LD 1637
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Revised Maine Securities Act LD 1637 Title Page
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Item 1

adviser in doing any of the acts that make that person an
investment adviser.

Sec. A-2. 32 MRSA §10305, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1989, c. 542, §13,
is further amended to read:

1. Consent to service of process. An applicant for licensing
as a broker-dealer, sales representative or, investment adviser
or investment adviser representative shall file with the
administrator or the designee of the administrator an application
for licensing, together with a consent to service of process
pursuant to section 10704. The application for licensing must
contain such information as the administrator determines, by
rule, is necessary or appropriate to facilitate the
administration of this Act.

Sec. A-3. 32 MRSA §10306, sub-§1, ¶B, as amended by PL 1991, c. 591,
Pt. M, §1 and affected by §5, is further amended to read:

B. Sales representative, $40; and

Sec. A-4. 32 MRSA §10306, sub-§1, ¶C, as amended by PL 1993, c. 410,
Pt. K, §3, is further amended to read:

C. Investment adviser, $200.; and

Sec. A-5. 32 MRSA §10306 , sub-§1, ¶D is enacted to read:

D.__Investment adviser representative, $40.

Sec. A-6. 32 MRSA §10306, sub-§2, ¶B, as amended by PL 1991, c. 591,
Pt. M, §2 and affected by §5, is further amended to read:

B. Sales representative, $40; and

Sec. A-7. 32 MRSA §10306, sub-§2, ¶C, as amended by PL 1993, c. 410,
Pt. K, §4, is further amended to read:

C. Investment adviser, $100.; and

Sec. A-8. 32 MRSA §10306 , sub-§2, ¶D is enacted to read:

D.__Investment adviser representative, $40.

Sec. A-9. 32 MRSA §10307, sub-§1, ¶C, as amended by PL 1997, c. 168,
§12, is further amended to read:

C. Any class of employees of applicants for licensing as to
whom the administrator determines that an examination
requirement is necessary for the protection of investors;

Sec. A-10. 32 MRSA §10307, sub-§1, ¶D, as amended by PL 1997, c. 168,
§13, is repealed.

Sec. A-11. 32 MRSA §10501, sub-§8-A is enacted to read:

8-A.__Investment adviser representative.__"Investment adviser
representative" means an individual employed by or associated
with an investment adviser and who acts on behalf of an
investment adviser in performing any of the following activities:

A.__Making recommendations or otherwise rendering advice
regarding securities to clients;

B.__Managing client accounts or portfolios that include or
may include securities;

C.__Determining, either individually or as a member of the
investment advisor's investment committee, which
recommendations or advice regarding securities should be
given to clients;

D.__Soliciting, offering and negotiating for the sale of or
selling investment advisory services; or

E.__Supervising employees in performing any of the
activities described in this subsection.

Sec. A-12. Effective date. This Part takes effect January 1, 2002.


Sec. B-1. 32 MRSA §10502, sub-§2, ¶C, as amended by PL 1989, c. 542,
§42, is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

C.__Any nonissuer transaction in a security that has been
outstanding in the hands of the public for at least 90 days
if at the time of the transaction:

(1)__The issuer of the security is:

(a)__Actually engaged in business;

(b)__Not in the organizational stage;

(c)__Not a development stage company, a blank
check, blind pool or shell company, the primary
plan of business of which is to engage in a merger
or combination with, or an acquisition of, an
unidentified person or persons; and

(d)__Not in bankruptcy or receivership;

(2)__A licensed agent of a licensed broker-dealer
effects the transaction;

(3)__The security is sold at a price reasonably related
to the current market price of the security;

(4)__The security does not constitute the whole or part
of an unsold allotment to, or a subscription or
participation by, a broker-dealer as an underwriter of
the security;

(5)__A nationally recognized securities manual
designated by order of the administrator or a document
filed with the United States Securities and Exchange
Commission that is publicly available through the
United States Securities and Exchange Commission's
Electronic Data Gathering and Retrieval system

(a)__A description of the issuer's business and

(b)__The names of the issuer's officers and
directors or, in the case of a non-United States
issuer, the corporate equivalents of such persons
in the issuer's country of domicile;

(c)__An audited balance sheet of the issuer as of
a date within the last 18 months or, in the case
of a reorganization or merger where the parties
had audited balance sheets, a pro forma balance
sheet; and

(d)__An audited income statement for each of the
issuer's immediately preceding 2 fiscal years or
for the issuer's period of existence if less than
2 years or, in the case of a reorganization or
merger where the parties had audited income
statements, a pro forma income statement; and

(6)__The issuer of the security has a class of equity securities
listed on a national securities exchange

registered under the United States Securities Exchange
Act of 1934, or designated for trading on the National
Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation
System, unless:

