LD 1531
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school may apply to become a charter school if the teachers and
administration of that public school or the parents of children in
that public school vote to apply for charter school designation. A
school board of a school administrative unit, by a majority vote,
may vote to apply for charter school designation through the
conversion of all or some of the schools located in that
administrative unit.

2.__New schools.__An application for a new charter school may
be proposed by nonprofit, nonsectarian organizations.

§2413.__Chartering authorities

1.__Eligible sponsors.__The organizers may apply to and the
school may be granted a charter by any of the following
chartering authorities:

i.A.__A school board;


B.__The office of charter schools within the department
identified to oversee charter schools; or

iii.C.__The board of a Maine nonsectarian postsecondary

2.__Approval by chartering authority.__The decision on a
charter school application must be made within 90 days of receipt
of the application.

3.__Oversight.__A chartering authority is responsible for the

A.__Monitoring the operations of each charter school to
which the chartering authority has granted a charter;

B.__Ensuring that each charter school to which the
chartering authority has granted a charter complies with
applicable laws and the charter; and

C.__Monitoring the progress of each charter school to which
the chartering authority has granted a charter in meeting
student academic expectations specified in the charter.

The chartering authority may require a charter school to which
the chartering authority has granted a charter to produce any
book, record, paper or document if the chartering authority
determines that those materials are necessary for the chartering
authority to carry out its functions under this chapter.

4.__Appeal.__An appeal of a denial of an application for a
charter school, whether on content or process, may be made within
90 days of the decision on the application.__Appeals must be
addressed to the state board.

5.__Number of schools.__The number of charter schools approved
must be geographically distributed throughout the State.__In the
first year of implementation, up to 5 new schools, not exceeding
a total enrollment of 200 students per school, may be approved.__
There is no limitation on the number of existing schools that may
convert to charter schools.

§2414.__Charter school students; eligibility; application

1.__Eligibility.__Any student residing in this State is
eligible to apply to a charter school.__The school shall enroll
an applicant who submits an application in a timely manner,
unless the number of applications exceeds the capacity of a
program, class, grade level or building. In that case, applicants
must be chosen for acceptance in a manner that guarantees each
applicant an equal chance of being admitted.

2.__Application.__Each charter school shall adopt application
standards in accordance with the following.

iv.A.__The standards may not include requirements regarding
previous academic achievement, intellectual aptitude or
curricular and extra-curricular ability.

v.B.__The standards may not result in denial of admission
for avi.ny physical or mental disability, handicap or

vii.C.__The standards may include a demonstration of a
student's interest in the specific curriculum or teaching
methodology offered by the charter school.

§2415.__Requirements for charter schools

1.__Organization.__A charter school shall organize under one
of the forms of organization available under the laws of the
State for a nonprofit corporation or a financially autonomous

2.__Nonsectarian.__A charter school may not be affiliated with
a private sectarian school or religious institution.__The school
must be nonsectarian in its programs, admission policies,
employment practices and all other operations.

3.__Admission.__A charter school shall admit students as
provided in section 2414.

4.__Accountability.__A charter school is accountable to its
chartering authority for its performance as provided in the
charter agreement pursuant to section 2416.

5.__Tuition.__The charter school may not charge tuition or
fees beyond those allowed in a regular public kindergarten-to-
grade-12 program.__However, a charter school offering a
residential component may charge a fee for room and board.__A
student may apply for and be granted a waiver for room and board
expenses if the student and the student's parents or guardian
meet financial guidelines established by the department.__Each
charter school offering a residential component shall establish
and maintain a fund capable of paying the room and board expenses
for 1/4 of its enrolled students.__If additional funds are
required to pay expenses for additional students, the fee for
students paying room and board must be increased accordingly.

6.__State and local requirements.__The charter school shall
meet all applicable state and local health, safety and civil
rights requirements.

7.__No discrimination.__The charter school may not
discriminate on the basis of color, sex, income level,
proficiency in the English language or physical ability.

8.__Finances.__A charter school shall conform to the uniform
financial accounting and reporting standards and processes that
govern school administrative units generally. The governing
entity, not the director or chief financial officer, of the
charter school shall contract for an annual financial audit by a
certified public accountant in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles.__The audit must examine the validity and
integrity of data reported to the State for revenue purposes
including average daily attendance and enrollment and internal
controls of the charter school.

