LD 1520
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Continue the Peer Support Program LD 1520 Title Page
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the obligations incurred by the bureau directly or by requesting
the Treasurer of State to transfer the required amount from the
Special Administrative Expense Fund to the Employment Security
Administration Fund or the Maine Wage Assurance Fund. The
Treasurer of State shall upon receipt of a written request of the
commissioner make any such transfer. The commissioner shall give
notice to the commission prior to any expenditures from this fund.
The commissioner shall order the transfer of the funds or the
payment of any such obligation and the funds must be paid by the
Treasurer of State on requisitions drawn by the commissioner
directing the State Controller to issue the State Controller's
warrant for them. The warrant must be drawn by the State
Controller based upon bills of particulars and vouchers certified
by an officer or employee designated by the commissioner. The
money in this fund is specifically made available to replace,
within a reasonable time, any money received by this State pursuant
to section 302 of the Federal Social Security Act as amended that,
because of any action or contingency, has been lost or has been
expended for purposes other than, or in amounts in excess of, those
necessary for the proper administration of the Employment Security
Law. The money in this fund must be continuously available to the
commissioner for expenditure in accordance with this section and
may not lapse at any time or be transferred to any other fund
except as provided. Any money in the Special Administrative
Expense Fund may be used to make refunds of interest, penalties or
fines erroneously collected and deposited in the Special
Administrative Expense Fund. On June 30th of each year all money
in excess of $100,000 in this fund must be transferred to the
Unemployment Compensation Fund.

Sec. 2. 26 MRSA §2061, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 506, §1 and
affected by §3, is amended to read:

§2061. Program created

The Peer Support Program for Displaced Workers is created
within the department to provide advocacy and information for
workers displaced by significant layoffs. The program may
initiate one or more projects to assist employees as provided in
this chapter and as resources permit. The department is
authorized to use any available resources or to apply for federal
grants to implement this chapter. Any funds appropriated by the
Legislature for a pilot program or this program may not lapse but
must be carried forward. The department shall make all
reasonable efforts to seek, in a timely manner, any federal
grants that may be available to support the purposes of this
chapter.__If federal funds are not available, or are insufficient
to provide the services required by section 2062, the department
shall use funds from the following sources in the following order
of priority to provide these services:

1.__Unobligated funds.__Any unobligated funds available from
grants received from the United States Department of Labor
National Reserve Account or any other similar federal source;

2.__Unexpended general funds.__Any unexpended general funds
carried forward from a prior fiscal year that are not already
obligated in the current fiscal year;

3.__Funds allocated.__Funds allocated to the State by the
Federal Government under the Workforce Investment Act, United
States Code, Title 29, Chapter 30;

4.__Funds deposited.__Funds deposited in the Special
Administrative Expense Fund established pursuant to section 1164;

5.__Funds available.__Any other funds available to the
department that may be used for this purpose.

Any funds appropriated by the Legislature for a pilot program
or this program may not lapse but must be carried forward.

Sec. 3. 26 MRSA §2062, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 506, §1 and
affected by §3, is amended to read:

§2062. Peer Support Projects

1. Initiation of project. When 100 50 or more employees of a
single employer are laid off, or notice is given by an employer
of that employer's intent to lay off 50 or more employees within
the next 6-month period, the department shall initiate a peer
support project to assist the affected employees. The department
may initiate a project when 50 or more employees are laid off if
the bureau determines that a peer support project is warranted,
after considering the particular needs of the affected workforce
and the affected communities.

2. Employment and role of peer support workers. For each
project, the department shall employ one or more peer support
workers who must be displaced nonmanagerial employees from the
affected workforce. The department shall attempt in all cases to
hire one peer support worker for each 50 affected employees and
to hire at least 2 peer support workers for each project
involving more than a total of 100 affected workers. A peer
support worker shall serve as a worker advocate and an
information source connecting the affected workers and the
State's workforce development programs. The peer support worker
shall use the resources of local employment assistance programs
as well as state programs. The department shall collaborate with

employee representatives in hiring and overseeing peer support
workers. The department shall ensure that peer support workers
have an opportunity to receive training and to work as a team
even if they are geographically dispersed.

3. Duration of project. The department shall determine the
duration of each project, taking into consideration In
determining the duration of each project site, the department
shall consider the size, scope and nature of the layoff,
including the average age and educational level of the laid-off
work force, the unemployment rate in the affected community, the
degree of training necessary to replace the employees' prior
wages and benefits, whether the laid-off workers are eligible for
assistance under the United States Trade Act of 1974, as amended,
and the period of time over which the layoffs occur.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


The bill continues the Peer Support Program for Displaced
Workers established in the First Regular Session of 119th
Legislature by Public Law 1999, chapter 506. The bill does the

1. Requires the Department of Labor to make all reasonable
efforts to seek, in a timely manner, any federal grants that may
be available to support the program;

2. If federal funds are not available or are insufficient to
provide the required services, the Department of Labor shall use
certain prescribed funds in a prescribed order of priority to
provide the required services to support the program;

3. Requires that a peer support project be initiated when 50
or more employees of a single employer are laid off or notice is
given by an employer of that employer's intent to lay off 50 or
more employees within the next 6-month period;

4. Requires the Department of Labor to hire one peer support
worker for each 50 affected employees and at least 2 peer support
workers for each project involving more than a total of 100
affected workers; and

5. Requires the Department of Labor to consider the size,
scope and nature of the layoff, including the average age and
educational level of the laid-off work force, the unemployment
rate in the affected community, the degree of training necessary

to replace the employees' prior wages and benefits, whether the
laid-off workers are eligible for assistance under the United
States Trade Act of 1974, as amended, and the period of time over
which the layoffs occur.

The bill also allows funds of the Special Administrative
Expense Fund to be used to support the activities of the Peer
Support Program for Displaced Workers.

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