LD 1607
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Further Protect the Rights of Persons with Mental Retardation or Auti... LD 1607 Title Page
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LR 887
Item 1

in any way, but whose purpose is to maintain or ensure safety
of that person, may be used only as allowed by applicable
state law and federal rule and regulation.

Sec. 4. 34-B MRSA §5605, sub-§14, ķE, as amended by PL 1993, c. 326,
§9, is further amended to read:

E. Daily reports on the use of restraints must be made to
the appropriate chief administrative officer of the
facility. The report must be reported to the department in
any manner required by the department.

(1) The reports must summarize all cases involving the use
of restraints, the type of restraints used, the
duration of usage and the reasons for the usage.

(2) A monthly summary of the reports must be relayed to
the Office of Advocacy.


This bill enhances protections afforded to persons with mental
retardation or autism served by the Department of Mental Health,
Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services. It updates the
law by applying more modern and appropriate concepts regarding
behavioral treatment and interventions. This updating of the law
also provides a new and more contemporary basis for department
rulemaking in this area.

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