LD 1650
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Require Substance Abuse Assessment and Treatment for Parents of Child... LD 1650 Title Page
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LR 2045
Item 1

(e) A schedule of visits between the child and the
parents when visits are not detrimental to the
child's best interests, including any special
conditions under which the visits must take place;

(f) A reasonable time schedule for proposed
reunification, which is reasonably calculated to
meet the child's needs; and

(g) A delineation of the financial responsibilities
of the parents and the department during the
reunification process;

(2) Provide the parents with prompt written notice of the
following, unless that notice would be detrimental to
the best interests of the child:

(a) The child's residence and, when practicable, at
least 7 days' advance written notice of a planned
change of residence; and

(b) Any serious injuries, major medical care received
or hospitalization of the child;

(3) Make good faith efforts to cooperate with the parents
in the development and pursuit of the plan;

(4) Periodically review with the parents the progress of
the reunification plan and make any appropriate changes
in that plan;

(5) Petition for judicial review and return of custody of
the child to the parents at the earliest appropriate
time; and

(6) Petition for termination of parental rights at the
earliest possible time that it is determined that
family reunification efforts will be discontinued
pursuant to subsection 2 and that termination is in the
best interests of the child;

Sec. 5. 22 MRSA §4041, sub-§1, ¶B, as amended by PL 1997, c. 715, Pt.
B, §11, is further amended to read:

B. Parents are responsible for rectifying and resolving
problems that prevent the return of the child to the home
and shall take part in a reasonable rehabilitation and
reunification plan and shall:

(1) Maintain meaningful contact with the child
pursuant to the reunification plan. When a parent has
left the area where the child has been placed, this
must include making arrangements to visit the child at
or near the child's placement;

(2) Seek and utilize appropriate services, including
but not limited to assessment and services for
substance abuse, to assist in rehabilitating and
reunifying with the child;

(3) Pay reasonable sums toward the support of the
child within the limits of their ability to pay;

(4) Maintain contact with the department, including
prompt written notification to the department of any
change of address; and

(5) Make good faith efforts to cooperate with the
department in developing and pursuing the plan;

Sec. 6. Appropriation. The following funds are appropriated from
the General Fund to carry out the purposes of this Act.



Bureau of Child and Family Services

All Other$1,500,000$1,500,000

Provides funds for substance
abuse assessments and services
for parents referred to child
protective services.


This bill requires substance abuse assessments and treatments
to be available and ordered when necessary for parents who are
referred to child protective services. It also provides
$3,000,000 over the biennium to provide those assessments and

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