LD 1479
pg. 1
LD 1479 Title Page An Act to Allow Flexibility in Payment of School Year Employee Wages LD 1479 Title Page
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LR 1855
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 26 MRSA §621-A, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 790, Pt. P,
§1 and affected by §3, is amended to read:

4. School personnel. Employees of a school administrative
unit who work the school year schedule may, upon written
agreement with the employer between the employees and the school
administrative unit, be paid for their work during the school
year over a period of 10 months or 12 months. For purposes of
this subsection, "written agreement" includes but is not limited
to a collective bargaining agreement.


This bill amends current law to allow school year employees to
receive their pay over a period of either 10 or 12 months, as
determined by a written agreement between the employees and the
school administrative unit.

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