LD 1627
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Ensure Equality in Mental Health Coverage LD 1627 Title Page
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Item 1

B.__"Child" means any person under 18 years of age.

C.__"Day treatment services" includes psychoeducational,
physiological, psychological and psychosocial concepts,
techniques and processes necessary to maintain or develop
functional skills of clients, provided to individuals or
groups for periods of more than 2 hours but less than 24
hours per day.

D.__"Health benefit plan" means:

(1)__Policies, contracts or certificates for hospital
or medical benefits that are offered, renewed, amended,
executed, continued, delivered or issued for delivery
in this State to an employer or individual on an
individual or group basis or on an individual or group
subscription basis, and that provide coverage for
residents of this State;

(2)__Nonprofit hospital or medical service organization
indemnity plans;

(3)__Health maintenance organization subscriber or
group master contracts;

(4)__Preferred provider plans;

(5)__Health benefit plans offered or administered by
the State or by any subdivision or instrumentality of
the State;

(6)__Multiple-employer welfare arrangements or
associations located in this State or another state and
that cover residents of this State who are eligible
employees; or

(7)__Employer self-insured plans that are not exempt
pursuant to the__federal Employee Retirement Income
Security Act of 1974 provisions.

"Health benefit plan" does not include accident-only
insurance, fixed indemnity insurance, credit health
insurance, Medicare supplement policies, Civilian Health and
Medical Program of the Uniformed Services supplement
policies, long-term care insurance, disability income
insurance, workers' compensation or similar insurance,
disease-specific insurance, automobile medical payment
insurance, dental insurance or vision insurance.

E.__"Home support services" means rehabilitative services,

treatment services and living skills services provided for a
person with a mental illness.__"Home support services" may
be provided in a community setting or the person's current
place of residence, and are services that promote the
integration of the person into the community, sustain the
person in the person's current living situation or another
living situation of that person's choosing and enhance the
quality of the person's life. "Home support services" may be
provided directly to the person or indirectly through
collateral contact or by telephone contact or other means on
behalf of the person.__"Home support services" includes, but
is not limited to:

(1)__Case management services and assertive community
treatment services;

(2)__Medication education and monitoring;

(3)__Crisis intervention and resolution services and
follow-up services; and

(4)__Individual, group and family counseling services.

F.__"Inpatient services" includes, but is not limited to, a
range of physiological, psychological and other intervention
concepts, techniques and processes in a community mental__
health psychiatric inpatient unit, general hospital
psychiatric unit or psychiatric hospital licensed by the
Department of Human Services or accredited public hospital
to restore psychosocial functioning sufficient to allow
maintenance and support of a person suffering from a mental
illness in a less restrictive setting.

G.__"Inpatient treatment" means mental health or substance
abuse services delivered on a 24-hour per day basis in a
hospital, accredited public hospital, alcohol or drug
rehabilitation facility, intermediate care facility,
community mental health psychiatric inpatient unit, general
hospital psychiatric unit or psychiatric hospital licensed
by the Department of Human Services.

H.__"Intermediate care facility" means a licensed,
residential public or private facility that is not a
hospital and that is operated primarily for the purpose of
providing a continuous, structured 24-hour per day, state-
approved program of inpatient substance abuse services.

I.__"Mental health services" means treatment for mental

J.__"Mental illness" is any mental or nervous condition that
affects a person by impairing the person's psychobiological
processes severely enough that the person manifests problems
in the areas of social, psychological or biological
functioning.__A person with mental illness has a disorder of
thought, mood, perception, orientation or memory that
impairs judgment, behavior, capacity to recognize or ability
to cope with the ordinary demands of life.__A person with
mental illness manifests an impaired capacity to maintain
acceptable levels of functioning in the areas of intellect,
emotion or physical well-being.__"Mental illness" includes,
but is not limited to, any of the following illnesses for
which the diagnostic criteria are prescribed in the most
recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders, as periodically revised, as the illness
applies to adults and children:

(1)__Psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia;

(2)__Dissociative disorders;

(3)__Mood disorders;

(4)__Anxiety disorders;

(5)__Personality disorders;


(7)__Attention-deficit and disruptive behavior

(8)__Pervasive developmental disorders;

(9)__Tic disorders;

(10)__Eating disorders, including bulimia and anorexia;

(11)__Substance abuse-related disorders.

K.__"Outpatient care" means care rendered by a state-
licensed practitioner; state-licensed approved or certified
detoxification, residential treatment or outpatient program;
or partial hospitalization program on a periodic basis,
including, but not limited to, patient diagnosis, assessment
and treatment; individual, family and group counseling; and
educational and support services.

L.__"Outpatient services" includes, but is not limited to,
screening, evaluation, consultation, diagnosis and treatment
involving use of psychoeducational, physiological,
psychological and psychosocial evaluative and interventive
concepts, techniques and processes provided to individuals
and groups.

M.__"Person suffering from a mental illness" means a person
whose psychobiological processes are impaired severely
enough to manifest problems in the areas of social,
psychological or biological functioning. Such a person has a
disorder of thought, mood, perception, orientation or memory
that impairs judgment, behavior, capacity to recognize or
ability to cope with the ordinary demands of life.__A person
suffering from a mental illness manifests an impaired
capacity to maintain acceptable levels of functioning in the
areas of intellect, emotion or physical well-being.

N.__"Preexisting condition" means a condition existing
during a specified period immediately preceding the
effective date of coverage that would have caused an
ordinary prudent person to seek medical advice, diagnosis,
care or treatment or a condition for which medical advice,
diagnosis, care or treatment was recommended or received
during a specified period immediately preceding the
effective date of coverage.

O.__"Preexisting condition provision" means a provision in a
health benefit plan that denies, excludes or limits benefits
for an enrollee for expenses or services related to a
preexisting condition.

P.__"Provider" means those individuals included in Title 24-
A, section 2744, subsection 1, and a licensed physician, an
accredited public hospital or psychiatric hospital or a
community agency licensed at the comprehensive service level
by the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and
Substance Abuse Services.__All agency or institutional
providers named in this paragraph__shall ensure that
services are supervised by a psychiatrist, licensed
psychologist or master's level clinician, licensed in this
State to practice at the independent level and who meets the
Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and
Substance Abuse Services standards for the provision of

Q.__"Residential treatment" means services at a facility that
provides care 24 hours daily to one or more patients, including,
but not limited to, the following services: room

and board; medical, nursing and dietary services; patient
diagnosis, assessment and treatment; individual, family and
group counseling; and educational and support services,
including a designated unit of a licensed health care
facility providing any and all other services specified in
this paragraph to a person suffering from a mental illness.

R.__"Treatment" means services, including diagnostic
evaluation; medical, psychiatric and psychological care; and
psychotherapy for mental illness rendered by a hospital,
alcohol or drug rehabilitation facility, intermediate care
facility, mental health treatment center or a professional,
pursuant to Title 24-A, section 2744, subsection 1, and
licensed in the State to diagnose and treat conditions
defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, as periodically revised.

Sec. 5. 24 MRSA §2325-A, sub-§§4 and 5, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 515,
§4, are amended to read:

4. Requirement. Every nonprofit hospital or medical service
organization which that issues individual or group health care
contracts providing coverage for hospital care to residents of
this State shall provide benefits as required in this section to
any subscriber or other person covered under those contracts for
conditions arising from mental illness. The requirements of this
section apply to every health benefit plan that provides coverage
for a family member of the insured or the subscriber that is
offered, renewed, amended, executed, continued, delivered or
issued for delivery in this State to an employer or individual on
an individual or group basis.

5. Services. Each individual or group contract shall must
provide, at a minimum, for the following benefits for a person
suffering from a mental or nervous condition:

A. Inpatient care treatment and services;

B. Day treatment services; and

C. Outpatient care, treatment and services.;

D.__Home support services; and

E.__Residential treatment.

Sec. 6. 24 MRSA §2325-A, sub-§5-A, as amended by PL 1989, c. 490, §1,
is repealed.

Sec. 7. 24 MRSA §2325-A, sub-§5-C, as amended by PL 1995, c. 637, §1,
is further amended to read:

5-C. Coverage for treatment for mental illnesses. Coverage
for medical treatment for mental illnesses listed in paragraph A
is subject to this subsection.

A. All individual or group contracts must provide, at a
minimum, benefits according to paragraph B, subparagraph (1)
for a person receiving medical treatment for any of the
following mental illnesses illness diagnosed by a licensed
allopathic or osteopathic physician, a person included in
Title 24-A, section 2744, subsection 1 or a licensed
psychologist who is trained and has received a doctorate in
psychology specializing in the evaluation and treatment of
human behavior: mental illness.

(1) Schizophrenia;

(2) Bipolar disorder;

(3) Pervasive developmental disorder, or autism;

(4) Paranoia;

(5) Panic disorder;

(6) Obsessive-compulsive disorder; or

(7) Major depressive disorder.

