LD 1636
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LR 1478
Item 1

D. Interest earned from the investment of fund balances;

E. The proceeds of any bonds or notes issued by the State
or the bank sold for the purpose of deposit in the fund;

F. Funds from school construction audit recoveries; and

G. Other funds and gifts in kind or cash from any public or
private source received for use for any of the purposes for
which the fund has been established and that the bank and
the Department of Education may solicit from any 3rd parties
such as foundations or corporations, including the use of
tax credits as available to support activities authorized
for the fund.

3. Purposes. The fund may be used:

A. To make loans to school administrative units for school
repair and, renovation and small construction projects.

(1) The following repair and renovation needs receive
first priority status:

(a) Repair or replacement of a roof on a school

(b) Bringing a school building into compliance
with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act,
42 United States Code, Section 12101 et seq.;

(c) Improving air quality in a school building;

(d) Removing asbestos from or abating asbestos in
a school building;

(e) Removing underground oil storage tanks on the
grounds of a school building; and

(f) Undertaking other health, safety and
compliance repairs.; and

(g)__Structural upgrades.

(2) Repairs and improvements not related to health,
safety and compliance repairs receive 2nd priority
status. Those repairs and improvements are limited to
a school building structure, energy conservation and
efficiency of basic infrastructure such as windows and
doors and to a school building water or septic system

(3) Upgrade of learning spaces in school buildings and
small-scale capital improvements small school
construction projects up to 10,000 square feet receive
3rd priority status.

(4) The Commissioner of Education may approve other
necessary repairs;

B. To make loans to a school administrative unit to finance
expenditures incurred after June 1, 1998 for repairs or
renovations authorized under paragraph A and certified under
subsection 5;

C. To guarantee or insure, directly or indirectly, the
payment of notes or bonds issued or to be issued by a school
administrative unit for the purpose of financing any repair
authorized under paragraph A and certified under subsection

D. To guarantee or insure, directly or indirectly, funds
established by a school administrative unit for the purpose
of financing any repair authorized under paragraph A;

E. To deposit with a lending institution or with a trustee
bank, available fund balances to offset loan balances for
school administrative districts undertaking projects
authorized by paragraph A and certified under subsection 5;

F. To invest available fund balances and credit the net
interest income on those balances to the fund;

G. To invest as a source of revenue or security for the
payment of principal and interest on general or special
obligations of the bank if the proceeds of the sale of the
obligations have been deposited in the fund, or if the
proceeds of the sale of the obligations are used for the
purposes authorized in paragraph A and certified under
subsection 5, or as a source of revenue to subsidize the
school administrative unit loan payment obligations;

H. To pay the costs of the bank and the Department of Education
associated with the administration of the fund and projects
financed by the fund, except that no more than the lesser of 2%
of the aggregate of the highest fund balances in any fiscal year
and 4% of the combined value of any capitalization grants
provided by the United States for deposit in the fund may be used
for these purposes. The Commissioner of Education is authorized
to receive revenue from the fund administered by the bank. Funds
provided to

the Department of Education from the fund must be deposited
in a nonlapsing dedicated account to be used to carry out
the purposes of this section; and

I. To pay the reasonable costs of services provided to
school administrative units by the Department of
Administrative Services, Bureau of General Services, for
oversight of school construction and renovation projects.
Notwithstanding Title 5, section 1742, subsection 7, .4% of
the total amount initially allocated to the fund must be
transferred to the Bureau of General Services upon the
effective date of this section.

4. Priorities. Periodically, and at least annually, the
Department of Education shall prepare and certify to the bank a
project priority list of those school administrative units whose
projects are eligible for loans under this section. In
establishing the priority list, the department shall grant
special consideration to projects that include urgent health and
safety needs. The department shall submit with the list the
factors considered when determining the priorities.

5. Eligibility terms. The bank and the Department of
Education shall develop by rule the terms of repayment of loans.
A loan made pursuant to this section may not carry an interest
rate higher than 0%. A loan may be made only if a project is
certified by the Department of Education as eligible for
financing under this section and is on the priority list prepared
under subsection 4. The repayment period may vary depending upon
the financial condition of a school administrative unit as
identified by the Department of Education.

6. Forgiveness of principal payments. The fund must provide
direct grants by forgiving the principal payments of a loan for
an eligible school administrative unit. The amount of the
forgiveness of principal payments must be determined by the
school administrative unit's state share percentage of debt
service costs as determined in Title 20-A, section 15611, not to

A. Seventy percent and no less than 30% for health, safety
and compliance;

B. Seventy percent and no less than 30% for repairs and
improvements; and

C. Fifty percent and no less than 20% for learning space
upgrades and small school construction projects up to 10,000
square feet. The cost of approved small school construction
projects above 10,000 square feet must be at local expense.

7. Establishment of accounts. The bank may establish
accounts and subaccounts within the fund as it determines
desirable to effectuate the purposes of this section, including,
but not limited to, accounts to segregate a portion or portions
of the fund as security for bonds issued by the bank for deposit
in the fund and to be invested for the benefit of specified
projects receiving financial assistance from the fund.

8. Rules. The Department of Education and the bank shall
adopt rules necessary to implement this section. Rules adopted
by the Department of Education and the bank to implement this
section are major substantive rules pursuant to Title 5, chapter
375, subchapter II-A.

Sec. 3. Appropriation. The following funds are appropriated from
the General Fund to carry out the purposes of this Act.



School Renovation

All Other$30,000,000

Provides for the appropriation of funds for
small school construction for the purpose of
providing further capital to a revolving
school fund pursuant to the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 30-A, section 6006-F. Any
balance remaining at the end of each fiscal
year may not lapse but must be carried forward
to be used for the same purpose.


This bill renames and expands the scope of the School
Revolving Renovation Fund to include small construction projects
of 10,000 or fewer square feet to existing schools. The bill
provides an additional $30,000,000 to the fund for fiscal year

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