LD 1670
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act Regarding Child Abandonment LD 1670 Title Page
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LR 52
Item 1

A. A child has been in foster care for 15 of the most
recent 22 months. This paragraph does not apply if the
department is required to undertake reunification efforts
and the department has not provided to the family of the
child such services as the department determines to be
necessary for the safe return of the child to the child's
home consistent with the time period in the case plan; or

B. A court order includes a finding of an aggravating
factor and an order to cease reunification.; or

C.__A person voluntarily delivers a child who is under 31
days of age to a hospital emergency room or to a
firefighter, police officer, medical services provider or a
hospital staff member and the person expresses an intent not
to return for the child.

The department is not required to file a termination petition if
the department has chosen to have the child cared for by a
relative or the department has documented to the court a
compelling reason for determining that filing such a petition
would not be in the best interests of the child.


This bill creates an affirmative defense to the crime of
abandonment of a child if the child was 31 days or younger and
the person charged delivered the child to a hospital emergency
room or to a police officer, firefighter, medical services
provider or hospital staff member. This bill also ensures
anonymity for the person delivering the child and terminating the
parental rights and responsibilities of the parent delivering the

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