LD 1656
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Item 1

(1)__Administrative space.__A school administrative
unit may lease administrative space with state support
until July 1, 2006.__A school administrative unit
engaged in a lease-purchase agreement for
administrative space is eligible for state support
until July 1, 2011;

(2)__Temporary interim nonadministrative space.

(a)__A school administrative unit with state-
approved need for nonadministrative space may
lease temporary interim space, with state support,
for a maximum of 5 years.__A school administrative
unit may appeal to the school board if this
division presents an undue burden.__The board's
decision is final.

(b)__A school administrative unit engaged in a
lease-purchase agreement for temporary interim
nonadministrative space is eligible for state
support for a maximum of 10 years; and

(3)__Permanent small nonadministrative space that
replaces or is converted from existing approved leased
portable space.__The existing leased portable space
will be eligible for state support until July 1, 2006.__
Once an existing leased portable space has been
converted into a permanent nonadministrative space
through an approved lease-purchase agreement, such
space is eligible for state support for a maximum of 10

The department shall adopt rules necessary to implement this
paragraph.__Rules adopted by the department to implement
this paragraph are major substantive rules pursuant to Title
5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A;

C.__The portion of the tuition costs applicable to the
insured value factor computed under section 5806, for the
base year;

D.__Purchase or cost of construction of portable, temporary
classroom space as approved by the commissioner beginning January
1, 2011.__For the purposes of this section, "portable, temporary
classroom space" means a project consisting of one or more mobile
or modular buildings that are at least partially constructed off
site and are designed to be moved to other sites with a minimum
of disassembly and reassembly.__"Portable, temporary classroom
space" includes, but is not limited to, space for regular
classrooms, small

group instruction, libraries, clinics and guidance and
administrative office space, including principal and
superintendent offices.__ The department shall adopt rules
for approving the purchase, construction or lease-purchase
of portable, temporary classroom space, and for determining
the amount includable for subsidy purposes. Lease-purchase
agreements may not exceed a term of 10 years.__ Approved
costs are those for the year prior to the year of
allocation.__The department shall adopt rules necessary to
implement this paragraph.__Rules adopted by the department
to implement this paragraph are major substantive rules
pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A; and

E.__Beginning in school year 2010-11, 1/5 of the aggregate
amount of the approved leases defined in paragraph B and an
additional 1/5 for each year thereafter may not be used to
determine the debt service millage limit calculated under
section 15611, subsection 1, paragraph A.__The local share
for the 1/5 of the aggregate amount of the approved leases
defined in paragraph B and an additional 1/5 for each year
thereafter must be calculated as the same percentage
determined under section 15609, subsection 1, paragraph A.__
The department shall adopt rules necessary to implement this
paragraph.__Rules adopted by the department to implement
this paragraph are major substantive rules pursuant to Title
5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

4.__Fiscal capacity.__"Fiscal capacity" means the ability of a
municipality to raise property tax revenues as measured by the
state valuation of property subject to property tax assessment on
April 1st in the base year.__The fiscal capacity of a unit is the
sum of the state valuations of its member municipalities in the
base year.

5.__Foundation per pupil operating rate.__"Foundation per
pupil operating rate" means the sum of operating costs in the
base year for all units divided by the State's average pupil

6.__Nonsubsidizable costs.__"Nonsubsidizable costs" are not
considered in the calculation of the total allocation.__
"Nonsubsidizable costs" includes the following:

(1)__Community service costs;

(2)__Major capital costs;

(3)__Expenditures from all federal revenue sources,
except for amounts received under the United States
Code, Public Law 81-874;

(4)__One-half of salary and benefit costs for
superintendents, assistant superintendents and
associate superintendents;

(5)__Transportation costs not associated with
transporting students from home to school and back home
each day; and

(6)__Costs payable to the Maine State Retirement System
under Title 5, section 17154, subsections 10 and 11.

7.__Operating costs.__"Operating costs" means the reasonable
and necessary costs of operating a school administrative unit
excluding program costs, debt service costs, state direct costs
and nonsubsidizable costs.

8.__Program costs.__"Program costs" includes the following:

(1)__Bus purchase costs as defined in section 15603,
subsection 7;

(2)__Early childhood educational program costs as
defined in section 15603, subsection 10;

(3)__Special education costs as defined in section
15603, subsection 22;

(4)__Transportation operating costs as defined in
section 15603, subsection 29; and

(5)__Vocational education costs as defined in section
15603, subsection 30.

9.__Pupil count.__"Pupil count" means the total of resident
pupils counted in accordance with sections 5104-A and 6004
educated at public expense in kindergarten to grade 12.

10.__State share percentage.__"State share percentage" means
the following quotient expressed in percentage terms:__the
numerator is the unit's operating cost subsidy calculated in
accordance with section 15763, subsection 2.__The denominator is
the unit's subsidizable operating costs.__For a unit whose
subsidizable operating cost is zero, the state share percentage
is also zero.

