LD 1408
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than September 30, 1999, and an additional $4,300,000 must be so
transferred no later than September 30, 2001.

Sec. 2. 10 MRSA §963-A, sub-§42-D, as reallocated by RR 1999, c. 1,
§10, is repealed.

Sec. 3. 10 MRSA §963-A, sub-§42-E, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 713, §1,
is repealed.

Sec. 4. 10 MRSA §963-A, sub-§49-G, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 505, Pt.
A, §4, is amended to read:

49-G. Total response costs. "Total response costs" means the
total costs that have been or will be paid in association with
investigatory, removal or remedial activities at the Portland-
Bangor Waste Oil Services Site in Wells. "Total response costs"
includes any payments that either have been made or will be made
to the Department of Environmental Protection or any payments
that either have been made or will be made as a total or partial
settlement with any entity that assumes that person's liability
at that site. "Total response costs" includes Plymouth,
including costs incurred by the Department of Environmental
Protection or and the United States Environmental Protection
Agency and costs incurred by 3rd parties in connection with the
to carry out investigatory, removal or remedial activities
regarding the Portland-Bangor Waste Oil Services Site in Wells
approved by the Department of Environmental Protection or the
United States Environmental Protection Agency.

Sec. 5. 10 MRSA §963-A, sub-§51-C, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 505, Pt.
A, §5, is amended to read:

51-C. Waste oil disposal site. "Waste oil disposal site"
means the Portland-Bangor Waste Oil Services Site in Wells
Plymouth designated by the Department of Environmental Protection
as an uncontrolled hazardous substance site.

Sec. 6. 10 MRSA §1023-L, as corrected by RR 1999, c. 1, §§12 and
13, is amended to read:

§1023-L. Waste Oil Clean-up Fund

1. Fund established. The Waste Oil Clean-up Fund, referred
to in this section as the "fund," is established under the
jurisdiction and control of the authority.

2. Sources of money. The following money must be paid into
the fund:

A. All money appropriated for inclusion in the fund or

appropriated to the authority for use in providing financial
assistance to responsible parties as defined in section 963-
A, subsection 47-A, subject to any restrictions applicable
to the appropriation;

B. Subject to any pledge, contract or other obligation, all
interest, dividends or other pecuniary gains from investment
of money of the fund;

C. Subject to any pledge, contract or other obligation, any
money the authority receives in repayment of advances from
the fund;

D. Money transferred from the available balance in the
Underground Oil Storage Replacement Fund, subject to the
limitations of section 1024-A pursuant to Public Law 1999,
chapter 505, Part. A, section 15;

E. Money transferred from the available balance in the
Maine Rainy Day Fund pursuant to Title 5, section 1513,
subsection 1-P; and

F. Any other money available to the authority and directed
by the authority to be paid into the fund.

3. Eligibility to participate in loan program. The authority
may use money in the fund to carry out any power of the authority
under this section, under section 1023-M, under section 1026-R or
under section 1026-S, including, but not limited to, the pledge
or transfer and deposit of money in the fund as security for and
the application of money in the fund in payment of principal,
interest and other amounts due on insured loans. Money in the
fund may be used for direct loans or deferred loans for all or
part of the waste oil disposal site clean-up project when the
authority determines that:

A. The applicant is determined to be a responsible party
with respect to the waste oil disposal site and the
applicant is domiciled or has a principal place of business
in the State;

B. If the applicant is not a unit of local government, the
applicant demonstrates financial need for the assistance;

C. There is a reasonable likelihood that the applicant will
be able to repay the loan; and

D. An agreement has been reached with an entity that has
assumed liability for total response costs at the Wells
waste oil disposal site and the applicant is a participant
in that agreement.

E.__The applicant employs 50 persons or fewer, or has gross
sales not exceeding $5,000,000 per year at the time of
application; and

F.__The applicant has signed a settlement agreement with the
United States Environmental Protection Agency.

The authority, pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II,
shall adopt rules for determining eligibility, feasibility,
terms, conditions, security and fees for the loans, including
deferred loans. The authority may not issue deferred loans for
eligible parties who have received payments under subsection 8.
The authority shall adopt rules that provide for a simplified
loan application process for loan requests of under $2000. Rules
adopted pursuant to this subsection are routine technical rules
as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A. The
authority may charge an interest rate as low as 0% or up to a
maximum rate equal to the prime rate of interest as published in
The Wall Street Journal, depending on the financial ability of
the applicant to pay as determined by the authority. The maximum
the authority may loan, or issue as a deferred loan, to any one
borrower, including related entities as determined by the
authority, is $50,000 $100,000. Money in the fund not needed
currently to meet the obligations of the authority as provided in
this section or section 1023-M may be invested as permitted by
law. Any costs incurred by the authority in administering this
fund may be taken from interest from all sources of the fund.