§2416.__The charter agreement

Major issues involving the operation of the school must be
considered and addressed in advance of the opening of the charter
school and written into the charter agreement, which must be
signed by the head of the school and the chartering authority.

1.__Special education.__Before a charter is granted, a charter
school must have in place a policy to comply with the policies
adopted by the state board and with federal regulations relating
to the education of children with special needs.__The manner in
which the charter school delivers those services may be
innovative and integrated into its provision of services for all

2.__Written agreement on issues.__The head of the charter
school and the chartering authority shall establish a written
agreement on the following issues and incorporate the agreement
into the charter:

viii.A.__The education program, including the charter
school's mission, the students to be served, the ages and
grades to be included and the focus of the curriculum;


B.__The outcomes to be achieved and the method of
measurement that will be used, including how the charter
school will meet any state-required outcomes such as the
statewide system of learning results as described in section

x.C.__The admission and dismissal procedures;

xi.D.__The ways by which the charter school will achieve a
racial and ethnic balance reflective of the community it

xii.E.__The manner in which the charter school will
complyxiii. with state and federal requirements for the
education of children with special needs, including the
integration of special education services into the school's
curriculum and any innovative delivery systems;

xiv.F.__The manner in which the program and financial audit
will be conducted;

xv.G.__The qualifications required of the teachers in
addition to those required under section 2418;

xvi.H.__The management and administration of the charter
school; and

xvii.I.__The term of the agreement.

3.__Addendum to charter.__The charter school shall include as
an addendum to the charter agreement a plan covering the
following items, although the head of the school and the
chartering authority need not reach agreement on the terms of the
plan for these items:

xviii.A.__The governance structure of the charter school;

xix.B.__In the case of an existing school being converted to
school charter status, alternative arrangements for current
students who choose not to attend the charter school and for
current teachers who choose not to teach in the charter
school after conversion;

xx.C.__The learning methods to be used;

xxi.D.__Any distinctive learning techniques to be employed;

xxii.E.__Internal financial controls;

xxiii.F.__How the charter school will be insuxxiv.red;

xxv.G.__The facilities to be used and their location; and

xxvi.H.__The arrangements for covering teachers and other
staff for health, retirement and other employee benefits.

§2417.__Termination of the charter agreement

1.__Termination.__During the term of the charter agreement or
at the end of the term, the chartering authority may act to
terminate the agreement on any of the following grounds:

xxvii.A.__Failure to meet the requirements xxviii.for
student performance stated in the agreement;

xxix.B.__Failure to meet generally accepted standards of
fiscal management;

xxx.C.__Violation of laws; or

xxxi.D.__Other good cause shown.

A termination is effective only at the end of a school year,
unless continued operation of the charter school presents a clear
and immediate threat to health and safety.

2.__Notice of termination.__At least 60 days before
terminating a charter agreement, the chartering authority__shall
notify the board of directors of the charter school of the
proposed action in writing.__The notice must state the grounds
for the proposed action in reasonable detail and that the charter
school's board of directors may request in writing an informal
hearing before the chartering authority within 14 days of
receiving the notice.

3.__Appeal.__The charter school may appeal the chartering
authority's decision to terminate the agreement to the state

4.__Dissolution of charter school.__When an agreement is
terminated, the charter school must be dissolved as provided by
state law governing nonprofit organizations.

5.__Disposition of students upon dissolution.__If an agreement
is terminated, a student who attended the charter school may
apply to and must be enrolled in another school.


1.__Selection.__The charter school shall select its teachers.

2.__Certification.__The charter school staff must include
teachers holding teaching certificates.

3.__Right to organize.__Teachers may choose to bargain
collectively or form a professional group in accordance with the

xxxii.A.__Teachers who are employees of the charter school
have the same rights as teachers xxxiii.in public education
to organize and bargain collectively.__Bargaining units at
the charter school must be separate from other bargaining
units, such as a district bargaining unit.__Staff at
existing schools converting to charter school status may
continue to receive perquisites or benefits granted by the
district as specified in a charter, without regard to
potential conflict with existing collective bargaining

xxxiv.B.__A teacher may choose to be part of a
xxxv.professional group that operates the instructional
program under an agreement with the charter school, forming
a partnership or producer cooperative that the teachers
collectively own.