B. All policies, contracts and certificates executed,
delivered, issued for delivery, continued or renewed in this
State on or after July 1, 1996 must provide benefits that
meet the requirements of this paragraph. For purposes of
this paragraph, all contracts are deemed renewed no later
than the next yearly anniversary of the contract date.

(1) The contracts must provide benefits for the
treatment and diagnosis of mental illnesses under terms
and conditions that are no less extensive than equal to
the benefits provided for medical treatment for
physical illnesses.

(2) At the request of a nonprofit hospital or medical service
organization, a provider of medical or psychiatric treatment for
mental illness shall furnish data substantiating that initial or
continued treatment is medically or psychiatrically necessary and
appropriate. When making the determination of whether treatment
is medically or psychiatrically necessary and appropriate, the
provider shall use the same criteria

for medical treatment for mental illness as for medical
treatment for physical illness under the group

(3)__The benefits and coverage required under this
subsection must be provided as one set of benefits, and
coverage covering mental illness must have the same
terms and conditions as the benefits and coverage for
physical illness covered under the policy or contract,
and may be delivered under a managed care system.

(4)__A policy or contract may not have separate
maximums for physical illness and mental illness,
separate deductibles and coinsurance amounts for
physical illness and mental illness, separate out-of-
pocket limits in a benefit period of not more than 12
months for physical illness and mental illness or
separate office visitation limits for physical illness
and mental illness.

(5)__A health benefit plan may not impose a limitation
on coverage or benefits for mental illness unless that
same limitation is also imposed on the coverage and
benefits for physical illness covered under the policy
or contract.

(6)__Copayments required under a policy or contract for
benefits and coverage for mental illness must be
actuarially equivalent to any coinsurance requirements
or, if there are no coinsurance requirements, not
greater than any copayment required under the policy or
contract for a benefit or coverage for a physical

(7)__A health benefit plan may not limit coverage for a
preexisting condition that is a mental illness.

(8)__For the purposes of this section, medication
management visits associated with a mental illness must
be covered in the same manner as a medication
management visit for the treatment of a physical
illness and may not be counted in the calculation of
any maximum outpatient treatment visit limits.

This subsection does not apply to policies, contracts and
certificates covering employees of employers with 20 or fewer
employees, whether the group policy is issued to the employer, to
an association, to a multiple-employer trust or to another

This subsection may not be construed to allow coverage and
benefits for the treatment of alcoholism or other drug

dependencies through the diagnosis of a mental illness listed in
paragraph A.

Sec. 8. 24 MRSA §2325-A, sub-§5-D, as amended by PL 1995, c. 637, §2,
is repealed.

Sec. 9. 24 MRSA §2325-A, sub-§7, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 515, §4, is
amended to read:

7. Limits; coinsurance; deductibles. Any policy or contract
which that provides coverage for the services required by this
section may contain provisions for maximum benefits and
coinsurance and reasonable limitations, deductibles and
exclusions only to the extent that these provisions are not
inconsistent with the requirements of this section maximum
benefits and coinsurance and reasonable limitations, deductibles
and exclusions are equal to those established for physical
illness and conform with the requirements of subsection 5-C.

Sec. 10. 24 MRSA §2325-A, sub-§10 is enacted to read:

10.__Transition.__The provisions of this section do not limit
the provision of specialized services for individuals with mental
illness who are covered by Medicaid, supersede the provisions of
federal law, federal or state Medicaid policy or the terms and
conditions imposed on any Medicaid waiver granted to the State
with respect to the provision of services to individuals with
mental illness, and affect any annual health insurance plan until
its date of renewal or any health insurance plan governed by a
collective bargaining agreement or employment contract until the
expiration of that contract.

Sec. 11. 24 MRSA §2329, sub-§1, as repealed and replaced by PL 1983,
c. 527, §1, is repealed.

Sec. 12. 24 MRSA §2329, sub-§1-A is enacted to read:

1-A.__Policy and purpose.__The Legislature recognizes that
alcoholism and drug dependency constitute major health problems
in the State and in the Nation and declares that it is the policy
of the State to:

A.__Require that every health benefit plan that is offered,
amended, delivered, continued, executed, issued for delivery or
renewed in this State provide coverage and benefits for the
coverage of alcoholism and drug dependency equal to or exceeding
the coverage and benefits available under health benefit plans
for the diagnosis and treatment of all other physical illnesses
to ensure equitable and nondiscriminatory health coverage
benefits for all forms of illness, including

alcoholism and drug dependency, which are of significant
consequence to the health of the citizens of the State, and
which can be treated in a cost-effective manner;

B.__Recognize that alcoholism is a disease and that
alcoholism and drug dependency can be effectively treated.__
As such, alcoholism and drug dependency warrant the same
attention from the health care industry as other serious
diseases and illnesses.__The Legislature further recognizes
that health care contracts, at times, fail to provide
adequate benefits for the treatment of alcoholism and drug
dependency, which results in more costly health care for
treatment of complications caused by the lack of early
intervention and other treatment services for persons
suffering from these illnesses.__This situation causes
higher health care, social, law enforcement and economic
costs to the citizens of this State than is necessary,
including the need for the State to provide treatment to
some subscribers at public expense; and

C.__Declare that, to assist the many citizens of this State
who suffer from these illnesses in a more cost-effective
way, health care coverage benefits for the treatment of the
illnesses of alcoholism and drug dependency must be included
in all individual and group health care contracts and must
include coverage for inpatient treatment, outpatient
treatment, residential treatment, crisis intervention and
resolution care, maximum lifetime benefits, copayments,
coverage of home visits, individual and family deductibles
and coinsurance.

Sec. 13. 24 MRSA §2329, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1987, c. 735, §41, is

Sec. 14. 24 MRSA §2329, sub-§2-A is enacted to read:

2-A.__Definitions.__As used in this section, unless the
context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the
following meanings.

A.__"Health benefit plan" means:

(1)__Policies, contracts or certificates for hospital
or medical benefits that are offered, renewed, amended,
executed, continued, delivered or issued for delivery
in this State to an employer or individual on an
individual or group basis or on an individual or group
subscription basis and that provide coverage for
residents of this State;

(2)__Nonprofit hospital or medical service organization
indemnity plans;

(3)__Health maintenance organization subscriber or
group master contracts;

(4)__Preferred provider plans;

(5)__Health benefit plans offered or administered by
the State or by any subdivision or instrumentality of
the State;

(6)__Multiple-employer welfare arrangements or
associations located in this State or another state and
that cover residents of this State who are eligible
employees; or

(7)__Employer self-insured plans that are not exempt
pursuant to the federal Employee Retirement Income
Security Act of 1974 provisions.

"Health benefit plan" does not include accident-only
insurance, fixed indemnity insurance, credit health
insurance, Medicare supplement policies, Civilian Health and
Medical Program of the Uniformed Services supplement
policies, long-term care insurance, disability income
insurance, workers' compensation or similar insurance;
disease-specific insurance, automobile medical payment
insurance, dental insurance or vision insurance.

B.__"Outpatient care" means care rendered by a state-
licensed practitioner; state-licensed approved or certified
detoxification, residential treatment or outpatient program;
or partial hospitalization program on a periodic basis,
including, but not limited to, patient diagnosis, assessment
and treatment; individual, family and group counseling;
crisis intervention and resolution; and educational and
support services.

C.__"Preexisting condition" means a condition existing
during a specified period immediately preceding the
effective date of coverage that would have caused an
ordinary prudent person to seek medical advice, diagnosis,
care or treatment or a condition for which medical advice,
diagnosis, care or treatment was recommended or received
during a specified period immediately preceding the
effective date of coverage.

D.__"Preexisting condition provision" means a provision in a

health benefit plan that denies, excludes or limits benefits
for an enrollee for expenses or services related to a
preexisting condition.

E.__"Residential treatment" means services at a facility
that provides care 24 hours daily to one or more patients,
including, but not limited to, the following services:__room
and board; medical, nursing and dietary services; patient
diagnosis, assessment and treatment; individual, family and
group counseling; and educational and support services,
including a designated unit of a licensed health care
facility providing any and all other services specified in
this paragraph to patients with the illnesses of alcoholism
and drug dependency.

F.__"Treatment plan" means a written plan initiated at the
time of admission, approved by a licensed physician, a
person included in Title 24-A, section 2744, subsection 1
who can demonstrate expertise in addictions or a licensed or
registered alcohol and drug counselor employed by a
certified or licensed substance abuse program.__"Treatment
plan" includes, but is not limited to, the patient's
medical, drug and alcoholism history; record of physical
examination; diagnosis; assessment of physical capabilities;
mental capacity; orders for medication, diet and special
needs for the patient's health or safety and treatment,
including medical, psychiatric, psychological, social
services, individual, family and group counseling; and
educational, support and referral services.