(a)__The issuer of the security has been engaged
in continuous business, including predecessors,
for at least 3 years; or

(b)__The issuer of the security has total assets
of at least $2,000,000 based on an audited balance
sheet as of a date within the last 18 months or,
in the case of a reorganization or merger where
the parties had audited balance sheets, a pro
forma balance sheet;

Sec. B-2. 32 MRSA §10502, sub-§2, ¶D, as amended by PL 1989, c. 542,
§42, is further amended to read:

D. Any nonissuer transaction effected by or through a
licensed broker-dealer pursuant to an unsolicited order or
offer to buy; but the administrator, by rule, may require
that the broker-dealer must make a good faith effort to have
the customer acknowledge upon a specified form that the sale
was unsolicited and that must preserve a signed copy of each
such acknowledgment form be preserved by that broker-dealer
for a specified period 6 years;

Sec. B-3. 32 MRSA §10502, sub-§2, ¶P, as enacted by PL 1985, c. 400,
§2, is amended to read:

P. Any offer or sale of securities of a corporation,
limited partnership or limited liability company organized
under the laws of this State or any issuer determined by the
administrator by order to have its principal executive
office in this State, if the number of holders of securities
of the corporation entity does not at the time of the sale,
and will not in consequence of the sale, exceed 10 in number
exclusive of persons specified in section 10501, subsection
4, and if the securities sold in reliance on this subsection
have not been offered to the public by general advertisement
or general solicitation;

Sec. B-4. 32 MRSA §10502, sub-§2, ¶Q, as amended by PL 1999, c. 279,
§5, is further amended to read:

Q. Any offer or sale of securities of a corporation, limited
partnership or limited liability company, organized under the
laws of this State or any issuer determined by the

administrator by order to have its principal executive office in
this State, if the number of holders of securities of the entity,
exclusive of persons specified in section 10501, subsection 4,
will in consequence of the sale exceed 10, but will not in
consequence of the sale exceed 25 in number and if the securities
sold in reliance on this subsection have not been offered to the
public by general advertisement or general solicitation. Any
person who relies on this exemption shall file with the
administrator a notification for exemption that must be in such
form as may be prescribed by the administrator and requires only
the following information: The name, address and telephone number
of the issuer; the state and date of incorporation of the issuer;
the name, address and telephone number of persons who may respond
to inquiries about the issuer; the location at which the books
and records of the issuer are kept and whether they are available
for inspection by shareholders; a description of all classes of
securities of the issuer, including newly authorized classes of
securities, providing the number of authorized units of each
class, par value per unit and the number of units of each class
as are issued and outstanding; a description of the class of
securities offered for sale, including the number of units
authorized, par value per unit, the number of units currently
outstanding, the number of units being offered for sale, the
number of units to be outstanding and the price at which each
unit is offered for sale; a description of the rights of holders
of the securities offered pursuant to this exemption, including
voting rights and if cumulative or noncumulative liquidation
rights, preemptive rights and any other rights or limitations
applicable to the securities; the date the annual meeting of the
shareholders is held, the location and time of the meeting, a
description of how the shareholders are notified and if an annual
financial statement and report of activity is available to
shareholders; a brief description of how the proceeds of the
offering will be used and whether proceeds will be returned to
investors if minimum amounts are not raised by a specific date; a
brief description of the issuer's plan of business and whether
the business is currently operational; and a list of the
significant risks assumed by the investor, including management
experience, competitive and economic factors, net worth position
of the issuer and improbable or limited opportunity for release
of the securities. A copy of the notification of exemption must
be made available provided to each offeree of securities sold in
reliance on this exemption and must contain such legends as the
administrator prescribes, notifying the offeree that the
securities have not been registered with the administrator, that
they may be considered restricted securities and that

the issuer is under an obligation to make a reasonable
finding that the securities are a suitable investment for
the offeree. The administrator may adopt such rules as are
considered necessary to further define or implement this
subsection consistent with the intent of this subsection;


This bill amends the Revised Maine Securities Act in several

Part A of the bill defines "investment adviser representative"
and requires investment adviser representatives to be licensed in
the same manner as investment advisers. The licensing of
investment adviser representatives allows the State to
participate in a national investment adviser representative
database to track and regulate these individuals for the
protection of the public.

Part B of the bill clarifies certain ambiguous language in the
Revised Maine Securities Act. Part B updates a current
securities exemption for companies where information about the
company is publicly available through a nationally recognized
securities manual. The exemption language proposed is model
language recommended by the North American Securities
Administrators Association. Part B updates the securities
exemptions for certain domestic issuers so that they apply to
limited partnerships and limited liability companies organized
under the laws of this State or any issuer determined by the
securities administrator to have its principal place of business
in the State.

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