LD 1347
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Restrict the Issuance of Recreational Licenses for Nonpayment of Chil... LD 1347 Title Page
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support, health care, arrearages or reimbursement and may
include related costs and fees, interest and penalties, income
withholding, attorney's fees and other relief.

2. Noncompliance with a support order. An applicant for the
issuance or renewal of a license or an existing licensee who is
not in compliance with a court support order of support is
subject to the requirements of Title 19-A, section 2201. A
person certified in noncompliance with a support order pursuant
to Title 19-A, section 2201, subsection 6 or by court finding
pursuant to Title 19-A, section 2603-A, is ineligible to hold or
obtain a license issued by the department until the department
receives written confirmation of compliance pursuant to Title 19-
A, section 2201, subsection 8.

Sec. 3. 19-A MRSA §2201, sub-§6, as amended by PL 1997, c. 466, §§10
and 11 and affected by §28, is further amended to read:

6. Certification of noncompliance. The department may
certify in writing to the appropriate board and shall certify in
writing to the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife that a
support obligor is not in compliance with an order of support if:

A. The obligor does not timely request a hearing upon
service of a notice issued under subsection 1 and is not in
compliance with an order of support 21 days after service of
the notice;

B. The department issues a decision after a hearing that
finds the obligor is not in compliance with an order of
support and the obligor has not appealed the decision within
the 30-day appeal period provided in subsection 3;

C. The court enters a judgment on a petition for judicial
review that finds the obligor is not in compliance with a
support order;

D. The obligor abandons a timely request for a hearing on
the department's notice of noncompliance and is not in
compliance with the support order; or

E. The obligor fails to comply with a written payment
agreement, does not notify the department that the obligor
is unable to comply with the agreement and does not provide
the department with evidence of the obligor's current
financial circumstances.

The department shall send by regular mail a copy of a
certification of noncompliance filed with a board to the obligor
at the obligor's most recent address of record.

Sec. 4. 19-A MRSA §2603-A, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 466, §26 and
affected by §28, is amended to read:

§2603-A. License revocation for nonpayment of child support

Upon a motion to enforce a support order, after notice and an
opportunity for a hearing, the court may make a finding of money
due, render judgment for that amount and, to compel payment,

1. Suspension of driver's license. Suspension of the
obligor's driver's license or licenses and right to operate a
motor vehicle;

2. Revocation of occupational licenses. Revocation of the
obligor's occupational, business, trade or professional licenses;

3. Revocation of recreational licenses. Revocation of the
obligor's hunting, fishing, boating and other recreational or
sporting licenses.

The court may issue an order to prevent issuance or renewal of
licenses under this section, except the court shall revoke and
prevent the issuance or renewal of licenses, permits or
registrations issued by the Department of Inland Fisheries and
Wildlife under Title 12, chapters 701 to 721. An order to
suspend, revoke or prevent issuance or renewal of licenses must
be based on a finding by the court that the obligor has the
present ability to pay all or part of the support owed. The
court shall specify in its order ways to avoid the loss of
licenses and requirements for obtaining licenses that are lost or
may not be obtained as a result of an order issued under this

The court shall notify the Secretary of State of a driver's
license suspension ordered pursuant to this section. Upon
receipt of such an order, the Secretary of State shall
immediately notify the person of the court order of suspension.
The court shall notify the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and
Wildlife of the court's order to revoke and prohibit the issuance
or renewal of any license issued by that department.__Upon
receipt of such an order, the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries
and Wildlife shall immediately notify the person of the court
order of revocation and prohibition of the issuance or renewal.
The Secretary of State or the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries
and Wildlife may not terminate a suspension, revocation or
prohibition of issuance or renewal issued pursuant to this
section until the court orders reinstatement and, in the case of

a driver's license or occupational license, the person pays a
reinstatement fee to the Secretary of State. The court shall
immediately notify the Secretary of State and the Commissioner of
Inland Fisheries and Wildlife when a person complies with a child
support order. The court orders of suspension and reinstatement
must be on a form acceptable to the Secretary of State and the
Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.


This bill requires the Department of Inland Fisheries and
Wildlife to collect and report to the Department of Human
Services licensing information required by the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 19-A, section 2201, subsection 12, which
includes: applicant's name and address; federal employer number;
type of license; the date the license takes effect and expires;
and the active or inactive status of the license. The bill makes
a person who is found by a court or an administrative agency to
be in noncompliance with a child support order ineligible to hold
or obtain a license, permit or registration issued by the
Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife under Title 12,
chapters 701 to 721.

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