Sec. 15. 24 MRSA §2329, sub-§§3 and 4, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 527,
§1, are amended to read:

3. Requirement. Every nonprofit hospital or medical service
organization which that issues individual or group health care
contracts providing coverage for hospital care to residents of
this State shall provide benefits as required in this section to
any subscriber or other person covered under those contracts for
the treatment of alcoholism and other drug dependency pursuant to
a treatment plan. The requirements of this section apply to
every health benefit plan that provides coverage for a family
member of the insured or the subscriber and that is offered,
renewed, amended, executed, continued, delivered or issued for
delivery in this State to an employer or individual on an
individual or group basis.

4. Services; providers. Each individual or group contract
shall provide, at a minimum, for the following coverage, pursuant
to a treatment plan:

A. Residential treatment at a hospital or free-standing
residential treatment center which is licensed, certified or
approved by the State; and

B. Outpatient care, including crisis intervention and
resolution, rendered by state licensed, certified or
approved providers who have contracted with the nonprofit
hospital or medical service organization under terms and
conditions which the organization deems satisfactory to its
membership consistent with the requirements of this section.

Treatment or confinement at any facility shall not preclude
further or additional treatment at any other eligible facility,
provided that the benefit days used do not exceed the total
number of benefit days provided for under the contract.

4-A.__Contract requirements.__All policies, contracts and
certificates, delivered, issued for delivery, continued or
renewed in this State must provide benefits that meet the
requirements of this subsection.__For purposes of this
subsection, all contracts are deemed renewed no later than the
next yearly anniversary of the contract date.

A.__The contracts must provide benefits for the treatment
and diagnosis of alcoholism and drug dependency under terms
and conditions that are equal to the benefits provided for
medical treatment for physical illness.

B.__At the request of a nonprofit hospital or medical
service organization, a provider of treatment for alcoholism
or drug dependency shall furnish data substantiating that
initial or continued treatment is necessary and appropriate.__
When making the determination of whether treatment is
necessary and appropriate, the provider shall use the same
criteria for medical treatment for alcoholism and drug
dependency as for medical treatment for physical illness
under the contract.

C.__The benefits and coverage required under this section
must be provided as one set of benefits and coverage
covering alcoholism and drug dependency, must have the same
terms and conditions as the benefits and coverage for
physical illness covered under the policy or contract and
may be delivered under a managed care system.

D.__A policy or contract may not have separate maximums for
physical illnesses and alcoholism and drug dependency, separate
deductibles and coinsurance amounts for physical illness and
alcoholism and drug dependency covered under

this section, separate out-of-pocket limits in a benefit
period of not more than 12 months for physical illness and
alcoholism and drug dependency or separate office visitation
limits for physical illness and alcoholism and drug

E.__A health benefit plan may not impose a limitation on
coverage or benefits for alcoholism and drug dependency
unless that same limitation is also imposed on the coverage
and benefits for physical illness covered under the policy
or contract.

F.__Copayments required under a policy or contract for
benefits and coverage for alcoholism and drug dependency
must be actuarially equivalent to any coinsurance
requirements, or if there are no coinsurance requirements,
not greater than any copayment required under the policy or
contract for a benefit or coverage for a physical illness.

G.__A health benefit plan may not limit coverage for a
preexisting condition that is alcoholism or drug dependency.

H.__For the purposes of this section, medication management
visits associated with alcoholism and drug dependency must
be covered in the same manner as a medication management
visit for the treatment of a physical illness and may not be
counted in the calculation of any maximum outpatient
treatment visit limits.

Sec. 16. 24 MRSA §2329, sub-§5, as amended by PL 1989, c. 490, §2, is

Sec. 17. 24 MRSA §2329, sub-§6, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 527, §1, is
amended to read:

6. Limits; coinsurance; deductibles. Any policy or contract
which that provides coverage for the services required by this
section may contain provisions for maximum benefits and
coinsurance, and reasonable limitations, deductibles and
exclusions only to the extent that these provisions are not
inconsistent with maximum benefits and coinsurance and reasonable
limitations, deductibles and exclusions are equal to those
established for physical illness and conform to the requirements
of this section subsection 4-A.

Sec. 18. 24 MRSA §2329, sub-§11 is enacted to read:

11.__Transition.__The provisions of this section do not limit
the provision of specialized services for individuals with
alcoholism or drug dependency who are covered by Medicaid,
supersede the provisions of federal law, federal or state

Medicaid policy or the terms and conditions imposed on any
Medicaid waiver granted to the State with respect to the
provision of services to individuals with alcoholism or drug
dependency, and affect any annual health insurance plan until its
date of renewal or any health insurance plan governed by a
collective bargaining agreement or employment contract until the
expiration of that contract.

Sec. 19. 24-A MRSA §2744, as amended by PL 1995, c. 561, §2, is
further amended to read:

§2744. Mental health services

1. Notwithstanding any provision of a health insurance policy
subject to this chapter, whenever the policy provides for payment
or reimbursement for services which that are within the lawful
scope of practice of a psychologist licensed to practice in this
State, a certified social worker licensed for the independent
practice of social work in this State who has at least a masters
degree in social work from an accredited educational institution,
has been employed in social work for at least 2 years, and who,
after January 1, 1985, must be licensed as a clinical social
worker in this State, or a licensed clinical professional
counselor licensed for the independent practice of counseling who
has at least a masters degree in counseling from an accredited
educational institution, has been employed in counseling for at
least 2 years and, after January 1, 2002, must be licensed as a
clinical professional counselor in this State, or a licensed
nurse who is certified by the American Nurses' Association as a
clinical specialist in adult psychiatric and mental health
nursing or as a clinical specialist in child and adolescent
psychiatric and mental health nursing, any person covered by the
policy shall be is entitled to reimbursement for these services
if the services are performed by a physician, a psychologist
licensed to practice in this State, a certified social worker
licensed for the independent practice of social work who has at
least a masters degree in social work from an accredited
educational institution, who has been employed in social work for
at least 2 years, and who, after January 1, 1985, must be
licensed as a clinical social worker in this State, or a licensed
clinical professional counselor licensed for the independent
practice of counseling who has at least a masters degree in
counseling from an accredited educational institution, has been
employed in counseling for at least 2 years and, after January 1,
2002, must be licensed as a clinical professional counselor in
this State, or a licensed nurse certified by the American Nurses'
Association as a clinical specialist in adult or child and
adolescent psychiatric and mental health nursing. With respect to
services provided by physicians or psychologists, this This
section applies to all health insurance policies, contracts

or certificates issued, renewed, modified, altered, amended or
reissued on or after July 1, 1975. Payment or reimbursement for
services rendered by clinical social workers licensed in this
State shall, licensed clinical professional counselors licensed
in this State or licensed nurses certified by the American
Nurses' Association as clinical specialists in adult or child and
adolescent psychiatric and mental health nursing may not be
conditioned upon prior diagnosis or referral by a physician or
other health care professional, except in cases where diagnosis
of the condition for which the services are rendered is beyond
the scope of their licensure.

2. Nothing in subsection 1 may be construed to require a
health insurance policy subject to this chapter to provide for
reimbursement of services which are within the lawful scope of
practice of a psychologist licensed to practice in this State, a
clinical social worker licensed in this State, a certified social
worker licensed to practice in this State, or a certified nurse
licensed to practice in this State.

3. Mental health services provided by counseling
professionals. An insurer that issues individual health care
contracts providing coverage for mental health services shall
offer coverage for those services when performed by a counseling
professional who is licensed by the State pursuant to Title 32,
chapter 119 to assess and treat interpersonal and intrapersonal
problems, has at least a masters degree in counseling or a
related field from an accredited educational institution and has
been employed as a counselor for at least 2 years. Any contract
providing coverage for the services of counseling professionals
pursuant to this section may be subject to any reasonable
limitations, maximum benefits, coinsurance, deductibles or
exclusion provisions applicable to overall benefits under the
contract. This subsection applies to all contracts executed,
delivered, issued for delivery, continued or renewed in this
State on or after January 1, 1997. For purposes of this
subsection, all contracts are deemed renewed no later than the
next yearly anniversary of the contract date.

Sec. 20. 24-A MRSA §2749-C, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1995, c. 637, §3,
is further amended to read:

1. Coverage for treatment for mental illnesses. Coverage for
medical treatment for mental illnesses listed in paragraph A by
all individual policies is subject to this section.

A. All individual policies must make available coverage
providing provide, at a minimum, benefits according to paragraph
B, subparagraph (1) for a person receiving medical or psychiatric
treatment for any of the following mental

illnesses for which diagnostic criteria are prescribed in
the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, as periodically revised, and
diagnosed by a licensed allopathic or osteopathic physician
or a licensed psychologist who is trained and has received a
doctorate in psychology specializing in the evaluation and
treatment of human behavior:, or an individual included in
section 2744, subsection 1.

