LD 1351
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend Provisions Governing Reports on Campaigns for Office in the Law... LD 1351 Title Page
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LR 714
Item 1

3-A.__Aggregation and attribution of family contributions.__
Contributions made by:

A.__A husband and wife are considered separate contributions
and are not aggregated.__The joint contribution of a husband
and wife is attributed equally to each; and

B.__Unemancipated children under 18 years of age are
considered contributions by their parents and are attributed
proportionately to each parent.__Fifty percent of the
contributions are attributed to each parent or, in the case
of a single custodial parent, the total amount is attributed
to the parent.

Sec. 5. 21-A MRSA §§1015-B and 1015-C are enacted to read:

§1015-B.__Anonymous contributions

A candidate or a committee may not accept an anonymous
contribution exceeding $10.__The recipient of an anonymous
contribution of more than $10 may not keep the contribution but
must remit the contribution to the General Fund within 2 business
days and report the action to the commission.

§1015-C.__Use of campaign contributions for personal expenses

1.__Prohibition.__A candidate, political committee, political
party or political action committee may not use campaign funds to
defray personal expenses that are unrelated to the campaign or to
the office if the candidate is an officeholder, nor may these
funds be converted to personal use.

2.__Application.__This section does not apply to the
incidental personal use of campaign materials or equipment, nor
to an expenditure used to defray any ordinary expenses incurred
in connection with an individual's duties as a holder of public

3.__Guidelines.__The commission must establish guidelines
reflecting the applicability of this section to other expenses on
a case-by-case basis, including legal, meal, travel and vehicle

Sec. 6. 21-A MRSA §1017, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1989, c. 504, §§11
and 31, is repealed.

Sec. 7. 21-A MRSA §1017, sub-§5, as amended by PL 1991, c. 839, §17,
is further amended to read:

5. Content. A report required under this section must
contain the itemized accounts of contributions received during
that report filing period, including the date a contribution was
received, and the name, address, occupation, principal place of
business, employer, business address, if any, and the amount of
the contribution of each person who has made a contribution or
contributions aggregating in excess of $50. The report must
contain the itemized expenditures made or authorized during the
report filing period, the date and purpose of each expenditure
and the name of each payee and creditor. Expenditures made on
behalf of a candidate, the candidate's committee or a party
committee by a person, agency, firm, organization or other entity
employed or retained for the purpose of organizing, directing,
managing or assisting the candidate, the candidate's committee or
a political party are considered expenditures by the candidate or
committee as if made or incurred directly by the candidate or
committee. Total contributions with respect to for an election
of less than $500 and total expenditures of less than $500 need
not be itemized. The report must contain a statement of any loan
to a candidate by a financial institution in connection with that
candidate's candidacy that is made during the period covered by
the report, whether or not the loan is defined as a contribution
under section 1012, subsection 2, paragraph A. Until December
31, 1992, the candidate is responsible for the timely and
accurate filing of each required report. Beginning January 1,
1993, the The candidate and the treasurer are jointly responsible
for the timely and accurate filing of each required report.

Sec. 8. 21-A MRSA §1017, sub-§6, as amended by PL 1999, c. 729, §4, is
further amended to read:

6. Forms. Reports required by this section must be on forms
prescribed, prepared and sent by the commission to the treasurer
of each registered candidate at least 7 days before the filing
date for the report. Establishment of or amendments to the
campaign report filing forms required by this section must be by
rule. Persons filing reports may use additional pages if
necessary, but the pages must be the same size as the pages of
the form. Although the commission mails the forms for required
reports, failure to receive forms by mail does not excuse
treasurers, committees and other persons who must file reports
from otherwise obtaining the forms.

Rules of the commission establishing campaign report filing forms
for candidates are major substantive rules as defined in Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

Sec. 9. 21-A MRSA §1020-A, sub-§3-A is enacted to read:

3-A.__County, district and municipal party committee reports.__
A state party committee that fails to comply with the
requirements of section 1017-A, subsection 6 for notifying all
county, district and municipal party committees of the same
political party of the party committee reporting requirements
must pay 1/2 of the total penalty assessed against a county,
district or municipal party committee that fails to file a
required report on time because of that failure by the state
party committee to provide the required notice.__The balance of
the total assessed penalty must be paid by the county, district
or municipal party committee.

Sec. 10. 21-A MRSA §1021 is enacted to read:

§1021.__Civil offenses

If no other penalty for a violation of this subchapter is
prescribed, the commission may assess a penalty equal to 3 times
the amount of an unlawful contribution or expenditure.

Sec. 11. Revisor's review; cross-references. The Revisor of Statutes shall
review the Maine Revised Statutes and include in the errors and
inconsistencies bill submitted to the Second Regular Session of
the 120th Legislature pursuant to Title 1, section 94, any
sections necessary to correct and update any cross-references in
the statutes to provisions of law repealed in the Act.


This bill amends the provisions governing reports on campaigns
for office in the laws administered by the Commission on
Governmental Ethics and Election Practices. The bill defines
personal expenses. The bill clarifies that contributions made by
a husband and wife are separate contributions. The bill also
sets a limit of $10 as an anonymous contribution that a candidate
may accept. The bill prohibits the use of campaign contributions
for personal expenses. The bill also provides that if the state
party committee does not notify all county, district and
municipal committees of reporting dates, it must pay 1/2 of the
penalty for not reporting.

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