LD 1505
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Streamline the Administration of the Potato Marketing Improvement Fun... LD 1505 Title Page
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LR 2446
Item 1

2. State loan interest rate. The interest rate for state
loans is 5%. Loans current on April 21, 1988 must be
renegotiated to an interest rate of 5%.

A fee for administrative costs, which must be at a rate set by
rule by the commissioner upon consultation with the Potato
Marketing Improvement Committee but which that may not exceed 1%
of the loan, must be charged on all loans made for projects, the
total cost of which exceeds $50,000. This fee must be deposited
in the fund Potato Marketing Improvement Fund.

Sec. 5. 7 MRSA §977 is enacted to read:

§977.__Potato Marketing Improvement Fund Operating Account

There is established a Potato Marketing Improvement Fund
Operating Account.__This account draws funds from the Potato
Marketing Improvement Fund established in Title 10, section 1023-
N on a periodic basis to be determined by the department to cover
the costs of administering the fund and any grants made.

Sec. 6. 10 MRSA §1023-N is enacted to read:

§1023-N.__Potato Marketing Improvement Fund

There is created a fund known as the Potato Marketing
Improvement Fund, referred to in this section as the "fund."__The
fund must be deposited with and maintained by the authority.__The
fund must be administered by the Commissioner of Agriculture,
Food and Rural Resources in accordance with Title 7, chapter 103,
subchapter X.__All money received by the authority from any
source for the development and implementation of an improved
storage, packing and marketing program must be credited to the
fund.__Any money credited to the fund from the issuance of bonds
on behalf of the State for agricultural development may be used
only for the purposes of state loans as prescribed by Title 7,
section 974-A to provide assistance to farmers for the design,
construction, improvement, support and operation of storage,
packing and marketing facilities and to pay the administrative
costs of processing loan applications and servicing and
administering the fund and loans and grants made therein, to the
extent that the costs exceed the fee for administrative costs
established by Title 7, section 974-A, subsection 2.__Repayment
of these loans and interest on the loans must be credited to the
fund to be available for making additional state loans for the
same purposes, except that any interest earned on the cash
balance of the fund may be used for the grants authorized by
Title 7, section 975-A.__In order to provide additional amounts
for loans, the Commissioner of Agriculture, Food and Rural
Resources, at the commissioner's discretion, may take such

actions and enter into such agreements as may be necessary to
sell or assign up to $2,000,000 in the aggregate principal amount
of loans and undivided interests in a pool of loans and assign or
pledge any mortgage or other security to the authority, under the
terms and conditions the commissioner considers advisable.__The
assignment and related transactions may not result in
indebtedness of the State.__The proceeds of the sale or
assignment must be credited to the fund and used for the purposes
authorized in this section.

A purchaser of a modern storage facility that was previously
financed with a state loan from the fund may receive a loan under
the conditions of this section.__Mortgages obtained from the fund
may be assumed by subsequent purchasers of the property.__The
Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources shall adopt
rules concerning the purchase of existing buildings.

Rules adopted pursuant to this section are routine technical
rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.__These
rules must include provisions that ensure that such purchases are
in keeping with the purposes and intent of this subchapter and of
Private and Special Law 1981, chapters 65 and 75.__They must also
include a definition of a modern storage facility.

Sec. 7. Appropriation. The following funds are appropriated from
the Other Special Revenue to carry out the purposes of this Act.





Market and Production Development,

Division of

Positions - Legislative Count (1.000) (1.000)

Personal Services$63,582$65,402

All Other116,033104,210



Potato Marketing Improvement


Positions - Legislative Count (-1.000) (-1.000)

Personal Services ($63,582) ($65,402)

All Other (116,033) (104,210)


TOTAL ($179,615) ($169,612)


FOOD AND RURAL RESOURCES____________________



The purpose of this bill is to streamline the administration
of the Potato Marketing Improvement Fund. This bill establishes
the Potato Marketing Improvement Fund Operating Account and
specifies that the Commissioner of Agriculture, Food and Rural
Resources administers the Potato Marketing Improvement Fund.

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