(1) Schizophrenia;

(2) Bipolar disorder;

(3) Pervasive developmental disorder, or autism;

(4) Paranoia;

(5) Panic disorder;

(6) Obsessive-compulsive disorder; or

(7) Major depressive disorder.

B. All individual policies and contracts executed,
delivered, issued for delivery, continued or renewed in this
State on or after July 1, 1996 must make available provide
coverage providing benefits that meet the requirements of
this paragraph. For purposes of this paragraph, all
contracts are deemed renewed no later than the next yearly
anniversary of the contract date.

(1) The offer of coverage must provide benefits for
the treatment and diagnosis of mental illnesses under
terms and conditions that are no less extensive than
equal to the benefits provided for medical treatment
for physical illnesses.

(2) At the request of a reimbursing insurer, a
provider of medical or psychiatric treatment for mental
illness shall furnish data substantiating that initial
or continued treatment is medically or psychiatrically
necessary and appropriate. When making the
determination of whether treatment is medically or
psychiatrically necessary and appropriate, the provider
shall use the same criteria for medical treatment for
mental illness as for medical treatment for physical
illness under the individual policy.

(3)__The benefits and coverage required under this section must
be provided as one set of benefits, and

coverage covering mental illness must have the same
terms and conditions as the benefits and coverage for
physical illness covered under the policy or contract
and may be delivered under a managed care system.

(4)__A policy or contract may not have separate
maximums for physical illness and mental illness,
separate deductibles and coinsurance amounts for
physical illness and mental illness, separate out-of-
pocket limits in a benefit period of not more than 12
months for physical illness and mental illness or
separate office visitation limits for physical illness
and mental illness.

(5)__A health benefit plan may not impose a limitation
on coverage or benefits for mental illness unless that
same limitation is also imposed on the coverage and
benefits for physical illnesses covered under the
policy or

(6)__Copayments required under a policy or contract for
benefits and coverage for mental illness must be
actuarially equivalent to any coinsurance requirements
or, if there are no coinsurance requirements, not
greater than any copayment required under the policy or
contract for a benefit or coverage for a physical

(7)__A health benefit plan may not limit coverage for a
preexisting condition that is a mental illness.

(8)__For the purposes of this section, medication
management visits associated with a mental illness must
be covered in the same manner as a medication
management visit for the treatment of a physical
illness and may not be counted in the calculation of
any maximum outpatient treatment visit limits.

This subsection may not be construed to allow coverage and
benefits for the treatment of alcoholism or other drug
dependencies through the diagnosis of a mental illness listed in
paragraph A.

Sec. 21. 24-A MRSA §2749-C, sub-§§2 and 3, as enacted by PL 1995, c.
407, §5, are amended to read:

2. Contracts; providers. Subject to approval by the
superintendent pursuant to section 2305, an insurer incorporated
under this chapter shall offer contracts to providers, pursuant
to section 2744, authorizing the provision of mental health
services within the scope of the provider's licensure.

3. Limits; coinsurance; deductibles. A policy or contract
that provides coverage for the services required by this section
may contain provisions for maximum benefits and coinsurance and
reasonable limitations, deductibles and exclusions only to the
extent that these provisions are not inconsistent with the
requirements of this section maximum benefits and coinsurance and
reasonable limitations, deductibles and exclusions are equal to
those established for physical illness and conform with
requirements of subsection 1, paragraph B.

Sec. 22. 24-A MRSA §2749-C, sub-§6 is enacted to read:

6.__Transition.__The provisions of this section do not limit
the provision of specialized services for individuals with mental
illness who are covered by Medicaid, supersede the provisions of
federal law, federal or state Medicaid policy or the terms and
conditions imposed on any Medicaid waiver granted to the State
with respect to the provision of services to individuals with
mental illness, and affect any annual health insurance plan until
its date of renewal or any health insurance plan governed by a
collective bargaining agreement or employment contract until the
expiration of that contract.

Sec. 23. 24-A MRSA §2835, as amended by PL 1995, c. 561, §3, is
further amended to read:

§2835. Mental health services

1. Notwithstanding any provision of a health insurance policy
subject to this chapter, whenever the policy provides for payment
or reimbursement for services which that are within the lawful
scope of practice of a psychologist licensed to practice in this
State, a certified social worker licensed for the independent
practice of social work in this State who has at least a masters
degree in social work from an accredited educational institution,
has been employed in social work for at least 2 years, and who,
after January 1, 1985, must be licensed as a clinical social
worker in this State, or a licensed clinical professional
counselor licensed for the independent practice of counseling who
has at least a masters degree in counseling from an accredited
educational institution, has been employed in counseling for at
least 2 years and, after January 1, 2002, must be licensed as a
clinical professional counselor in this State, or a licensed
nurse who is certified by the American Nurses' Association as a
clinical specialist in adult psychiatric and mental health
nursing or as a clinical specialist in child and adolescent
psychiatric and mental health nursing, any person covered by the
policy shall be is entitled to reimbursement for these services
if the services are performed by a physician, a psychologist
licensed to practice in this State, certified social

worker licensed for independent practice in this State who has at
least a masters degree in social work from an accredited
educational institution, who has been employed in social work for
at least 2 years, and who, after January 1, 1985, must be
licensed as a clinical social worker in this State, or a licensed
clinical professional counselor licensed for the independent
practice of counseling who has at least a masters degree in
counseling from an accredited educational institution, has been
employed in counseling for at least 2 years and, after January 1,
2002, must be licensed as a clinical professional counselor in
this State, or a licensed nurse certified by the American Nurses'
Association as a clinical specialist in adult or child and
adolescent psychiatric and mental health nursing. With respect to
services provided by physicians or psychologists, this section
applies to all health insurance policies, contracts or
certificates issued, renewed, modified, altered, amended or
reissued on or after April 16, 1976. Payment or reimbursement
for services rendered by clinical social workers
licensed in this State shall, licensed clinical professional
counselors licensed in this State or licensed nurses certified by
the American Nurses' Association as clinical specialists in adult
or child and adolescent psychiatric and mental health nursing may
not be conditioned upon prior diagnosis or referral by a
physician or other health care professional, except in cases
where diagnosis of the condition for which the services are
rendered is beyond the scope of their licensure.

2. Nothing in subsection 1 may be construed to require a
health insurance policy subject to this chapter to provide for
reimbursement of services which are within the lawful scope of
practice of a psychologist licensed to practice in this State, a
clinical social worker licensed in this State, a certified social
worker licensed to practice in this State, or a nurse certified
and licensed to practice in this State.

3. Mental health services provided by counseling
professionals. An insurer that issues group health care
contracts providing coverage for mental health services shall
make available coverage for those services when performed by a
counseling professional who is licensed by the State pursuant to
Title 32, chapter 119 to assess and treat interpersonal and
intrapersonal problems, has at least a masters degree in
counseling or a related field from an accredited educational
institution and has been employed as a counselor for at least 2
years. Any contract providing coverage for the services of
counseling professionals pursuant to this section may be subject
to any reasonable limitations, maximum benefits, coinsurance,
deductibles or exclusion provisions applicable to overall
benefits under the contract. This subsection applies to all
contracts executed, delivered, issued for delivery, continued or

renewed in this State on or after January 1, 1997. For purposes
of this subsection, all contracts are deemed renewed no later
than the next yearly anniversary of the contract date.

Sec. 24. 24-A MRSA §2842, sub-§1, as repealed and replaced by PL 1983,
c. 527, §2, is repealed.

Sec. 25. 24-A MRSA §2842, sub-§1-A is enacted to read:

1-A.__Policy and Purpose. The Legislature recognizes that
alcoholism and drug dependency constitute major health problems
in the State and in the Nation and declares that it is the policy
of the State to:

A.__Require that every health benefit plan that is offered,
amended, delivered, continued, executed, issued for delivery
or renewed in this State provide coverage and benefits for
the coverage of alcoholism and drug dependency equal to or
exceeding the coverage and benefits available under health
benefit plans for the diagnosis and treatment of all other
covered physical illnesses to ensure equitable and
nondiscriminatory health coverage benefits for all forms of
illness, including alcoholism and drug dependency, which are
of significant consequence to the health of the citizens of
the State, and which can be treated in a cost-effective

B.__Recognize that alcoholism is a disease and that
alcoholism and drug dependency can be effectively treated.
As such, alcoholism and drug dependency warrant the same
attention from the health care industry as other serious
diseases and illnesses. The Legislature further recognizes
that health care contracts, at times, fail to provide
adequate benefits for the treatment of alcoholism and drug
dependency, which results in more costly health care for
treatment of complications caused by the lack of early
intervention and other treatment services for persons
suffering from these illnesses. This situation causes higher
health care, social, law enforcement and economic costs to
the citizens of this State than is necessary, including the
need for the State to provide treatment to some insureds at
public expense; and

C.__Declare that, to assist the many citizens of this State who
suffer from these illnesses in a more cost-effective way, health
insurance coverage benefits for the treatment of the illnesses of
alcoholism and drug dependency must be included in all group
health care contracts and must include coverage for inpatient
treatment, outpatient treatment, residential treatment, crisis
intervention and resolution

care, maximum lifetime benefits, copayments, coverage of
home visits, individual and family deductibles and

Sec. 26. 24-A MRSA §2842, sub-§2, as repealed and replaced by PL 1983,
c. 527, §2, is repealed.

