LD 1341
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LD 1341 Title Page An Act to Permit the Submission of Citizens' Initiatives and Citizens' Vetoes t... Page 2 of 2
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 20-A MRSA §§1005 and 1006 are enacted to read:

§1005.__Direct initiative of school board policies by voters

1.__Petition procedure.__By written petition filed with the
superintendent, the registered voters of a school administrative
unit may present to the school board for its adoption any
proposed rule, ordinance or other statement of school board
policy, except that this proposed rule, ordinance or other
statement may not pertain to staffing or salary matters, any
other personnel matters or any budgetary matters.__The petition
must be accompanied by a number of signatures of registered
voters at least equal to 10% of the total number of votes for
Governor cast in the school administrative unit at the last
gubernatorial election preceding the filing of the petition.__The
date each signature was made must be written next to the
signature on the petition, and a signature older than one year
from the date recorded on the petition is not valid.

2.__Referral to voters.__A measure proposed under subsection
1, unless adopted without change by the school board within 60
days, must be submitted to the voters of the school
administrative unit together with any substitute or recommended
measure of the school board in a manner so that the voters can
choose between the original measure, a substitute measure
recommended by the school board, if any, and an option that
rejects both of the measures.__When there are competing measures
and neither receives a majority but one receives at least 1/3 of
the votes cast, the one receiving the most votes must be
submitted to the voters by itself at another election in the
school administrative unit, which may be a special election
ordered by the officers of the municipality or municipalities
comprising the school administrative unit.__The 2nd election must
be held on a date not less that 60 days after the first vote.__If
the measure initiated is adopted by the school board without
change within 60 days, it may not go to a referendum.

3.__Timing of elections.__The municipal officers of the school
administrative unit shall order any measure proposed to the
school board as provided in this section, and not approved by the
school board without change, to be referred to the people at the
general or statewide election to be held in the November
following the filing of the petition.

4.__Not applicable to budgets.__This section does not apply to
a school budget, including, but not limited to, a school budget
subject to the provisions of section 1304, 1305, 1305-A, 1305-B,
1701, 1701-A or 1701-B.

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