4. Accounts within fund. The authority may divide the fund
into separate accounts as it determines necessary or convenient
for carrying out this section or section 1023-M, including, but
not limited to, accounts reserved for direct loan funds for waste
oil cleanup.

5. Payments on loans from fund; proceeds from mortgage or
security interests. All proceeds of loans and proceeds from
mortgage or security interests from the fund must be applied by
the authority to the Underground Oil Storage Replacement Fund.

6. Lapse to Groundwater Oil Clean-up Fund upon cleanup of
waste oil disposal site. Within 30 days after the Department of
Environmental Protection notifies the authority that the waste
oil disposal site has been remediated and the total response
costs have been paid and that the Plymouth waste oil site
remedial study has been completed and the costs of that study
paid, the authority shall transfer all amounts remaining in the
fund to the Groundwater Oil Clean-up Fund.

7. Direct payment program. The direct payment program is
managed as follows.

A. The authority shall pay to each person, eligible under
this subsection, $2,000 an amount equal to the amount that
person paid in relation to the waste oil disposal site upon
presentation by the person to the authority of a canceled
check or other evidence determined sufficient by the
authority to demonstrate payment of the person's share of
total response costs at the waste oil disposal site, unless
the authority determines that the payment made by the person
at that site was in an amount less than $2,000, in which
case the authority shall pay to that person an amount equal
to the amount that person paid in relation to the site. All
payments made under this subsection must be from funds
transferred from the Maine Rainy Day Fund.

B. Any person eligible under this subsection who presents
an invoice for that person's share of total response costs
at the waste oil disposal site, but who has not yet paid the
invoice, receives a negotiable instrument from the authority
made payable jointly to that person and any entity
identified by the Department of Environmental Protection as
assuming liability for total response costs at the site.
The negotiable instrument must be in the amount of $2,000,
unless the authority determines that the payment to be made
by the person at the site will be in an amount less than
$2,000, in which case the authority shall pay to the person
an amount equal to the amount the person is to pay in
relation to the site. All payments made under this
subsection must be from funds transferred from the Maine
Rainy Day Fund.

C. After the payments authorized in paragraphs A and B have been
made, additional payments must be made from the available balance
from funds transferred from the Maine Rainy Day Fund to all
persons who received funds under paragraphs A and B who have paid
their settlement share of total response costs, and whose total
liability at the site exceeds the amount the persons received
under paragraph A or B. Distributions under this paragraph are
proportionate to the amount each person paid as the person's
share of total response costs at the site. Payments made A
payment pursuant to this subsection may not be made unless the
person receiving the payment has signed a settlement agreement
with the United States Environmental Protection Agency and may
not exceed the person's settlement share of total response costs
attributable to eligible persons as defined in this subsection
multiplied by the total orphan share percentage at the waste oil
disposal site or $75,000, whichever is less. The authority may
not issue deferred loans for eligible persons who have received
payments pursuant to this subsection. This distribution

must occur on June 30, 2000. Any remaining funds in the
fund must be transferred to the Groundwater Oil Clean-up

D.__A settlement share may not be paid from the fund to a
person if the United States Environmental Protection Agency
has waived payment of the share based on the person's
financial capacity.__The authority may condition payments
related to the Plymouth site on receipt of an ability-to-pay
determination from the agency.

For purposes of this subsection, "person" means any natural
person domiciled in this State; a any corporation or partnership
in the State; organized under the laws of the State; and any
agency, authority, department, commission, municipality, quasi-
municipal corporation, special-purpose district or other
instrumentality of the State; a or political subdivision of the
State, including but not limited to those defined in Title 14,
chapter 741 section 8102 and Title 30-A, chapter 225; any other
entity section 5903, identified as a responsible party at the
waste oil disposal site whose waste oil is identified as
delivered to the waste oil disposal site and picked up from an
address or location within the State in the records compiled by
the Department of Environmental Protection or the United States
Environmental Protection Agency or their agents, provided except
that neither the Federal Government nor any of its agencies,
authorities, departments, boards, commissions or
instrumentalities are a natural person, corporation or
partnership is not eligible to have any share of their its
obligation for response costs paid by the fund if it employs more
than 50 persons or has gross sales exceeding $5,000,000 per year
pursuant to section 1023-L, subsection 3, paragraph E. A person
is not eligible for assistance under this subsection unless the
person is a participant in a settlement agreement under which an
entity has assumed liability for total response costs at the
Wells waste oil disposal site.