Sec. 27. 24-A MRSA §2842, sub-§2-A is enacted to read:

2-A.__Definitions. As used in this section, unless the context
indicates otherwise, the following terms have the following

A.__"Health benefit plan" means:

(1)__Policies, contracts or certificates for hospital
or medical benefits that are offered, renewed, amended,
executed, continued, delivered or issued for delivery
in this State to an employer on a group basis or on a
group subscription basis, and that provides coverage
for residents of this State;

(2)__Nonprofit hospital or medical service organization
indemnity plans;

(3)__Health maintenance organization group master

(4)__Preferred provider plans;

(5)__Health benefit plans offered or administered by
the State or by any subdivision or instrumentality of
the State;

(6)__Multiple-employer welfare arrangements or
associations located in this State or another state and
that cover residents of this State who are eligible
employees; or

(7)__Employer self-insured plans that are not exempt
pursuant to the federal Employee Retirement Income
Security Act of 1974 provisions.

"Health benefit plan" does not include accident-only
insurance, fixed indemnity insurance, credit health
insurance, Medicare supplement policies, Civilian Health and
Medical Program of the Uniformed Services supplement
policies, long-term care insurance, disability income
insurance, workers' compensation or similar insurance,
disease-specific insurance, automobile medical payment
insurance, dental insurance or vision insurance.

B.__"Outpatient care" means care rendered by a state-
licensed practitioner; state-licensed approved or certified
detoxification, residential treatment or outpatient program;
or partial hospitalization program on a periodic basis,
including, but not limited to, patient diagnosis, assessment
and treatment; individual, family and group counseling;
crisis intervention and resolution; and educational and
support services.

C.__"Preexisting condition" means a condition existing
during a specified period immediately preceding the
effective date of coverage that would have caused an
ordinary prudent person to seek medical advice, diagnosis,
care or treatment or a condition for which medical advice,
diagnosis, care or treatment or a condition for which
medical advice, diagnosis, care or treatment was recommended
or received during a specified period immediately preceding
the effective date of

D.__"Preexisting condition provision" means a provision in a
health benefit plan that denies, excludes or limits benefits
for an enrollee for expenses or services related to a
preexisting condition.

E.__"Residential treatment" means services at a facility
that provides care 24 hours daily to one or more patients,
including, but not limited to, the following services: room
and board; medical, nursing and dietary services; patient
diagnosis, assessment and treatment; individual, family and
group counseling; and educational and support services,
including a designated unit of a licensed health care
facility providing any and all other services specified in
this paragraph to patients with the illnesses of alcoholism
and drug dependency.

F.__"Treatment plan" means a written plan initiated at the
time of admission, approved by a licensed physician, a
person included in section 2744, subsection 1 who can
demonstrate expertise in addictions or a licensed or
registered alcohol and drug counselor employed by a
certified or licensed substance abuse program.__"Treatment
plan" includes, but is not limited to, the patient's
medical, drug and alcoholism history; record of physical
examination; diagnosis; assessment of physical capabilities;
mental capacity; orders for medication, diet and special
needs for the patient's health or safety and treatment,
including medical, psychiatric, psychological, social
services, individual, family and group counseling; and
educational, support and referral services.

Sec. 28. 24-A MRSA §2842, sub-§§3 and 4, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 527,
§2, are amended to read:

3. Requirement. Every insurer which that issues group health
care contracts providing coverage for hospital care to residents
of this State shall provide benefits as required in this section
to any subscriber or other person covered under those contracts
for the treatment of alcoholism and other drug dependency
pursuant to a treatment plan. The requirements of this section
apply to every health benefit plan that provides coverage for a
family member of the insured and that is offered, renewed,
amended, executed, continued, delivered or issued for delivery in
this State to an employer or policyholder on a group basis.

4. Services; providers. Each grop group contract shall
provide, at a minimum, for the following coverage, pursuant to a
treatment plan:

A. Residential treatment at a hospital or free-standing
residential treatment center which that is licensed,
certified or approved by the State; and

B. Outpatient care rendered by state licensed, certified or
approved providers.

Treatment or confinement at any facility shall not preclude
further or additional treatment at any other eligible facility,
provided that the benefit days used do not exceed the total
number of benefit days provided for under the contract.

Sec. 29. 24-A MRSA §2842, sub-§5, as amended by PL 1989, c. 490, §3,
is repealed.

Sec. 30. 24-A MRSA §2842, sub-§6, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 527, §2,
is amended to read:

6. Limits; coinsurance; deductibles. Any policy or contract
which that provides coverage for the services required by this
section may contain provisions for maximum benefits and
coinsurance, and reasonable limitations, deductibles and
exclusions only to the extent that these provisions are not
inconsistent with the requirements of this section maximum
benefits and coinsurance and reasonable limitations, deductibles
and exclusions are equal to those established for physical
illness and conform to the requirements of subsection 4.

Sec. 31. 24-A MRSA §2842, sub-§11 is enacted to read:

11.__Transition.__The provisions of this section do not

limit the provision of specialized services for individuals with
alcoholism or drug dependency who are covered by Medicaid,
supersede the provisions of federal law, federal or state
Medicaid policy or the terms and conditions imposed on any
Medicaid waiver granted to the State with respect to the
provision of services to individuals with alcoholism or drug
dependency, and affect any annual health insurance plan until its
date of renewal or any health insurance plan governed by a
collective bargaining agreement or employment contract until the
expiration of that contract.

Sec. 32. 24-A MRSA §2843, sub-§1, ¶C, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 515,
§6, is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

C.__Typical health coverage in this State continues to
discriminate against mental illness and those coping with
such illnesses despite repeated efforts to mandate equal
coverage.__Discrimination takes the form of limiting or
denying coverage, with nonexistent or limited benefits
compared to provisions
for other illnesses that are not limited or denied; and

Sec. 33. 24-A MRSA §2843, sub-§2, ¶¶A and B, as enacted by PL 1983, c.
515, §6, are amended to read:

A. Promote Require that every health benefit plan that is
offered, amended, delivered, continued, executed, issued for
delivery or renewed in this State, provide coverage and
benefits for the coverage of mental illness equal to or
exceeding the coverage and benefits available under health
benefit plans for the diagnosis and treatment of all other
covered physical illnesses and to ensure equitable and
nondiscriminatory health coverage benefits for all forms of
illness, including mental and emotional disorders, which are
of significant consequence to the health of Maine people and
which can be treated in a cost effective manner;

B. Assure that victims of mental and other illnesses have
access to and choice of appropriate treatment at the
earliest point of illness in least restrictive settings,
including coverage for inpatient treatment, outpatient
treatment, day treatment, outpatient care, residential
treatment, home support services, crisis intervention and
resolution care, medication, maximum lifetime benefits,
copayments, coverage of home visits, individual and family
deductibles and coinsurance;

Sec. 34. 24-A MRSA §2843, sub-§3, as amended by PL 1995, c. 560, Pt.
K, §82 and affected by §83, is repealed.

Sec. 35. 24-A MRSA §2843, sub-§3-A is enacted to read:

3-A.__Definitions.__For purposes of this section, unless the
context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the
following meanings.

A.__"Adult" means any person who is 18 years of age or

B.__"Child" means any person under 18 years of age.

C.__"Day treatment services" includes psychoeducational,
physiological, psychological and psychosocial concepts,
techniques and processes necessary to maintain or develop
functional skills of clients, provided to individuals or
groups for periods of more than 2 hours but less than 24
hours per day.

D.__"Health benefit plan" means:

(1)__Policies, contracts or certificates for hospital
or medical benefits that are offered, renewed, amended,
executed, continued, delivered or issued for delivery
in this State to an employer or policy holder on a
group basis or on a group subscription basis, and that
provide coverage for residents of this State;

(2)__Nonprofit hospital or medical service organization
indemnity plans;

(3)__Health maintenance organization group master

(4)__Preferred provider plans;

(5)__Health benefit plans offered or administered by
the State or by any subdivision or instrumentality of
the State;

(6)__Multiple-employer welfare arrangements or
associations located in this State or another state and
that cover residents of this State who are eligible
employees; or

(7)__Employer self-insured plans that are not exempt
pursuant to the__federal Employee Retirement Income
Security Act of 1974 provisions.

