LD 1397
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Require the State to Post the Name, Picture and Location of an Indivi... LD 1397 Title Page
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LR 1695
Item 1

§11255.__Public notification

1.__Department.__Upon the conditional release or discharge of
a sex offender or sexually violent predator from a state
correctional institution, the department shall give notice of the
information under section 11254, subsection 1 to members of the
public who the department determines appropriate to ensure public
safety.__ If the sex offender's or sexually violent predator's
victim was under 18 years of age at the time of the offense, the
department shall post the name and addresses where the sex
offender or sexually violent predator will reside and work upon

2.__Law enforcement agencies.__Upon receipt of the information
concerning the conditional release or discharge of a sex offender
or sexually violent predator pursuant to section 11254,
subsection 2, a law enforcement agency shall notify members of
that municipality who the law enforcement agency determines
appropriate to ensure public safety.

§11256.__Risk assessment assistance

Upon request, the department shall provide to law enforcement
agencies technical assistance concerning risk assessment for
purposes of notification to the public of a sex offender's or
sexually violent predator's conditional release or discharge.


The bill amends the Sex Offender Registration and Notification
Act of 1999 by adding requirements to the public notification
provisions. The bill requires that the Department of Corrections
post the name and addresses where a sex offender or sexually
violent predator will reside and work upon release if the victim
was under 18 years of age at the time of the offense.

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