8. Determinations regarding eligibility. The authority shall
establish a registry of all persons who qualify under subsection
7 to have a portion of their share of total response costs paid
pursuant to this section. The authority shall adopt rules
relating to eligibility, including the calculation of an eligible
person's proportionate share, procedures to ensure that money
paid pursuant to this section is used to settle an eligible
person's liabilities related to the waste oil disposal site and
repayment of any amounts in excess of that person's share. Rules
adopted pursuant to this subsection are routine technical rules
as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

9.__Application of fund.__The authority may pledge, transfer
and deposit or otherwise use money in the fund to carry out any
power of the authority under this section or section 1026-R,

including, but not limited to, payment of principal, interest and
other amounts due on insured loans.__Money in the fund not needed
currently to meet the obligations of the authority under this
section or section 1026-R may be invested in such a manner as is
permitted by law.__Costs incurred by the authority in
administering this section may be paid from interest on money in
the fund from all sources under subsection 2.

Sec. 7. 10 MRSA §1023-M, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 713, §3, is

Sec. 8. 10 MRSA §1026-R, as reallocated by RR 1999, c. 1, §14, is
amended to read:

§1026-R. Mortgage insurance for waste oil disposal site clean-up


1. Insurance. In addition to its other powers under this
chapter, subject to the limitations of this subchapter except
sections 1026-B to 1026-D, the authority may insure up to 100% of
mortgage payments with respect to mortgage loans for the waste
oil disposal site clean-up project, including a remedial study,
when the authority determines that:

A. The applicant is a responsible party with respect to the
waste oil disposal site and the applicant is domiciled or
has a principal place of business in the State meets the
qualifications for a loan under section 1023-L, subsection
3; and

B. The applicant demonstrates a reasonable likelihood that
it will not be able to obtain a loan for the project on
reasonable terms without insurance pursuant to this section;

C. The applicant demonstrates a reasonable likelihood that
it will be able to repay the insured loan.

2. Limitation on mortgage insurance. The authority may not
at any time have, in the aggregate amount of principal and
interest outstanding, mortgage insurance obligations pursuant to
this section exceeding $1,000,000 $2,000,000.

3. Mortgage eligibility. Pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter II, the authority shall adopt rules for determining
eligibility, project feasibility, terms, conditions and security
for insured mortgage loans under this section. The authority may
accept less than adequate collateral when necessary to ensure the
cleanup of the waste oil disposal site under applicable law.
Rules adopted pursuant to this subsection are routine technical
rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

Sec. 9. 10 MRSA §1026-S, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 713, §4, is

Sec. 10. PL 1999, c. 505, Pt. A, §15, as amended by PL 1999, c. 713, §5,
is further amended to read:

Sec. A-15. Transfer of funds to the Waste Oil Clean-up Fund. On
the effective date of this Act, $4,000,000 is transferred from
the Underground Oil Storage Replacement Fund to the Waste Oil
Clean-up Fund. Funds transferred under this Act may only be used
for the loan programs pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 10, sections 1023-L and 1023-M.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill amends State law to address the liability of persons
who sent waste oil and other hazardous matter to a handling
facility in Plymouth. The facility was operated by Portland-
Bangor Waste Oil Services, Inc., PBWO, from 1965 through 1980.
PBWO, which no longer is in business, operated waste oil handling
facilities in 4 municipalities in the State: Casco, Ellsworth,
Plymouth and Wells. All 4 sites are contaminated.

Under state and federal law, any person who sent waste oil or
other hazardous matter to the PBWO sites is a responsible party
and, as such, is jointly and severally liable for the costs of
investigation and cleanup. These costs are very high in the case
of Plymouth, creating a financial hardship for some towns and
small businesses identified as responsible parties.

In 1999, the Legislature established the Wells Waste Oil
Clean-up Fund to provide loans and direct payments to eligible
responsible parties at the PBWO site in Wells. In 2000, the
Legislature amended the fund law to also allow loans for
investigative costs at the Plymouth site. This bill now further
amends fund law to provide grants and loans for all response
costs at Plymouth. Responsible parties will be eligible for
grants of up to $75,000 if they employ 50 or fewer people or have
annual gross sales of $5,000,000 or less. State agencies,
municipalities and school districts that are responsible parties
at the site also are eligible for grants and loans.

The expanded grant and loan program is expected to cost the
State about $7,500,000. Revenues will be obtained from unused
money previously transferred to the fund from the Maine Rainy Day
Fund and the Underground Oil Storage Tank Replacement Fund and
from an additional one-time transfer of $4,300,000 from the Maine
Rainy Day Fund.

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