11.__Subsidizable operating costs.__"Subsidizable operating
costs" means, for each unit, costs that are equal to the product
of the foundation per pupil operating rate times the unit's
average pupil count.

12.__Unit.__"Unit" means the school administrative unit.

13.__Year.__"Year" means a fiscal year starting July 1st and
ending June 30th of the succeeding year.

§15763.__Operating cost subsidy

By March 31st of each year, the Legislature shall appropriate
funds to subsidize operating costs for all units for the ensuing
fiscal year.

1.__Default appropriation.__In the absence of timely
legislative action, the operating cost subsidy for the ensuing
year must be calculated and paid by the commissioner based on the
appropriation and the operating cost mill rate in effect for the
current year.

2.__How calculated.__The operating cost subsidy for each unit
is the amount of that unit's subsidizable operating costs less
its local share.__The local share is the product of the operating
cost mill rate, under subsection 4, times the unit's fiscal

If a unit fails to raise and provide toward operating costs a
level of funds sufficient to pay its local share, the State's
subsidy must be reduced by an amount equal to what the unit fails
to provide.__The reduction in state subsidy must be added to the
commissioner's reserve fund and distributed in accordance with
subsection 5.

3.__Minimum subsidy.__If a unit's subsidy when calculated
under subsection 2 is less than 5% of its subsidizable operating
costs, the unit shall, nevertheless, receive a subsidy that is
equal to 5% of its subsidizable operating costs.

4.__Operating cost mill rate.__The operating cost mill rate is
a single statewide property mill rate that is calculated each
year by the commissioner to satisfy the following condition:__
when the operating cost mill rate is applied to the fiscal
capacity of each unit eligible for subsidy under subsection 2,
the subsidies that result under the rules of this section,
including the rule for minimum subsidies in subsection 3,
exhausts 99.5% of the amount appropriated by the State for
operating costs.

5.__Commissioner's reserve fund.__One-half of 1% of the amount
appropriated under this section plus subsidy reductions under
subsection 2 must be held by the commissioner in a reserve fund
that the commissioner may expend during the year to make

adjustments resulting from audits or necessary corrections to
subsidy entitlements under this chapter.__At the end of the year,
any balance then remaining in the reserve fund must be
distributed to all units eligible for subsidy under subsection 2
in proportion to each unit's operating cost subsidy level.

§15764.__Program cost subsidy

By March 31st of each year, the Legislature shall appropriate
funds to subsidize program costs for all eligible school units
for the ensuing year.

1.__Default appropriation.__In the absence of timely
legislative action, the program cost subsidy for the ensuing year
must be calculated and paid by the commissioner based on the
program appropriation and the program millage limit in effect for
the current year.

2.__How calculated.__The program cost subsidy for each unit is
the product of that unit's program costs times the state share
percentage for that unit.

3.__Appropriation less than subsidy.__If the appropriation for
program costs is insufficient to pay the subsidies calculated in
accordance with subsection 2, the subsidy to each unit eligible
to receive a program cost subsidy must be reduced in proportion
to each unit's average pupil count.

4.__Appropriation exceeding subsidy.__If the appropriation for
program costs exceeds the amount necessary to pay the subsidies
calculated in accordance with subsection 2, then the excess must
be distributed to pay that portion of each unit's program costs
that exceeds its program circuit breaker.__A unit's program
circuit breaker is the amount calculated by multiplying the
program millage times the fiscal capacity of that unit.

5.__Program millage limit.__The program millage limit is a
single statewide property tax mill rate that is calculated each
year by the commissioner to satisfy the following condition:__
when the program millage limit is applied to the fiscal capacity
of each unit, the subsidies that result under the rules of this
section exhaust the State's program cost appropriation.

§15765.__Debt service subsidy

By March 31st of each year, the Legislature shall appropriate
funds to subsidize debt service costs for all eligible school
units for the ensuing fiscal year.

1.__Default appropriation.__In the absence of timely
legislative action, the debt service subsidy for the ensuing year
must be calculated and paid by the commissioner based on the debt
service appropriation and the debt service millage limit in
effect for the current year.

2.__How calculated.__The direct service subsidy for each unit
is the product of that unit's debt service times the state share
percentage for that unit.

3.__Appropriation less than subsidy.__If the appropriation for
debt service is insufficient to pay the subsidies calculated in
accordance with subsection 2, then the subsidy to each unit
eligible to receive a debt service subsidy must be reduced in
proportion to each unit's average pupil count.

