LD 1644
pg. 2
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LR 795
Item 1

annual financial report prepared and certified by the auditor;

E.__A written determination as to whether the school
administrative unit has complied with applicable provisions
of the School Finance Act of 1985 and the School Finance Act
of 1995.

Sec. 5. 20-A MRSA §6051, sub-§6 is enacted to read:

6.__Report to commissioner.__Within 9 months after the end of
the audit period, the school board shall provide the commissioner

A.__A copy of the audit report;

B.__Accountability of all revenues and expenditures;

C.__Written assurance that the audit has been conducted in
accordance with applicable state and federal laws relating
to financial and compliance audits; and

D.__Any other information that the commissioner may require.

Sec. 6. 20-A MRSA §15603, sub-§26, ¶D, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 410,
Pt. F, §15, is amended to read:

D. Nonsubsidizable costs are not considered in the
calculation of the total allocation. "Nonsubsidizable
costs" includes the following:

(1) Community service costs;

(2) Major capital costs;

(3) Expenditures from all federal revenue sources,
except for amounts received under the United States
Code, Public Law 81-874;

(4) One half of salary and benefit costs for
superintendents, assistant superintendents and
associate superintendents;

(5) Transportation costs not associated with
transporting students from home to school and back home
each day; and

(6) Costs payable to the Maine State Retirement System
under Title 5, section 17154, subsections 10 and 11.


This bill deletes language contained in the School Finance Act
of 1985 relating to superintendents' salaries and subsidy. After
the enactment of the School Finance Act of 1995, this language
has no longer had any impact on subsidy calculations. This
change is a technical change in the School Finance Act of 1985 to
reflect the change in subsidy calculations provided for in the
School Finance Act of 1995.

This bill also clarifies the audit requirements and modifies
the reporting requirements in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title
20-A, section 6051. Changes include: (1) correction of section
1, paragraph E to include applicable provisions of the School
Finance Act of 1995; (2) clarification of the requirement that
the annual financial report be reconciled with the annual audit
report; and (3) modification of the reporting requirements.
These clarifications will improve the quality of audits of school
administrative units by ensuring appropriate use of funds and
providing more flexible reporting requirements that will meet the
needs of both the Department of Education and school
administrative units.

This bill also improves the ability of the Department of
Education to forecast the cost of school bus fleet replacement,
improve the overall condition and safety of the publicly owned
school bus fleet and reduce annual fleet maintenance costs.
Local school administrative units would benefit by receiving
subsidy for school bus lease-purchases under the same rules that
govern cash and note purchases.

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