LD 1666
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Improve the Inspection and Maintenance of Underground Oil Storage Tan... LD 1666 Title Page
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Item 1

(3) The applicant is constructing, replacing or
renovating a tank or facility used for the aboveground
storage of oil and the work is supervised by a state-
registered professional engineer with training and
experience in aboveground oil storage facility
installation; or

(4)__The applicant is renovating an underground oil
storage tank or facility, the work is supervised by an
underground oil storage tank installer certified by the
Board of Underground Storage Tank Installers under
Title 32, chapter 104-A and the estimated cost of the
work exceeds $1000;

B. The applicant, if the applicant is not a unit of local
government, demonstrates financial need for the assistance;

C. If the assistance includes a loan, there is a reasonable
likelihood that the applicant will be able to repay the

Applicants demonstrating the requirement to install equipment
related to the improvement of air quality pursuant to section
1026-F and who own fewer than 15 service stations, and who are
not able to repay a loan, are eligible to receive no more than
$35,000 per service station in grants for the payment of expenses
relating to the installation of this equipment.

The authority, pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II,
shall adopt rules for determining eligibility, feasibility,
terms, conditions and security for the loans and grants. In the
case of loans, the authority may charge an interest rate that may
be as low as 0% and may be greater, depending on the financial
ability of the applicant to pay as determined by the authority,
up to a maximum of the prime rate of interest charged by major
New York banks. The maximum the authority may loan or grant to
any one borrower, including related entities as determined by the
authority, is $600,000. Loans or grants for the purposes listed
in paragraph A, subparagraph (3) may not exceed $1,000,000 in a
12-month period. Grants may not be made for the purpose listed
in paragraph A, subparagraph (4). Money in the fund not needed
currently to meet the obligations of the authority as provided in
this section may be invested as permitted by law.

Sec. 4. 32 MRSA §10001, first ¶, as amended by PL 1997, c. 364, §2, is
further amended to read:

In order to safeguard the public health, safety and welfare,
to protect the public from incompetent and unauthorized persons,

to assure ensure the highest degree of professional conduct on
the part of underground oil storage tank installers and
inspectors and to assure ensure the availability of underground
oil storage tank installations and inspections of high quality to
persons in need of those services, it is the purpose of this
chapter to provide for the regulation of persons offering
underground oil storage tank installation and inspection

Sec. 5. 32 MRSA §10002, sub-§6-A is enacted to read:

6-A.__Underground oil storage tank inspector.__"Underground
oil storage tank inspector" means a person certified under this
chapter to inspect underground oil storage tanks.

Sec. 6. 32 MRSA §10003, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1997, c. 364, §4, is
further amended to read:

1. Establishment and membership. There is established within
the Department of Environmental Protection, the Board of
Underground Storage Tank Installers. The board consists of 7
members appointed by the Governor as follows: one from the
Department of Environmental Protection; one from either the Maine
Oil Dealer's Association or the Maine Petroleum Association; one
underground oil storage tank installer; one from either the Oil
and Solid Fuel Board, the Plumber's Examining Board or the State
Board of Certification for Geologists and Soil Scientists; one
from the Maine Chamber of Commerce and Industry; one from the
Maine Fire Chiefs Association; and one 2 public member members.

Sec. 7. 32 MRSA §10004, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1997, c. 364, §5, is
further amended to read:

2. Rules. The board may adopt, in accordance with the Maine
Administrative Procedure Act, Title 5, chapter 375, rules
relating to professional conduct to carry out the policy of this
chapter, including, but not limited to, rules relating to
professional regulation and to the establishment of ethical
standards of practice for persons certified to practice
underground oil storage tank installation, inspection and removal
and underground gasoline storage tank removal.

Sec. 8. 32 MRSA §10006, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1997, c. 364, §6, is
further amended to read:

1. Certification required. No person may practice, or
profess to practice, as an underground oil storage tank
installer, underground oil storage tank inspector or underground
gasoline storage tank remover in this State or use the words
"underground oil storage tank installer," "underground gasoline
storage tank remover," "underground oil storage tank inspector"

or other words or letters to indicate that the person using the
words or letters is a certified underground oil storage tank
installer practitioner, underground oil storage tank inspector
practitioner or underground gasoline storage tank remover
practitioner unless that person is certified in accordance with
this chapter.

