LD 1383
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Fully Fund the Geographic Isolation Adjustment LD 1383 Title Page
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LR 1433
Item 1


Sec. B-1. Task force established. The Task Force to Study the Geographic
Isolation Adjustment of the School Funding Formula and Other
Geographic Isolation Issues, referred to in this Part as the
"task force," is established.

Sec. B-2. Task force membership. The task force consists of the
following 13 members:

1. Three members from the Senate, appointed by the President
of the Senate;

2. Three members from the House of Representatives, appointed
by the Speaker of the House;

3. The Commissioner of Education or the commissioner's

4. Three administrators or superintendents of school
districts or school unions, 2 appointed by the President of the
Senate and one appointed by the Speaker of the House;

5. Two teachers, one each appointed by the President of the
Senate and the Speaker of the House; and

6. One member of the public, appointed by the President of
the Senate.

Sec. B-3. Chairs. The first named Senate member is the Senate
chair of the task force and the first named House of
Representatives member is the House chair of the task force.

Sec. B-4. Appointments; meetings. All appointments must be made no
later than 30 days following the effective date of this Act. The
Executive Director of the Legislative Council must be notified by
the appointing authorities once the selections have been made.
When the appointment of all members has been completed, the
chairs of the task force shall call and convene the first meeting
of the task force no later than August 1, 2001.

Sec. B-5. Duties. The task force shall examine the issues and
problems associated with and arising out of geographic isolation
in this State. The task force shall give special attention to
the geographic isolation adjustment to school funding as provided
in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, section 15612 and
determine whether the adjustment is serving the purpose for which
it was enacted, especially for those geographically isolated
inland and island communities. In conducting the study, the task
force may:

1. Hold informational sessions for discussions with
knowledgeable persons;

2. Conduct, summarize and analyze the results of a literature

3. Conduct, tabulate and analyze the results of a survey of
the public or affected persons and groups;

4. Procure and analyze relevant data;

5. Conduct legal research and prepare opinions on legal
questions within the scope of the study; and

6. Determine and summarize the legislative actions or
governmental programs undertaken in other jurisdictions related
to issues within the scope of the study.

Sec. B-6. Staff assistance. Upon approval of the Legislative Council,
the Office of Policy and Legal Analysis shall provide necessary
staffing services to the task force.

Sec. B-7. Compensation. The members of the task force who are
Legislators are entitled to the legislative per diem, as defined
in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 3, section 2, and
reimbursement for necessary expenses incurred for their
attendance at authorized meetings of the task force. Other
members of the task force who are not otherwise compensated by
their employers or other entities that they represent are
entitled to receive reimbursement of necessary expenses incurred
for their attendance at authorized meetings.

Sec. B-8. Report. The task force shall submit its report, together
with any necessary implementing legislation, to the Second
Regular Session of the 120th Legislature no later than January
15, 2002. If the task force requires a limited extension of time
to conclude its work, it may apply to the Legislative Council,
which may grant the extension.

Sec. B-9. Budget. The chairs of the task force, with assistance
from the task force staff, shall administer the task force's
budget. Within 10 days after its first meeting, the task force
shall present a work plan and proposed budget to the Legislative
Council for approval. The task force may not incur expenses that
would result in the task force exceeding its approved budget.
Upon request from the task force, the Executive Director of the
Legislative Council shall promptly provide the task force chairs
and staff with a status report on the task force's budget,
expenditures incurred and paid and available funds.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


Part A of this bill provides funding to fully fund the
geographic isolation adjustment to the school funding formula.

Part B of this bill establishes the Task Force to Study the
Geographic Isolation Adjustment of the School Funding Formula and
Other Geographic Isolation Issues to study and report on issues,
especially in the area of school funding, for those
geographically isolated island and inland communities.

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