4.__Leave; seniority.__Teachers leaving a current position in
a noncharter public school to teach in a charter school may take
leave to teach.__While on leave, they retain their seniority
position and continue to be covered by the benefit programs of
the district in which they had been working.__A school district
shall grant service credit to those teachers for teaching
experience at a charter school, as long as their service at a
charter school is reasonably comparable to service in the

5.__Retirement.__Charter school teachers not previously
teaching in a public school district are eligible for membership
in the Maine State Retirement System.__Alternatively, the State
may add to the financing of the charter school an amount equal to
the employer contribution for teacher retirement so that the
charter school may establish or enroll teachers in its own

§2419.__Revenue provisions

1.__State funding.__For new schools to be granted charters,
the State shall pay directly to the charter school the average
amount per pupil spent statewide for operating purposes.__For
existing public schools converting to charter schools, funding
will continue to be according to chapters 606 and 606-A.

2.__Other sources of funding.__A charter school may receive
other state and federal aid, grants and revenue as though it were
a school administrative unit.__The charter school may receive
gifts and grants from private sources in whatever manner is
available to school administrative units.

3.__General authority.__A charter school may not levy taxes or
issue bonds secured by tax revenues.

§2420.__Immunity and exemption

1.__Exemption from state law.__Except as provided in this
chapter, a charter school is exempt from all laws and rules
applicable to a school board or school district, although it may
elect to comply with applicable laws or rules.

2.__Liability.__The charter school may sue and be sued,
however, the chartering authority of a charter school, members of
the board of the chartering authority in their official capacity
and employees of a chartering authority are immune from civil or
criminal liability with respect to all activities related to a
charter school.

3.__Categorical education funding.__Charter schools are exempt
from the restrictions normally associated with any state-funded
categorical education funding program.

§2421.__Leased space

A school district may lease space or sell services to a
charter school.__A charter school may lease space or secure
services from another public body, nonprofit organization,
private organization or individual.


Transportation for students residing in the district in which
the charter school is located must be provided by that district.__
Students living outside the district in which the charter school
is located are eligible for transportation by the district in
which they live to and from the border of their district of
residence.__Districts may provide transportation for nonresident
students.__The charter school, at its option, may receive a
proportionate share of any state or local transportation funds
and arrange for its own transportation service.

§2423.__Initial costs

A chartering authority may authorize a charter school before
the applicant has secured space, equipment or personnel if the
applicant indicates authorizations necessary for it to raise
working capital.


The department shall disseminate information to the public
directly and through chartering authorities on how to form and
operate a charter school and on how to enroll in charter schools
once they are created.

Sec. 5. Review. The Commissioner of Education, with assistance
from the State Board of Education, shall conduct a review of
charter schools created under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title
20-A, chapter 112 3 years after the effective date of this Act.
The commissioner shall submit a report and any recommendations to
the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over education and cultural affairs by December 15th
of the following year.


This bill allows certain educational bodies to approve the
establishment of charter schools, a new type of public school, to
be a part of the State's program of public education.

Charter schools may be existing public schools or school
units, new schools or existing nonprofit, nonsectarian schools
that convert to charter status. Sponsors may include a local
school board, the board of a Maine postsecondary institution or
an identified governmental entity charged with approving and
overseeing charter schools.

Charter schools are created to offer students and parents a
choice of public schools. Charter schools are open to all
students equally, though they may specialize in serving a
particular age group, a specific geographic area or a student
population with specific needs. A charter school may also
require a demonstration of interest from students if it offers a
specific curriculum or teaching methodology. Charter schools may
not be affiliated with religious institutions and must be
nonsectarian in their programs, practices and policies.

Charter school staff include teachers holding teaching
certificates. Teachers in charter schools may be employees of
the charter school and have the right to organize and bargain
collectively in a separate unit; or teachers may choose to
operate the charter school themselves as partners or members of a

Funding for charter schools is paid directly by the State in
an amount equal to the average amount per pupil spent statewide.

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