LD 1634
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Laws Pertaining to the Maine Small Business Commission ... LD 1634 Title Page
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LR 880
Item 1

4. Hire professional staff. Hire professional staff who are not
subject to the Civil Service Law and who serve at the pleasure of
the commission.

A. Funding of professional staff must be provided by the
department from resources made available to the Office of
Business Development for personal services.

B. The department shall provide clerical support as
required by the commission.

Sec. 4. 5 MRSA §13035, first ¶, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 875, Pt. L,
§§2 and 4, is amended to read:

The commission is responsible for overseeing the Small
Business Development Center Program, enforcing the contract
between the Finance Authority of Maine department and the
administrative unit, and providing funds to the program, and
advising the commissioner on strengthening the support
infrastructure for entrepreneurship in the State. The commission
has the following duties.

Sec. 5. 5 MRSA §13035, sub-§§2 and 3, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 875,
Pt. L, §§2 and 4, are amended to read:

2. Review, evaluate and make recommendations to coordinate
programs. The commission shall review and, evaluate the and make
recommendations to coordinate small business assistance and
entrepreneurial programs of the department as provided in section
13058, subsection 5 statewide. The commission shall issue a
report that meets the standards defined in section 13058,
subsection 5. The commission shall advise the commissioner to
help develop and implement statewide strategies and policies as
they relate to encouraging economic development by developing and
growing entrepreneurial businesses around the State.

3. Advise and make recommendations. The commission shall
advise the commissioner, the Governor and the Legislature with
respect to the results of its evaluation of small business and
entrepreneurial programs and its oversight and enforcement of the
contract with the administrative unit.


This bill requires the Maine Small Business Commission to
evaluate entrepreneurial programs as part of their duties and
requires the commission to advise the Commissioner of Economic
and Community Development to assist in developing and

implementing statewide strategies and policies as they relate to
encouraging economic development by developing entrepreneurial
businesses around the State. The bill also changes the number of
members of the commission from 3 to 7.

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