Sec. 9. 32 MRSA §10008, first ¶, as amended by PL 1997, c. 364, §7, is
further amended to read:

A person who is a resident of the State and has been certified
in another state as an underground oil storage tank installer or
underground oil storage tank inspector may, upon payment of a fee
as established under section 10012, obtain a certification as an
underground oil storage tank installer or underground oil storage
tank inspector, provided that a if that person submits
satisfactory evidence of certification as an underground oil
storage tank installer or underground oil storage tank inspector
in another state under qualifications equivalent to those
specified in this chapter.

Sec. 10. 32 MRSA §10010, first ¶, as amended by PL 1997, c. 364, §8, is
further amended to read:

An applicant applying for certification as an underground oil
storage tank installer or an underground gasoline storage tank
remover or an underground oil storage tank inspector must file a
written application provided by the board, showing to the
satisfaction of the board that that person meets the following

Sec. 11. 32 MRSA §10010, sub-§6 is enacted to read:

6.__Education and examination for certification of underground
oil storage tank inspectors.__An applicant for certification as
an underground oil storage tank inspector must:

A.__Pass a written or oral examination based on laws
outlined in and any rules adopted under Title 38, chapter 3,
subchapter II-B by the Board of Environmental Protection
regarding underground oil storage tanks, any regulations
promulgated by the federal Environmental Protection Agency
regarding underground oil storage tanks and any technical
concepts necessary to understand and implement those laws,
rules or regulations;

B.__Demonstrate valid certification or licensing by
manufacturers of ancillary equipment that the applicant
intends to inspect if the manufacturers require any such
certification to maintain equipment warranties; and

C.__If the applicant intends to inspect cathodic protection
systems, demonstrate valid, nationally recognized
certification or licensing that meets the requirements for a
"cathodic protection tester" as specified in 40 Code of
Federal Regulations, Section 280.12.

Sec. 12. 32 MRSA §10011, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1997, c. 364, §12,
is further amended to read:

1. Requirements; fees. Only a person satisfying the
requirements of section 10010, subsections 1 and 2 may apply for
examination in the manner prescribed by the board. The
application must be accompanied by the nonrefundable fee
prescribed by section 10012. A person who fails either part of
the applicable examination specified in section 10010, subsection
3 or, 5 or 6 may apply for reexamination upon payment of the
prescribed fee.

Sec. 13. 32 MRSA §10011, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1997, c. 364, §13,
is further amended to read:

2. Content. The written examination must test the
applicant's knowledge of the skills and knowledge relating to
storage tank installation, inspection or removal and such other
subjects as the board requires to determine the applicant's
fitness to practice. The board shall approve examinations
required by this chapter for underground oil storage tank
installers and, underground gasoline storage tank removers and
underground oil storage tank inspectors and establish standards
for an acceptable performance.

Sec. 14. 32 MRSA §10012, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1997, c. 364, §14,
is further amended to read:

2. Disposal of fees and civil penalties. All fees and civil
penalties as authorized by section 10015 received by the board
related to underground oil storage tank installers or,
underground gasoline storage tank removers or underground oil
storage tank inspectors must be paid to the Treasurer of State to
be deposited into the Ground Water Oil Clean-up Fund and used for
the purpose of carrying out all applicable provisions of this
chapter. Any balance of fees and civil penalties as authorized by
section 10015 does not lapse but must be carried forward as a
continuing account to be expended for the same purposes in the
following fiscal years.

Sec. 15. 32 MRSA §10014, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1997, c. 364, §15,
is further amended to read:

2. Inactive status. Upon request, the board shall grant
inactive status to certified persons who do not practice or
present themselves as underground oil tank installers or,
underground gasoline storage tank removers or underground oil
storage tank inspectors and maintain any continuing competency
requirements established by the board.

