LD 1661
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Charter of the Portland Water District to Permit the Extens... LD 1661 Title Page
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Item 1

Steep Falls section of Standish in addition to any other
available source within its territory.

Sec. 3. P&SL 1907, c. 433, §2, sub-§B, first ¶, as enacted by P&SL 1975, c.
84, is amended to read:

B. The district is authorized to acquire, construct,
maintain, control, operate, manage and provide facilities
for the handling on a regional basis of waste water
wastewater and sewage consisting of domestic, commercial,
municipal and industrial wastes; and for the handling of
storm or surface waters entering a combined municipal sewer
system, all as collected by the municipalities of the Cities
of Portland and Westbrook and the Towns of Cape Elizabeth,
Cumberland, Falmouth, Gorham, Raymond, Standish and Windham,
hereinafter referred to in this Act as the "participating
municipalities", all for the purpose of providing treatment
facilities, trunk sewers, interceptor lines, force mains,
outfalls, and pumping stations for the transmission and
disposal of waste water wastewater and sewage received from
municipal collection systems.

Sec. 4. P&SL 1907, c. 433, §4, as repealed and replaced by P&SL 1975,
c. 84, is amended to read:

*Sec. 4. Authority to construct and maintain. The district is authorized to
lay in, along, under and through the streets, roads, ways and
highways and tidal waters, lakes, ponds, rivers and water courses
in the Cities of Portland, South Portland and Westbrook, and the
Towns of Cape Elizabeth, Cumberland, Falmouth, Gorham, Raymond,
Scarborough, Standish and Windham, and across private lands
therein in those cities and towns, and to maintain, repair and
replace all such the pipes, aqueducts, lines, drains, conduits,
interceptor lines, trunk sewers, force mains, outfalls, outlets,
and fixtures and appurtenances and to construct, operate,
maintain and replace such the pure water, disposal, treatment and
purification facilities and appurtenances, as may be necessary
and convenient for the district in carrying out the foregoing
powers purposes of this Act.

Sec. 5. P&SL 1907, c. 433, §18, first ¶, as amended by P&SL 1991, c. 89,
§2, is further amended to read:

*Sec. 18. Board of trustees. The affairs of the district are managed
by a board of trustees composed of 11 members, 4 of whom are
elected by a plurality of voters of the City of Portland, 2 by a
plurality of the voters of the City of South Portland, one by a
plurality of the voters of the City of Westbrook, 2 by a
plurality of the voters of the Towns of Gorham,

Scarborough and Cape Elizabeth and 2 by a plurality of the voters
of the Towns of Cumberland, Falmouth, Raymond and Windham.

Sec. 6. P&SL 1907, c. 433, §18, 2nd ¶, as repealed and replaced by P&SL
1997, c. 15, §2, is amended to read:

Trustees are elected for a term of 5 years at elections as
described in this paragraph. Trustees elected from the City of
Portland are elected at the City of Portland's regular municipal
elections in May. Trustees elected from the City of South
Portland, the City of Westbrook, the Town of Cape Elizabeth, the
Town of Gorham and the Town of Scarborough are elected at
elections on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of
November. Trustees elected from the Town of Cumberland, the Town
of Falmouth, the Town of Raymond and the Town of Windham are
elected on the mutually coincident municipal elections within
those towns in the Town of Cumberland,__the Town of Falmouth and
the Town of Windham in June, but, if there is not a mutually
coincident municipal election date, then on the 2nd Tuesday of
June. The Town of Raymond shall hold a special town meeting to
elect the trustees on the same day that the Town of Cumberland,
the Town of Falmouth and the Town of Windham hold their
coincident municipal elections to elect the trustees from those
towns. Costs for any trustee election held concurrently with a
federal, state or municipal election are divided between the
municipality and the district. When there is a division of
costs, the district is responsible for the costs proportional to
the total number of offices and referenda issues voted upon at
the election. If an election for a trustee results in a tie
vote, the other trustees shall select the person who becomes a

Sec. 7. P&SL 1907, c. 433, §18, 3rd ¶, as amended by P&SL 1991, c. 89,
§3, is further amended to read:

All nominations of candidates to be elected from the cities of
Portland, South Portland and Westbrook must be made by nomination
papers signed in the aggregate for each candidate by not less
fewer than 100 nor more than 150 qualified voters of such city.
All nominations of candidates to be elected from the area
consisting of either Cape Elizabeth, Scarborough and Gorham, or
Cumberland, Falmouth, Raymond and Windham must be made by
nomination papers signed in the aggregate for each candidate by
not less fewer than 35 nor more than 50 of the voters of each of
the towns within that area. Each voter signing a nomination
paper shall make the voter's signature in person and add to it
the voter's place of residence, and each voter may subscribe to
as many nominations as there are trustees to be elected in the
voter's area and no more. Nomination papers must be submitted to

each municipal clerk of the municipalities in that area
coterminously with the municipal filing date.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill amends the charter of the Portland Water District by
adding the Town of Raymond as a member of the district in order
to allow the extension of water and wastewater services within
the area of the town.

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