LD 1333
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Item 1

distributed by mail or other similar means at least 14 days prior
to the hearing.__A copy of the notice must be provided concurrently
to the commission and the Public Advocate.

3.__Municipal approval.__An election under subsection 1 takes
effect when the municipal officers of a municipality within the
consumer-owner water utility's service area vote to approve the
utility's election.__For utilities serving more than one
municipality, the approval of municipalities representing a
majority of the population within the utility's service area is
required.__Prior to requesting a vote by any municipality under
this subsection, the utility shall provide to the clerk of the
municipality or municipalities a copy of the utility's certified
vote pursuant to subsection 1.

4.__Effective date.__An election takes effect 30 days after
the commission receives the certified vote of any municipality
required to approve the election under subsection 3.__The utility
shall record the election in its bylaws once the election takes


1.__Chapter governs affairs.__Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Title, this chapter governs the affairs of
locally governed water districts.__Locally governed water
districts are not subject to the provisions of this Title outside
this chapter, except as specifically provided in subsection 2.

2.__Regulation of districts.__To the extent applicable to
water utilities, the following laws apply to locally governed
water districts:

A.__Section 706, subsections 3, 4, 5 and 6;

B.__Section 761, subsection 3;

C.__Section 2102;

D.__Section 2110, but only to the extent the governing body
of a locally governed water district consents to the
extension of service under section 2110;

E.__Sections 2303, 2307, 2308 and 2309;

F.__Chapter 25;

G.__Section 6103;

H.__Section 6110;

I.__Section 6111;

J.__Chapter 64, but only to the extent the locally governed
water district is chartered as a standard district;

K.__Section 6705; and

L.__Section 6706.

The application of these laws is not intended to permit the
commission to issue any order or condition regulating locally
governed water districts except as specifically permitted under
this subsection or in this chapter.

3.__Scope or application.__This section may not be interpreted
to affect the scope or application of any provision of law
outside this Title.__Although this chapter provides for a reduced
level of regulation by the commission of locally governed water
districts, the districts remain water utilities for purposes of
the applicable provisions of this Title listed in subsection 2
and for all laws outside of this Title.__Any reference outside
this Title to entities that include water utilities, including,
but not limited to, references to public utilities, water
districts and public service corporations, includes locally
governed water districts.__Once a proposed rate becomes final, a
copy of the rate must remain on file at the main office of the
district for public inspection.

§6205.__Establishment of rates

1.__Authority.__The governing body of a locally governed water
district shall establish rates, tolls, deposits, customer
contributions or charges in accordance with this section.

2.__Purposes.__The governing body of a locally governed water
district may establish rates or charges to provide revenue to the
district in order to carry out any lawful purpose of the locally
governed water district, including, but not limited to, the
following purposes:

A.__To pay the current expenses for operating and
maintaining the water system and to provide for normal
renewals and replacements;

B.__To provide for the payment of the interest on the
indebtedness created or assumed by the district;

C.__To create a sinking fund for the extinguishment of term

D.__To provide annual principal payments on serial
indebtedness created or assumed by the district;

E.__To provide for a contingency reserve fund to pay losses
of the district in the event of insufficient revenues;

F.__To provide for a water supply protection fund to acquire
interests in land in order to protect the district's sources
of supply;

G.__To provide for system development related to an increase
in demand for service; and

H.__To provide for capital improvements and expansions to
the system.

3.__Process.__Prior to the adoption of a new rate schedule,
the governing body of a locally governed water district shall
hold a public hearing regarding the proposed rate schedule.__The
governing body shall publish the proposed rates and notice of the
hearing in a newspaper having a general circulation in the
district not less than 7 days prior to the hearing.__The district
shall mail to each ratepayer a notice of the public hearing and
the proposed new rate at least 14 days prior to the hearing.

4.__Just and reasonable rates.__The governing body of a
locally governed water district shall establish rates that are
just and reasonable and that do not give any undue or reasonable
preference, advantage, prejudice or disadvantage to a particular
person.__This subsection is not intended to limit the ability of
a locally governed water district to charge different rates or
enter into special contracts upon a determination by the
governing body that such a practice is in the best interest of
the district.

§6206.__Eminent domain

A locally governed water district is authorized to acquire and
hold real and personal property necessary or convenient for its
purposes and is granted the right of eminent domain.__For these
purposes a locally governed water district is authorized to take
and to hold, by exercising its right of eminent domain or by
purchase or__lease or otherwise, any land, real estate or
easements or interest in these for any source of water supply or
location for storage and for the protection of such locations, as
well as for the transmission and distribution of water to the
public.__This section is not intended to limit any right of
eminent domain contained in the charter of any locally governed
water district.