"Health benefit plan" does not include accident-only insurance,
fixed indemnity insurance, credit health

insurance, Medicare supplement policies, Civilian Health and
Medical Program of the Uniformed Services supplement
policies, long-term care insurance, disability income
insurance, workers' compensation or similar insurance,
disease-specific insurance, automobile medical payment
insurance, dental insurance or vision insurance.

E.__"Home support services" means rehabilitative services,
treatment services and living skills services provided for a
person with a mental illness.__"Home support services" may
be provided in a community setting or the person's current
place of residence, and are services that promote the
integration of the person into the community, sustain the
person in the person's current living situation or another
living situation of that person's choosing and enhance the
person's quality of life. "Home support services" may be
provided directly to the person or indirectly through
collateral contact or by telephone contact or other means on
behalf of the person.__"Home support services" includes, but
is not limited to:

(1)__Case management services and assertive community
treatment services;

(2)__Medication education and monitoring;

(3)__Crisis intervention and resolution services and
follow-up services; and

(4)__Individual, group and family counseling services.

F.__"Inpatient services" includes, but is not limited to, a
range of physiological, psychological and other intervention
concepts, techniques and processes in a community mental__
health psychiatric inpatient unit, general hospital
psychiatric unit or psychiatric hospital licensed by the
Department of Human Services or accredited public hospital
to restore psychosocial functioning sufficient to allow
maintenance and support of a person suffering from a mental
illness in a less restrictive setting.

G.__"Inpatient treatment" means mental health or substance
abuse services delivered on a 24-hour per day basis in a
hospital, accredited public hospital, alcohol or drug
rehabilitation facility, intermediate care facility,
community mental health psychiatric inpatient unit, general
hospital psychiatric unit or psychiatric hospital licensed
by the Department of Human Services.

H.__"Intermediate care facility" means a licensed,

residential public or private facility that is not a
hospital and that is operated primarily for the purpose of
providing a continuous, structured 24-hour per day, state-
approved program of inpatient substance abuse services.

I.__"Mental health services" means treatment for mental

J.__"Mental illness" is any mental or nervous condition that
affects a person by impairing the person's psychobiological
processes severely enough that the person manifests problems
in the areas of social, psychological or biological
functioning.__A person with mental illness has a disorder of
thought, mood, perception, orientation or memory that
impairs judgment, behavior, capacity to recognize or ability
to cope with the ordinary demands of life.__A person with
mental illness manifests an impaired capacity to maintain
acceptable levels of functioning in the areas of intellect,
emotion or physical well-being.__"Mental illness" includes,
but is not limited to, any of the following illnesses for
which the diagnostic criteria are prescribed in the most
edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders, as periodically revised, as the illness applies
to adults and children:

(1)__Psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia;

(2)__Dissociative disorders;

(3)__Mood disorders;

(4)__Anxiety disorders;

(5)__Personality disorders;


(7)__Attention-deficit and disruptive behavior

(8)__Pervasive developmental disorders;

(9)__Tic disorders;

(10)__Eating disorders, including bulimia and anorexia;

(11)__Substance abuse-related disorders.

K.__"Outpatient care" means care rendered by a

state-licensed practitioner; state-licensed approved or
certified detoxification, residential treatment or
outpatient program; or partial hospitalization program on a
periodic basis, including, but not limited to, patient
diagnosis, assessment and treatment; individual, family and
group counseling; and educational and support services.

L.__"Outpatient services" includes, but is not limited to,
screening, evaluation, consultations, diagnosis and
treatment involving use of psychoeducational, physiological,
psychological and psychosocial evaluative and interventive
concepts, techniques and processes provided to individuals
and groups.

M.__"Person suffering from a mental illness" means a person
whose psychobiological processes are impaired severely
enough to manifest problems in the areas of social,
psychological or biological functioning. Such a person has a
disorder of thought, mood, perception, orientation or memory
that impairs judgment, behavior, capacity to recognize or
ability to cope with the ordinary demands of life.__A person
suffering from a mental illness manifests an impaired
capacity to maintain
acceptable levels of functioning in the areas of intellect,
emotion or physical well-being.

N.__"Preexisting condition" means a condition existing
during a specified period immediately preceding the
effective date of coverage that would have caused an
ordinary prudent person to seek medical advice, diagnosis,
care or treatment or a condition for which medical advice,
diagnosis, care or treatment was recommended or received
during a specified period immediately preceding the
effective date of coverage.

O.__"Preexisting condition provision" means a provision in a
health benefit plan that denies, excludes or limits benefits
for an enrollee for expenses or services related to a
preexisting condition.

P.__"Provider" means those individuals included in section
2744, subsection 1, and a licensed physician, an accredited
public hospital or psychiatric hospital or a community
agency licensed at the comprehensive service level by the
Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and
Substance Abuse Services.__All agencies or institutional
providers named in this paragraph shall ensure that services
are supervised by a psychiatrist, licensed psychologist, or
master's level clinician, licensed in this State to practice
at the independent level, who meets the Department of Mental
Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services
standards for the provision of supervision.

Q.__"Residential treatment" means services at a facility
that provides care 24 hours daily to one or more patients,
including, but not limited to, the following services: room
and board; medical, nursing and dietary services; patient
diagnosis, assessment and treatment; individual, family and
group counseling; and educational and support services,
including a designated unit of a licensed health care
facility providing any and all other services specified in
this paragraph to a person suffering from a mental illness.

R.__"Treatment" means services, including diagnostic
evaluation; medical, psychiatric and psychological care; and
psychotherapy for mental illnesses rendered by a hospital,
alcohol or drug rehabilitation facility, intermediate care
facility, mental health treatment center or a professional,
pursuant to section 2744, subsection 1 and licensed in the
State to diagnose and treat conditions defined in the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, as
periodically revised.

Sec. 36. 24-A MRSA §2843, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 515, §6,
is amended to read:

4. Requirement. Every insurer which that issues group health
care contracts providing coverage for hospital care to residents
of this State shall provide benefits as required in this section
to any subscriber or other person covered under those contracts
for conditions arising from mental illness. The requirements of
this section shall apply to every health benefit plan that
provides coverage for a family member of the insured or the
subscriber that is offered, renewed, amended, executed,
continued, delivered or issued for delivery in this State to an
employer or policyholder on a group basis.

Sec. 37. 24-A MRSA §2843, sub-§5, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 515, §6,
is amended to read:

5. Services. Each group contract shall must provide, at a
minimum, for the following benefits for a person suffering from a
mental or nervous condition:

A. Inpatient care treatment and services;

B. Day treatment services; and

C. Outpatient care, treatment and services.;

D.__Home support services; and

E.__Residential treatment.

Sec. 38. 24-A MRSA §2843, sub-§5-A, as amended by PL 1989, c. 490, §4,
is repealed.

Sec. 39. 24-A MRSA §2843, sub-§5-C, as amended by PL 1995, c. 637, §4,
is further amended to read:

5-C. Coverage for treatment for mental illnesses. Coverage
for medical treatment for mental illnesses listed in paragraph A
is subject to this subsection.

A. All group contracts must provide, at a minimum, benefits
according to paragraph B, subparagraph (1) for a person
receiving medical or psychiatric treatment for any of the
following mental illnesses defined in subsection 3-A,
paragraph J, diagnosed by a licensed allopathic or
osteopathic physician or a licensed psychologist who is
trained and has received a doctorate in psychology
specializing in the evaluation and treatment of human
behavior;, or an
individual included in section 2744, subsection 1.

(1) Schizophrenia;

(2) Bipolar disorder;

(3) Pervasive developmental disorder, or autism;

(4) Paranoia;

(5) Panic disorder;

(6) Obsessive-compulsive disorder; or

(7) Major depressive disorder.

B. All policies, contracts and certificates executed,
delivered, issued for delivery, continued or renewed in this
State on or after July 1, 1996 must provide benefits that
meet the requirements of this paragraph. For purposes of
this paragraph, all contracts are deemed renewed no later
than the next yearly anniversary of the contract date.

(1) The contracts must provide benefits for the
treatment and diagnosis of mental illnesses under terms
and conditions that are no less extensive than equal to
the benefits provided for medical treatment for
physical illnesses.

(2) At the request of a nonprofit hospital or medical
service organization an insurer, a provider of medical
or psychiatric treatment for mental illness shall
furnish data substantiating that initial or continued
treatment is medically or psychiatrically necessary and
appropriate. When making the determination of whether
treatment is medically or psychiatrically necessary and
appropriate, the provider shall use the same criteria
for medical treatment for mental illness as for medical
treatment for physical illness under the group

(3)__The benefits and coverage required under this
section must be provided as one set of benefits, and
coverage covering mental illness must have the same
terms and conditions as the benefits and coverage for
physical illness covered under the policy or contract
and may be delivered under a managed care system.

