LD 1398
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Create a Sprawl Offset Tax LD 1398 Title Page
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LR 1272
Item 1


1.__Collection of the tax.__The tax imposed in section 4882
must be collected by the plumbing inspector before issuing a
permit under Title 30-A, section 4215 and turned over to the
municipal tax collector.__The municipality collecting the tax may
retain 10% of the revenue collected as reimbursement for the cost
of collection.__On or before the 10th day of each month, the
municipal tax collector shall pay over to the State Tax Assessor
90% of the tax collected during the previous month.__If the tax
is not paid over by the 10th day of the month, the State Tax
Assessor may impose interest pursuant to section 186.

2.__Distribution of revenues.__The State Tax Assessor shall
pay all net receipts to the Treasurer of State, who shall credit
1/2 of the revenue to the Municipal Investment Trust Fund
established in Title 30-A, section 6006-D and 1/2 to the Housing
Opportunities for Maine Fund created in Title 30-A, section 4853
to be used for increasing the availability of affordable housing.


This bill establishes a new tax to counter the effects of
development sprawl. The bill creates a tax on the installation
of new subsurface wastewater disposal systems in locations that
are not included within a growth area designated by a
municipality as part of a comprehensive planning process. The
tax is equal to $750 per toilet installed in residential
facilities and $1,000 per toilet installed in other facilities.
The tax must be paid to the municipal plumbing inspector before a
permit may be issued. The municipality retains 10% of the
revenue to cover its collection costs. The remaining 90% of
revenue is sent to the State and the net amount deposited 1/2 in
the Municipal Investment Trust Fund to assist municipalities with
public infrastructure improvements and downtown development and
1/2 in the Housing Opportunities for Maine Fund to support
affordable housing.

Page 1 of 2 Top of Page LD 1398 Title Page