§6207.__Annual audit

A locally governed water district shall conduct an annual
audit of its books and records by an independent accountant.__
Within 3 months after the audit is completed, the district shall
submit a copy of the audit to the commission.__For good cause
shown, the commission may extend the deadline for submitting the

§6208.__Service standards; appeal

1.__Final decision; action.__This section applies to any final
decision or action of a locally governed water district with
regard to the provision of water service by the district,
including matters relating to denial or termination of service,
terms and conditions of service and billing, metering and
collection for service.

2.__Right of appeal.__A person aggrieved by a final decision
or action covered by this section may appeal that decision or
action to the governing body of the locally governed water
district.__The governing body shall establish rules concerning
the manner in which an appeal may be taken.__A decision on appeal
constitutes the final decision of the governing body.

3.__Delegation of authority.__The governing body of a locally
governed water district may elect to delegate its authority to
make a final decision on appeal under subsection 2 to any person,
board or entity that may lawfully review and decide the appeals,
including an ombudsman or appeals board appointed by the
governing body.


Except as otherwise provided in the charter of a locally
governed water district, any person aggrieved by a final decision
of the governing body of that district has a right of appeal to
the Superior Court on questions of law in the same manner as an
appeal taken to the Law Court from a judgment of the Superior
Court in a civil action.__Appeal pursuant to this section is the
exclusive remedy under this chapter.

§6210.__Relation to private and special laws

This chapter is not intended to limit or restrict the terms of
a private and special law or a valid charter of a locally
governed water district, except that a law or charter may not
prohibit or interfere with the ability of a consumer-owned water
utility to make an election under section 6203.

§6211.__District-initiated termination of local control

1.__Election of governing body.__Upon the affirmative vote of
its governing body, a locally governed water district may elect
to terminate its status as a locally governed water district and
no longer be subject to this chapter.__The election must be
certified by the secretary or clerk of the district.

2.__Municipal approval.__In order for an election under
subsection 1 to become effective, the municipal officers of a
municipality within the district must vote to approve the
district's election.__For districts serving more than one
municipality, the approval of municipalities representing a
majority of the population within the district is required.__
Prior to requesting a vote by a municipality under this
subsection, the district shall provide to the clerk of the
municipality or municipalities a copy of the district's certified
vote pursuant to subsection 1.

3.__Effective date.__An election under this section becomes
effective 30 days after the commission receives the certified
vote of a municipality required to approve the election under
subsection 2.__The district shall record the election in its
bylaws once the election becomes effective.

§6212.__Consumer-initiated termination of local control

1.__Consumer-initiated petition.__Fifteen percent of the
customers of a locally governed water district or 1,000
customers, whichever is less, may file with the clerk of the
utility petitions demanding that the district terminate its
status as a locally governed water district and no longer remain
subject to this chapter.__A signature is valid for purposes of
this section only if it meets the requirements set forth in
section 6104, subsection 9.

2.__Scheduling of district-wide referendum.__Upon receipt of
petitions meeting the requirements of subsection 1, the governing
body of the district shall within 30 days certify the petitions.__
Within 30 days following the certification, the clerk of the
district shall deliver a copy of the certificate to the clerk of
each municipality within the district along with a request of
each municipality to conduct a referendum.__Upon receipt of the
certification, the municipal officers of the municipalities shall
call a referendum to take place at a time no less than 90 days
following receipt of the certification, and further providing
that the referendum must be held simultaneously with a statewide

3.__Manner of voting.__The district shall prepare and furnish
to each municipality the required number of ballots for carrying
out a referendum properly called under subsection 2, including
absentee ballots.__The referendum must place before the voters
the following question: "Do you favor having (name of district)
terminate its status as a locally governed water district so that
its business affairs may be fully regulated by Maine's Public
Utilities Commission?"__Voting in the towns must be held and
conducted in accordance with Title 21-A.

4.__Certification of referendum results.__Once the results of
the referendum become final within each municipality, each
municipal clerk shall certify and send to the governing body the
total number of votes cast in the affirmative and negative within
the municipality.__Once all of the results from all of the
municipalities have been returned, the governing body shall meet
and compute the total number of votes cast in all of the affected
municipalities in the affirmative and the negative.__If the
governing body determines that there were more votes cast in the
affirmative than the negative, it shall declare that the
referendum has passed, which result must be certified by the
district and submitted to the commission within 30 days.__An
affirmative vote becomes effective 60 days after submitted to the
commission.__The district shall record an affirmative vote in its
bylaws along with the date submitted to the commission.

5.__Suspension of petition process.__Prior to the holding of a
referendum under this section, a petition process initiated under
this section must be terminated at such time as any termination
process initiated under section 6211 becomes effective.


This bill permits consumer-owned water utilities to exercise
local control by opting out of regulation by the Public Utilities
Commission with respect to their rates, terms of service and
business affairs.

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