| 3.__Transfers to fund.__Notwithstanding section 1585 or any |
other provision of law, the State Budget Officer upon the |
recommendation of the president is authorized to transfer General |
Fund appropriations for research and development efforts to the |
fund.__The transfer and allotment of available funds may not |
exceed 0.8% of the total research and development appropriations |
identified by the president after consultation with affected |
agencies and departments.__The transfer must be implemented by |
financial order contingent upon the recommendation of the State |
Budget Officer and approval of the Governor and upon review by |
the joint standing committee of the Legislature having |
jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs.__The |
financial order must include a plan outlining how these funds |
will be expended.__The financial order takes effect upon approval |
by the Governor.__Total transfers made pursuant to this section |
may not exceed $120,000 in any fiscal year. |