(4)__A policy or contract may not have separate
maximums for physical illness and mental illness,
separate deductibles and coinsurance amounts for
illness and mental illness, separate out-of-pocket
limits in a benefit period of not more than 12 months
for physical illness and mental illness or separate
office visitation limits for physical illness and
mental illness.

(5)__A health benefit plan may not impose a limitation
on coverage or benefits for mental illness unless that
same limitation is also imposed on the coverage and
benefits for physical illness covered under the policy
or contract.

(6)__Copayments required under a policy or contract for
benefits and coverage for mental illness must be
actuarially equivalent to any coinsurance requirements
or, if there are no coinsurance requirements, not
greater than any copayment required under the policy or
contract for a benefit or coverage for a physical

(7)__A health benefit plan may not limit coverage for a
preexisting condition that is a mental illness.

(8)__For the purposes of this section, medication
management visits associated with a mental illness must
be covered in the same manner as a medication
management visit for the treatment of a physical
illness and may not be counted in the calculation of
any maximum outpatient treatment visit limits.

This subsection does not apply to policies, contracts and
certificates covering employees of employers with 20 or fewer
employees, whether the group policy is issued to the employer, to
an association, to a multiple-employer trust or to another

This subsection may not be construed to allow coverage and
benefits for the treatment of alcoholism or other drug
dependencies through the diagnosis of a mental illness listed in
paragraph A.

Sec. 40. 24-A MRSA §2843, sub-§5-D, as amended by PL 1995, c. 637, §5,
is repealed.

Sec. 41. 24-A MRSA §2843, sub-§6, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 515, §6,
is amended to read:

6. Limits; coinsurance; deductibles. Any policy or contract
which that provides coverage for the services required by this
section may contain provisions for maximum benefits and
coinsurance and reasonable limitations, deductibles and
exclusions only to the extent that these provisions are not
inconsistent with the requirements of this section maximum
benefits and coinsurance and reasonable limitations, deductibles
and exclusions are equal to
those established for physical illness and conform with the
requirements of subsection 5-C.

Sec. 42. 24-A MRSA §2843, sub-§9 is enacted to read:

9.__Transition.__The provisions of this section do not limit
the provision of specialized services for individuals with mental
illness who are covered by Medicaid, supersede the provisions of
federal law, federal or state Medicaid policy or the terms and
conditions imposed on any Medicaid waiver granted to the State
with respect to the provision of services to individuals with
mental illness, and affect any annual health insurance plan until
its date of renewal or any health insurance plan governed by a
collective bargaining agreement or employment contract until the
expiration of that contract.

Sec. 43. 24-A MRSA §4234-A, sub-§1, ¶C, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 407,
§10, is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

C.__Typical health coverage in this State continues to
discriminate against mental illness and those coping with
such illnesses despite repeated efforts to mandate equal
coverage.__Discrimination takes the form of limiting or
denying coverage, with nonexistent or limited benefits
compared to provisions for other illnesses that are not
limited or denied; and

Sec. 44. 24-A MRSA §4234-A, sub-§2, ¶¶A and B, as enacted by PL 1995, c.
407, §10, are amended to read:

A. Promote Require that every health benefit plan that is
offered, amended, delivered, continued, executed, issued for
delivery or renewed in this State provide coverage and
benefits for the coverage of mental illness equal to or
exceeding the coverage and benefits available under health
benefit plans for the diagnosis and treatment of all other
covered physical illnesses and to ensure equitable and
nondiscriminatory health coverage benefits for all forms of
illness including mental and emotional disorders that are of
significant consequence to the health of people of the State
and that can be treated in a cost-effective manner;

B. Ensure that victims of mental and other illnesses have
access to and choice of appropriate treatment at the
earliest point of illness in the least restrictive settings,
including coverage for inpatient treatment, outpatient
treatment, day treatment, outpatient care, residential
treatment, home support services, crisis intervention and
resolution care, medication, maximum lifetime benefits,
copayments, coverage of home visits, individual and family
deductibles and

Sec. 45. 24-A MRSA §4234-A, sub-§3, as amended by PL 1999, c. 256, Pt.
O, §3, is repealed.

Sec. 46. 24-A MRSA §4234-A, sub-§3-A is enacted to read:

3-A.__Definitions.__For purposes of this section, unless the
context otherwise indicates, the following terms have the
following meanings.

A.__"Adult" means any person who is 18 years of age or

B.__"Child" means any person under 18 years of age.

C.__"Day treatment services" includes psychoeducational,
physiological, psychological and psychosocial concepts,
techniques and processes necessary to maintain or develop
functional skills of clients, provided to individuals or
groups for periods of more than 2 hours but less than 24
hours per day.

D.__"Health benefit plan" means:

(1)__Policies, contracts or certificates for hospital or medical
benefits that are offered, renewed, amended,

executed, continued, delivered or issued for delivery
in this State to an employer or individual on an
individual or group basis or on an individual or group
subscription basis and that provide coverage for
residents of this State;

(2)__Nonprofit hospital or medical service organization
indemnity plans;

(3)__Health maintenance organization subscriber or
group master contracts;

(4)__Preferred provider plans;

(5)__Health benefit plans offered or administered by
the State or by any subdivision or instrumentality of
the State;

(6)__Multiple-employer welfare arrangements or
associations located in this State or another state and
that cover residents of this State who are eligible
employees; or

(7)__Employer self-insured plans that are not exempt
pursuant to the__federal Employee Retirement Income
Security Act of 1974 provisions.

"Health benefit plan" does not include accident-only
insurance, fixed indemnity insurance, credit health
insurance, Medicare supplement policies, Civilian Health and
Medical Program of the Uniformed Services supplement
policies, long-term care insurance, disability income
insurance, workers' compensation or similar insurance,
disease-specific insurance, automobile medical payment
insurance, dental insurance or vision insurance.

E.__"Home support services" means rehabilitative services,
treatment services and living skills services provided for a
person with a mental illness.__"Home support services" may
be provided in a community setting or the person's current
place of residence, and are services that promote the
integration of the person into the community, sustain the
person in the person's current living situation or another
living situation of that person's choosing and enhance the
person's quality of life. "Home support services" may be
provided directly to the person or indirectly through
collateral contact or by telephone contact or other means on
behalf of the person.__"Home support services" includes, but
is not limited to:

(1)__Case management services and assertive community
treatment services;

(2)__Medication education and monitoring;

(3)__Crisis intervention and resolution services and
follow-up services; and

(4)__Individual, group and family counseling services.

F.__"Inpatient services" includes, but is not limited to, a
range of physiological, psychological and other intervention
concepts, techniques and processes in a community mental__
health psychiatric inpatient unit, general hospital
psychiatric unit or psychiatric hospital licensed by the
Department of Human Services or accredited public hospital
to restore psychosocial functioning sufficient to allow
maintenance and support of a person suffering from a mental
illness in a less restrictive setting.

G.__"Inpatient treatment" means mental health or substance
abuse services delivered on a 24-hour per day basis in a
hospital, accredited public hospital, alcohol or drug
rehabilitation facility, intermediate care facility,
community mental health psychiatric inpatient unit, general
psychiatric unit or psychiatric hospital licensed by the
Department of Human Services.

H.__"Intermediate care facility" means a licensed,
residential public or private facility that is not a
hospital and that is operated primarily for the purpose of
providing a continuous, structured 24-hour per day, state-
approved program of inpatient substance abuse services.

I.__"Mental health services" means treatment for mental

J.__"Mental illness" is any mental or nervous condition that
affects a person by impairing the person's psychobiological
processes severely enough that the person manifests problems in
the areas of social, psychological or biological functioning.__A
person with mental illness has a disorder of thought, mood,
perception, orientation or memory that impairs judgment,
behavior, capacity to recognize or ability to cope with the
ordinary demands of life.__A person with mental illness manifests
an impaired capacity to maintain acceptable levels of functioning
in the areas of intellect, emotion or physical well-being.__
"Mental illness" includes, but is not limited to, any of the
following illnesses for

which the diagnostic criteria are prescribed in the most
recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders, as periodically revised, as the illness
applies to adults and children:

(1)__Psychotic disorders, including schizophrenia;

(2)__Dissociative disorders;

(3)__Mood disorders;

(4)__Anxiety disorders;

(5)__Personality disorders;


(7)__Attention-deficit and disruptive behavior

(8)__Pervasive developmental disorders;

(9)__Tic disorders;

(10)__Eating disorders, including bulimia and anorexia;

(11)__Substance abuse-related disorders.

K.__"Outpatient care" means care rendered by a state-
licensed practitioner; state-licensed approved or certified
detoxification, residential treatment or outpatient program;
or partial hospitalization program on a periodic basis,
including, but not limited to, patient diagnosis, assessment
and treatment; individual, family and group counseling; and
educational and support services.