4.__Appropriation exceeding subsidy.__If the appropriation for
debt service exceeds the amount necessary to pay the subsidies
calculated in accordance with subsection 2, the excess must be
distributed to pay that portion of each unit's debt service that
exceeds the unit's debt service circuit breaker.__A unit's debt
service circuit breaker is the amount calculated by multiplying
the debt service millage limit times the fiscal capacity of that

5.__Debt service millage limit.__The debt service millage
limit is a single statewide property tax mill rate that is
calculated each year by the commissioner to satisfy the following
condition:__when the debt service millage limit is applied to the
fiscal capacity of each unit, the subsidies that result under the
rules of this section exhaust the State's debt service

§15766.__State direct costs

By March 31st of each year, the Legislature shall appropriate
funds to pay state direct costs for all eligible school units for
the ensuing fiscal year.__Funds for state direct costs are
limited to the amounts appropriated by the Legislature for those
purposes.__The commissioner shall prorate payments to units if
the amounts appropriated are insufficient to make payments in

§15767.__Cushion subsidies

Hardship cushions as provided in subsections 1 or 2 must be
paid from funds generated through setting a maximum allowable
percentage of gain as provided in subsection 3.

1.__Cushions through June 30, 2007.__If the combined changes
for operating costs and program costs subsidies calculated in
sections 15603 and 15604 would represent a loss to a unit from
fiscal year 2005-06 to fiscal year 2006-07, the commissioner
shall distribute to each such unit an additional cushion subsidy
sufficient to limit the unit's loss to 1/2 of what it would
otherwise be.__There is no cushion for fiscal year 2007-08.

2.__Cushions for fiscal years beginning July 1, 2007.__For
fiscal years that begin on or after July 1, 2007, if the combined
changes for operating cost and program cost subsidies calculated
in sections 15603 and 15604 represent a loss to a unit in excess
of 5% from one fiscal year to the next, and if that unit's state
share percentage in the first of the 2 fiscal years exceeds 30%,
the commissioner shall distribute to each unit an additional
cushion subsidy sufficient to limit the unit's loss to 5%.

3.__Maximum gain.__As necessary to fund the cushions in
subsection 1 or 2, the commissioner shall determine a maximum
allowable percentage of gain that units may receive from one
fiscal year to the next in combined operating cost and program
cost subsidies.__The commissioner shall set the maximum
percentage for each year at a rate such that the excess funds
generated equal the amount necessary to pay the cushions required
under subsection 1 or 2.

Sec. 3. Supplements the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, chapter 606. This
chapter supplements the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A,
chapter 606, whose provisions remain in effect except when in
conflict with this chapter.

Sec. 4. Revisor's review; cross-references. The Revisor of Statutes shall
review the Maine Revised Statutes and include in the errors and
inconsistencies bill submitted to the Second Regular Session of
the 120th Legislature pursuant to Title 1, section 94, any
sections necessary to correct and update any cross-references in
the statutes to provisions of law repealed in this Act.

Sec. 5. Effective date. This Act takes effect July 1, 2002.


Effective for the fiscal year that begins July 1, 2002, this
bill divides general purpose aid into its 4 component parts:
operating costs, program costs, debt service and direct state
costs, formerly called adjustments. The bill requires that all 4
components receive separate default appropriations to take effect

if the Legislature fails to appropriate new funds prior to March
31st of each year.

Income and cost-of-living factors are no longer included.
Operating, program and debt service subsidies are all
proportional to a school unit's fiscal capacity. The need for
percentage reduction is eliminated. The first dollars available
go to the poorest of school units. Program or debt service costs
that exceed a circuit breaker amount are fully subsidizable.
Circuit breaker levels are not fixed but float with the level of
the annual appropriation.

The operating cost subsidy for each unit is calculated as

Foundation per pupil= Statewide base
Divided by State's

operating rate year operatingaverage pupil


A unit's subsidizable= Foundation perx Average pupil

operating costs pupil operating count for the

rate unit

Local share of= Operating costx Fiscal capacity

operating costs mill rate of the unit

"Operating cost mill rate" is a calculated figure that floats
to meet the State's annual appropriation.

The state subsidy is equal to the unit's subsidizable
operating costs less the local share, but not less than 5% of the
unit's costs.

A school unit that fails to raise its local share of operating
costs will lose a portion of its subsidy equal to what it fails
to provide. No such reduction is necessary for program and debt
service subsidies because they continue to be calculated on the
basis of the school unit's own approved expenditures.

Pupil count averaging is extended over 3 separate dates,
rather than 2 as provided in present law. Thus, changes in pupil
counts will have a more gradual impact on subsidy changes.

The bill contains transition cushions to buffer the change
from the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, chapter 606-A to
chapter 607-A over a period of 2 fiscal years. For those school
units who may lose subsidy under the law, only 1/2 the loss will
be recognized in the first year with the remainder picked up in
the 2nd.

Beginning July 2, 2004, a permanent cushion system goes into
effect. Any unit that depends on state subsidies to fund 30% or
more to its base year operating costs will be protected against
losing any more than 5% in combined operating and program cost
from one fiscal year to the next. Thus, the cushion will dampen
net swings in the 2 major variables that impact the formula:
valuation and pupil count.

The cushions are funded by a mechanism that clips off excess
subsidies that would otherwise be given to those units whose
gains exceed a maximum percentage, which is annually calculated
by the Commissioner of Education at the rate necessary to pay the
cushion subsidies.

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