Sec. 16. 32 MRSA §10015, sub-§2, ¶B, as amended by PL 1997, c. 364,
§16, is further amended to read:

B. Unprofessional conduct, including any gross negligence,
incompetency or misconduct in the certified person's
performance of the work of underground oil storage tank
installation or removal or, underground gasoline storage
tank removal or underground oil storage tank inspection or
violation of any standard of professional behavior
established by the board;

Sec. 17. 38 MRSA §563, sub-§9 is enacted to read:

9.__Annual compliance inspection.__The department may
establish a program requiring__underground oil storage facilities
to be inspected annually for compliance with the requirements of
this subchapter and with the requirements for gasoline vapor
control established by rule pursuant to section 585-A.__The
inspections must be by an installer or inspector certified by the
Board of Underground Storage Tank Installers under Title 32,
chapter 104-A.

A.__The department annually shall provide the following to
the owner or operator of each registered underground oil
storage tank:

(1)__An inspection checklist with a form for reporting
the inspection results to the department;

(2)__A list of installers and inspectors certified by
the Board of Underground Storage Tank Installers or
directions on how to obtain the list; and

(3)__Information on the availability of loans and
grants from the Underground Oil Storage Fund
administered by the Finance Authority of Maine under
Title 10, section 1023-D.

The owner or operator shall arrange for the inspection to be
performed by a certified installer or inspector and shall
ensure that the inspection results are reported to the
department on the form provided pursuant to this subsection.

B.__Upon receipt of a completed inspection report form
certifying that an underground oil storage tank and
associated piping meets the requirements of this subchapter
and for gasoline vapor control, the department shall provide
the tank owner with a certificate of inspection.__The owner
shall place the certificate in a conspicuous location that
can be readily viewed by any person depositing oil into the
tank.__The certificate may include or consist of a tag or
sticker to be affixed by the facility owner or operator to
the tank fill pipe as evidence that the tank has been

C.__A certificate issued under paragraph B is valid for at
least 12 months and, for tanks used to store heating oil for
consumption on the premises, may not expire during the
months of September through April.

D.__Upon establishment of a tank inspection program pursuant
to this subsection, the tank owner or operator may not
arrange for delivery and a person may not deliver oil to an
underground oil storage tank unless the tank and associated
piping have been inspected in accordance with the program
requirements.__Compliance with the inspection requirement
may be verified by:

(A.1)__Viewing a valid certificate of inspection issued
pursuant to paragraph B;

(2)__Viewing a tag or sticker issued by the department
as evidence that the owner holds a valid certificate of
inspection for the tank and associated piping; or

(3)__Verifying that the tank is on a list of tanks that
have been issued a certificate of inspection by the

The department shall take reasonable steps, such as targeted
mailings and posting of information on the Internet as
appropriate, to inform a person who may deliver oil to an
underground oil storage tank of the prohibition of this
paragraph and to ensure that such persons can ascertain, by
any of the above actions, if a certificate of inspection has
been issued for the tank.__The department may not take
enforcement action against a person for delivery of oil in
violation of this subsection if, prior to delivery, that
person took reasonable steps to verify compliance with the
inspection requirement.

Sec. 18. 38 MRSA §563-A, sub-§1-D is enacted to read:

1-D.__Prohibition on delivery.__Effective May 1, 2002, a
person may not deliver oil to an underground oil storage tank
unless the tank is registered under section 563, subsection 1 and
both the tank and piping are constructed of fiberglass,
cathodically protected steel or other noncorrosive material
approved by the department.


The purpose of this bill is to prevent discharges from
underground oil storage tanks by prohibiting delivery of oil to
bare steel and other nonconforming tanks that are illegal to
operate under current law and to tanks that do not meet
applicable annual inspection requirements intended to ensure the
tank is properly maintained and functioning. The bill
establishes a program to expand the pool of qualified persons who
can inspect an underground storage tank, and amends the law
governing the Underground Oil Storage Replacement Fund to provide
financial assistance if substantial tank repairs are needed.

The bill also revises the law governing the Board of
Underground Tank Installers to eliminate the requirement that one
of the seats on the 7-member board be reserved for a
representative from the Oil and Solid Fuel Board, the Plumbers'
Examining Board or the State Board of Certification for
Geologists and Soil Scientists.

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