L.__"Outpatient services" includes, but is not limited to,
screening, evaluation, consultations, diagnosis and
treatment involving use of psychoeducational, physiological,
psychological and psychosocial evaluative and interventive
concepts, techniques and processes provided to individuals
and groups.

M.__"Person suffering from a mental illness" means a person whose
psychobiological processes are impaired severely enough to
manifest problems in the areas of social, psychological or
biological functioning. Such a person has a disorder of thought,
mood, perception, orientation or memory that impairs judgment,
behavior, capacity to recognize or

ability to cope with the ordinary demands of life.__A person
suffering from a mental illness manifests an impaired
capacity to maintain acceptable levels of functioning in the
areas of intellect, emotion or physical well-being.

N.__"Preexisting condition" means a condition existing
during a specified period immediately preceding the
effective date of coverage that would have caused an
ordinary prudent person to seek medical advice, diagnosis,
care or treatment or a condition for which medical advice,
diagnosis, care or treatment was recommended or received
during a specified period immediately preceding the
effective date of coverage.

O.__"Preexisting condition provision" means a provision in a
health benefit plan that denies, excludes or limits benefits
for an enrollee for expenses or services related to a
preexisting condition.

P.__"Provider" means those individuals included in section
2744, subsection 1, and a licensed physician, an accredited
public hospital or psychiatric hospital or a community
agency licensed at the comprehensive service level by the
Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and
Substance Abuse Services.__All agency or institutional
providers named in this paragraph__shall ensure that
services are supervised by a psychiatrist, licensed
psychologist or master's level clinician, licensed in this
State to practice at the independent level and who meets the
Department of Mental
Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services
standards for the provision of supervision.

Q.__"Residential treatment" means services at a facility
that provides care 24 hours daily to one or more patients,
including, but not limited to, the following services: room
and board; medical, nursing and dietary services; patient
diagnosis, assessment and treatment; individual, family and
group counseling; and educational and support services,
including a designated unit of a licensed health care
facility providing any and all other services specified in
this paragraph to a person suffering from a mental illness.

R.__"Treatment" means services, including diagnostic evaluation;
medical, psychiatric and psychological care; and psychotherapy
for mental illness rendered by a hospital, alcohol or drug
rehabilitation facility, intermediate care facility, mental
health treatment center or a professional, pursuant to section
2744, subsection 1, and licensed in the State to diagnose and
treat conditions defined in the

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, as
periodically revised.

Sec. 47. 24-A MRSA §4234-A, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 407,
§10, is amended to read:

4. Requirement. Every health maintenance organization that
issues individual or group health care contracts providing
coverage for hospital care to residents of this State shall
provide benefits as required in this section to any subscriber or
other person covered under those contracts for conditions arising
from mental illness. The requirements of this section shall
apply to every health benefit plan that provides coverage for a
family member of the insured or the subscriber that is offered,
renewed, amended, executed, continued, delivered or issued for
delivery in this State to an employer or individual on a group or
individual basis.

Sec. 48. 24-A MRSA §4234-A, sub-§5, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 407,
§10, is amended to read:

5. Services. Each individual or group contract must provide,
at a minimum, the following benefits for a person suffering from
a mental or nervous condition:

A. Inpatient treatment and services;

B. Day treatment services; and

C. Outpatient care, treatment and services.;

D.__Home support services; and

E.__Residential treatment.

Sec. 49. 24-A MRSA §4234-A, sub-§6, as amended by PL 1995, c. 637, §6,
is further amended to read:

6. Coverage for treatment of mental illnesses. Coverage for
medical treatment for mental illnesses listed in paragraph A is
subject to this subsection.

A. All individual or group contracts must provide, at a minimum,
benefits according to paragraph B, subparagraph (1) for a person
receiving medical treatment for any of the following mental
illnesses illness as defined in subsection 3-A, paragraph J
diagnosed by a licensed allopathic or osteopathic physician or a
licensed psychologist who is trained and has received a doctorate
in psychology specializing in the evaluation and treatment of

behavior:, or an individual included in section 2744,
subsection 1.

(1) Schizophrenia;

(2) Bipolar disorder;

(3) Pervasive developmental disorder, or autism;

(4) Paranoia;

(5) Panic disorder;

(6) Obsessive-compulsive disorder; or

(7) Major depressive disorder.

B. All policies, contracts and certificates executed,
delivered, issued for delivery, continued or renewed in this
State on or after July 1, 1996 must provide benefits that
meet the requirements of this paragraph. For purposes of
this paragraph, all contracts are deemed renewed no later
than the next yearly anniversary of the contract date.

(1) The contracts must provide benefits for the
treatment and diagnosis of mental illnesses under terms
and conditions that are no less extensive than equal to
the benefits provided for medical treatment for
physical illnesses.

(2) At the request of a reimbursing health maintenance
organization, a provider of medical or psychiatric
treatment for mental illness shall furnish data
substantiating that initial or continued treatment is
medically or psychiatrically necessary and appropriate.
When making the determination of whether treatment is
medically or psychiatrically necessary and appropriate,
the provider shall use the same criteria for medical
treatment for mental illness as for medical treatment
for physical illness under the group contract.

(3)__The benefits and coverage required under this
section must be provided as one set of benefits, and
coverage covering mental illness must have the same
terms and conditions as the benefits and coverage for
physical illness covered under the policy or contract,
and may be delivered under a managed care system.

(4)__A policy or contract may not have separate maximums for
physical illness and mental illness,

separate deductibles and coinsurance amounts for
physical illness and mental illness, separate out-of-
pocket limits in a benefit period of not more than 12
months for physical illness and mental illness or
separate office visitation limits for physical illness
and mental illness.

(5)__A health benefit plan may not impose a limitation
on coverage or benefits for mental illness unless that
same limitation is also imposed on the coverage and
benefits for physical illnesses covered under the
policy or contract.

(6)__Copayments required under a policy or contract for
benefits and coverage for mental illness must be
actuarially equivalent to any coinsurance requirements
or, if there are no coinsurance requirements, not
greater than any copayment required under the policy or
contract for a benefit or coverage for a physical

(7)__A health benefit plan may not limit coverage for a
preexisting condition that is a mental illness.

(8)__For the purposes of this section, medication
management visits associated with a mental illness must
be covered in the same manner as a medication
management visit for the treatment of a physical
illness and may not be counted in the calculation of
any maximum outpatient treatment visit limits.

This subsection does not apply to policies, contracts or
certificates covering employees of employers with 20 or fewer
employees, whether the group policy is issued to the employer, to
an association, to a multiple-employer trust or to another

This subsection may not be construed to allow coverage and
benefits for the treatment of alcoholism and other drug
dependencies through the diagnosis of a mental illness listed in
paragraph A.

Sec. 50. 24-A MRSA §4234-A, sub-§7, as amended by PL 1995, c. 637, §7,
is repealed.

Sec. 51. 24-A MRSA §4234-A, sub-§8, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 407,
§10, is amended to read:

8. Contracts; providers. Subject to approval by the
superintendent pursuant to section 4204, a health maintenance
organization incorporated under this chapter shall allow

providers, pursuant to section 2744, to contract, subject to the
health maintenance organization's credentialling policy, for the
provision of mental health services within the scope of the
provider's licensure and within the scope of this section and
including the providers covered under the terms of this section.

Sec. 52. 24-A MRSA §4234-A, sub-§8-A, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 174,
§1, is repealed.

Sec. 53. 24-A MRSA §4234-A, sub-§9, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 407,
§10, is amended to read:

9. Limits; coinsurance; deductibles. A policy or contract
that provides coverage for the services required by this section
may contain provisions for maximum benefits and coinsurance and
reasonable limitations, deductibles and exclusions only to the
extent that these provisions are not inconsistent with the
requirements of this section maximum benefits and coinsurance and
reasonable limitations, deductibles and exclusions are equal to
those established for physical illness and conform with the
requirements of subsection 6.

Sec. 54. 24-A MRSA §4234-A, sub-§12 is enacted to read:

12.__Transition.__The provisions of this section do not limit
the provision of specialized services for individuals with mental
illness who are covered by Medicaid, supersede the provisions of
federal law, federal or state Medicaid policy or the terms and
conditions imposed on any Medicaid waiver granted to the State
with respect to the provision of services to individuals with
mental illness, and affect any annual health insurance plan until
its date of renewal or any health insurance plan governed by a
bargaining agreement or employment contract until the expiration
of that contract.


This bill:

1. Makes current statutory definitions consistent regarding
parity of coverage;

2. Includes licensed clinical professional counselors in the
definition of providers eligible to diagnose and treat mental

3. Expands the coverage of illness to include children's
disorders and adult disorders as defined in the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, as periodically revised;

4. Creates equality of coverage for mental illness and
substance abuse with physical illness in all health benefit

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