LD 1307
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Lobbyist Disclosure Procedures Laws Administered by the Com... LD 1307 Title Page
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Item 1

for which the lobbyist or lobbyist associate is compensated by
the employer;

Sec. 5. 3 MRSA §317, sub-§2, as corrected by RR 1993, c. 2, §1, is
amended to read:

2. Annual report. Thirty days following the end of the year
in which any person lobbied pursuant to section 313, the lobbyist
and the lobbyist's employer shall file with the commission a
joint report that must contain the information required in
subsection 1, except that the report must summarize all lobbying
activities for the year and report in detail only those
legislative actions not previously reported, as required by
subsection 1, paragraphs H and I.

The report must include a separate listing of legislative actions
for the calendar year reported on pursuant to subsection 1,
paragraphs H and I. The reports required by subsection 1 must be
signed by the person designated by the lobbyist in section 316,
subsection 1. The reports required by this subsection must be
signed by both the designated person and the employer.

If the date any report required by this section is due falls on a
day other than a regular business day, the report is due on the
first regular business day next following the due date.

In addition to the amounts identified in subsection 1 as
compensation received or expenditure made for the primary purpose
of lobbying, this annual report must include the total amount of
compensation received by the lobbyist or the lobbying firm, or
expended by the employer, except compensation received or
expended for purposes not related to lobbying.

Sec. 6. 3 MRSA §318, sub-§3 is enacted to read:

3.__Campaign contributions and solicitations.__A lobbyist,
lobbyist associate or employer of a lobbyist or lobbyist
associate may not intentionally give, offer or promise a
contribution to the Governor, a member of the Legislature or a
constitutional officer or to the staff or agent of the Governor,
a member of the Legislature or a constitutional officer during a
time in which the Legislature is convened before final
adjournment as provided by Title 1, section 1015, subsection 3.

Sec. 7. 3 MRSA §318-A is enacted to read:


A lobbyist, lobbyist associate or employer of a lobbyist or
lobbyist associate may not furnish to a Legislator a pecuniary

benefit except as authorized by law.__A violation of this section
is a civil violation for which a forfeiture of not more than $200
may be adjudged.


This bill amends the definition of "lobbying" and defines the
term "pecuniary benefit." The bill clarifies what names must be
included on registration forms. The bill also specifies that the
specific dollar amount of compensation received for the time
spent to make a presentation must be included in the monthly
session reports. The bill prohibits a lobbyist from giving,
offering or promising a contribution to the Governor, a member of
the Legislature or a constitutional officer while the Legislature
is in session.

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