LD 1375
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Item 1

(b)__Goods and services for fees that are based
upon the recipient's ability to pay for those
goods and services.__The institution meets the
requirements of this division if the municipality
implements a written policy and written schedule
of fees in which:

(i)__The institution consistently applies a
formula to all individuals requesting
consideration of reduced fees that is in part
based on individual or family income;

(ii)__At least 20% of the individuals
receiving goods or services from the
institution do not pay a fee or pay a fee
that is substantially lower than the cost of
the goods or services provided by the

(iii)__At least 10% of the individuals
receiving goods or services from the
institution, not including the individuals
described in subdivision (ii), receive a
reduction in fees of at least 10% of the cost
of the goods or services provided to them;

(iv)__Individuals receiving goods or services
from the institution do not pay a fee that is
equal to or greater than the cost of the
goods or services provided to those
individuals or the goods or services provided
to the individuals described in subdivision
(ii) are comparable in quality and quantity
to the goods or services provided to those
individuals who pay a fee that is equal to or
greater than the cost of the goods or
services provided to them;

(c)__Wholly gratuitous goods or services to at
least 5% of those receiving goods or services
similar to those goods or services provided in
division (b) from the institution;

(d)__Uncompensated goods or services that in the
aggregate are equal to at least 5% of the
institution's costs of providing goods or
services; or

(e)__Goods or services at no fee or reduced fees to nonprofit
agencies or goods and services to

individuals eligible for government programs, if
any of the following applies:

(i)__The nonprofit agency is exempt from
income taxation pursuant to Section 501(c)(3)
of the Code and is licensed by the Department
of Human Services or the Department of Mental
Health, Mental Retardation and Substance
Abuse Services as a nonprofit nursing home,
nonprofit boarding home, nonprofit boarding
care facility or nonprofit child care center
pursuant to Title 22, chapter 1665 and Title
34-B, chapter 3;

(ii)__The nonprofit agency receives 75% or
more of its gross operating revenue from
grants or fee-for-service payments by
government agencies and the aggregate amount
of the fee-for-service payments from
government agencies does not exceed 95% of
the nonprofit agency's costs of providing
goods or services to the individuals for whom
the fee-for-service payments are made; or

(iii)__The nonprofit agency provides goods or
services to individuals with mental
retardation, to individuals who need mental
health services or to members of such an
individual's family or guardian in support of
those goods or services or to individuals who
are dependent, neglected or delinquent
children, as long as the institution performs
duties that would otherwise be the
responsibility of government and the
nonprofit agency is restricted in its ability
to retain revenue over expenses or voluntary
contributions by any one of the following
statutes or regulations or by contractual
limitations with any state agency:__the
Social Security Act, Sections 1905(d) and
1915(c); 42 Code of Federal Regulations,
440.150 relating to intermediate care
facilities services; or 42 Code of Federal
Regulations, Part 483, Subchapter I, relating
to conditions of participation for
intermediate care facilities for the mentally

For purposes of this division, "nonprofit agency"
means an entity exempt from taxation under Section
501(c)(3) of the Code.

(2)__An institution may elect to average the applicable
data for its 5 most recently completed fiscal years for
the purposes of calculating any formula to meet any
quantitative standard in subparagraph (1).

(3)__As used in this paragraph, unless the context
otherwise indicates, the following terms have the
following meanings.

(a)__"Net operating income" means the amount of
funds remaining after all operating expenses
related to the provision of goods or services
associated with an institution's charitable
purpose are deducted from payments received for
providing those goods or services, as determined
in accordance with generally accepted accounting
principles applicable to the institution.

(b)__"Total operating expenses" means the costs
related to the provision of goods or services
associated with an institution's charitable
purpose, as determined in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles
applicable to the institution.

(c)__"Uncompensated goods or services" means the

(i)__The full cost of all goods and services
provided by an institution for which the
institution has not received monetary
compensation or the difference between the
full cost and any lesser fee received for the
goods and services, including the cost of the
goods or services provided to individuals
unable to pay;

(ii)__The difference between the full cost of
education and research programs provided by
or participated in by an institution and the
payments made to the institution to support
the education and research programs;

(iii)__The difference between the full cost of providing the
goods or services and the

payment made to an institution under any
government program, including goods or
services provided to individuals covered by
Medicare or Medicaid;

(iv)__The difference between the full cost of
the community services that an institution
provides or participates in and the payment
made to the institution to support those
community services;

(v)__The reasonable value of any money,
property, goods or services donated by a
primary donor to an institution or the
reasonable value of the net donation made by
a secondary donor to a primary donor.__As
used in this subdivision, "net donation"
means, in the case of a donation of money,
property, identical goods or services made by
a secondary donor, the difference between the
value of the donation made by the secondary
donor and the value of the donation made by
the primary donor, as long as the value is
positive; "primary donor" means an entity
that makes a donation of money, property,
goods or services to an institution of purely
public charity; and "secondary donor" means
an entity that receives a donation of any
money, property, goods or services from a
primary donor and then makes a donation back
to that primary donor within 3 years of
having received such a donation;

(vi)__The reasonable value of volunteer
assistance donated by individuals who are
involved or assist in the provision of goods
or services by an institution.__The
reasonable value of volunteer assistance,
computed on an hourly basis, may not exceed
the statewide average weekly wage as
calculated by the Department of Labor, Bureau
of Labor Standards; and

(vii)__The cost of goods or services provided by an institution
licensed by the Department of Human Services or the Department of
Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services to
individuals who are unable to pay, as long as reasonable and

collection efforts have been made by the


This bill provides a property tax exemption to a nonprofit
benevolent and charitable institution only if it donates or
renders gratuitously a substantial portion of its services. The
charitable organization can meet that standard in one of 5 ways.
The 5 alternative ways to meet the primary standard are:

1. The institution must provide goods and services to all who
seek them without regard to ability to pay;

2. The institution must provide goods and services for fees
that are based on the recipients' ability to pay;

3. The institution must provide wholly gratuitous goods and
services to least 5% of those receiving similar goods and
services from the institution;

4. The institution must provide uncompensated goods or
services that in the aggregate are equal to at least 5% of the
institution's cost of providing goods or services; or

5. The institution must provide goods or services at no fee
or a reduced fee to nonprofit agencies or individuals eligible
for government programs.

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