in
schools in the State.

Sec. 13. 20-A MRSA §6001-B, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 351, §3, is
amended to read:

§6001-B. Transfer of education records

1. Education records must follow students who transfer.
Education records must follow students who transfer to a school
in another school administrative unit in the State. The
education records of students who transfer from educational
programs or schools for juveniles located in or operated by
correctional facilities or out-of-state schools are also subject
to this requirement.

2. Transfer of records. Upon application of a student to
transfer to another school administrative unit in this State or
to enroll at a school administrative unit in this State from an
educational program or school for juveniles located in or
operated by a correctional facility or a school outside of the
State, and upon the written request of the superintendent of the
school administrative unit into which the student seeks

admission, school administrators at the school administrative
unit from which the student is transferring shall provide all of
the student's education records, including special education
records, to school administrators at the school administrative
unit to which the student is seeking a transfer.

3. Determination of disciplinary status of student applying
for transfer; discretion of school to accept student. At the
request of the superintendent of the school administrative unit
into which a student seeks admission, the student's current or
former school administrators shall provide, in a timely fashion,
an oral or written report to the receiving school administrative
unit indicating whether the student has been expelled or
suspended or is the subject of an expulsion or suspension
proceeding. In the case of a student who has been expelled or
suspended or is the subject of an expulsion or suspension
proceeding, the receiving school administrative unit may deny
admission or participation in public school programs, facilities
or activities as part of an equivalent instruction program
pursuant to section 5021 until the school administrative unit is
satisfied that the conditions of the expulsion or suspension have
been met.

3-A.__Determination of status of juvenile applying for
transfer; discretion of school to accept juvenile.__At the
request of the superintendent of the school administrative unit
into which a student seeks admission, a criminal justice agency
official shall provide, in a timely fashion, an oral or written
report to the superintendent of the school or the
superintendent's designee indicating whether the student is
seeking to transfer from an educational program or school for
juveniles located in or operated by a correctional facility and
whether or not the student is in compliance with an informal
adjustment alternative program or conditions of probation
pursuant to Title 15, section 3308, subsection 7-A as determined
by a juvenile community corrections officer or ordered by the
court.__In the case of a student who is not in compliance with an
informal adjustment alternative program or conditional probation
or is the subject of an adjudication proceeding, the receiving
school administrative unit may deny admission or participation in
public school programs, facilities or activities as part of an
equivalent instruction program pursuant to section 5021 until the
school administrative unit is satisfied that the conditions of
the informal adjustment alternative program, conditional
probation or adjudication proceeding have been met.

4. Notice to parents and guardians. Prior to the start of
the 2000-01 school year and each school year thereafter, a school
administrative unit shall send a written notice to parents or
guardians of every student enrolled in the school administrative

unit that education records must be sent to a school
administrative unit to which a student applies for transfer.
Beginning with the 2001-2002 school year, an educational program
or school for juveniles located in or operated by a correctional
facility shall send a written notice to parents, guardians and
custodians of every student enrolled in that educational program
or school for juveniles located in or operated by the
correctional facility that education records must be sent to a
school administrative unit to which a student applies for
transfer. The notice provided to parents and, guardians and
custodians must comply with the standards of the federal Family
Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, Public Law 93-380, as
amended by Public Law 93-568.

Sec. 14. Department of Corrections, Department of Education and Department of
Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services progress report. The
Commissioner of Corrections, the Commissioner of Education and
the Commissioner of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and
Substance Abuse Services and the chair of the policy review
council established under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 34-A,
section 3002-A or their designees shall present an annual report
to the Council on Children and Families established in Title 5,
chapter 438 and the Children's Cabinet established in Title 5,
chapter 439 on or before December 15th of each year, with the
first report presented on or before December 15, 2001. State
officials from each of these agencies shall jointly provide a
report on:

1. The implementation of the Learning for Life program
described under Appendix D of "The Report of the Task Force on
Educational Programming at Juvenile Correctional Facilities,"
including the memorandum of understanding regarding the
integrated delivery of educational programs and behavioral
health, mental health and substance abuse services that are to be
provided to juveniles who receive educational services through
educational programs or schools for juveniles located in or
operated by correctional facilities in the State; and

2. The progress of implementing interagency initiatives
designed to improve the effectiveness of release and discharge
planning, transition services, aftercare services and
reintegration planning provided to youths discharged from
juvenile correctional facilities.


This bill implements the recommendations of the task force on
educational programming at juvenile correctional facilities and
accomplishes the following:

1. Provides that criminal justice agency officials must
provide notice to the superintendent of the school to which a
juvenile who has been charged in a juvenile petition that alleged
the use or threatened use of physical force against a person or
who was adjudicated as having committed one or more juvenile
crimes seeks admission of the availability of information
concerning that juvenile;

2. Provides that, upon request of a superintendent of the
school in which a juvenile seeks admission, a juvenile community
corrections officer must provide the superintendent with certain
information related to the current status of a juvenile's
compliance with any informal adjustment alternative program,
supervised work or service program, restitution program, juvenile
drug treatment court program or conditions of probation as
determined by a juvenile community corrections officer or ordered
by the court;

3. Requires the Commissioner of Education to establish
standards and to provide technical assistance regarding
reintegration teams for juveniles released or discharged from
juvenile corrections facilities and seeking admission into
schools in the State;

4. Requires school superintendents to provide planning for
reintegration teams, including training for school personnel
involved in reintegration planning and with access to
confidential records of juveniles;

5. Requires compliance with reintegration planning provisions
as part of basic school approval for public and private schools
approved for tuition purposes;

6. Amends the scope and duties of the Commissioner of
Education's advisory committee on truancy, dropouts and
alternative education to include reintegration planning for a
juvenile released or discharged from a juvenile corrections
facility and seeking admission into a school in the State;

7. Requires that school superintendents report annually on
planning efforts for reintegrating juveniles into the school
environment to the Commissioner of Education's advisory committee
on truancy, dropouts and alternative education; and

8. Requires the Commissioner of Corrections, the Commissioner
of Education, the Commissioner of Mental Health, Mental
Retardation and Substance Abuse Services and the chair of the
policy review council established under the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 34-A, section 3002-A or their designees to

present an annual report to the Council on Children and Families
and the Children's Cabinet on the progress of implementation
efforts regarding the juvenile correctional educational programs,
the integration of behavioral health, mental health and substance
abuse programming and release and discharge planning, transition
services, aftercare services and reintegration planning provided
to youths discharged from juvenile correctional facilities.

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