LD 1679
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 An Act to Increase the Penalties for Animal Cruelty LD 1679 Title Page
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LR 1364
Item 1

as necessary for the health of the animal. There must
be a portal entry of sufficient size to allow the
animal unimpeded passage into the structure.

(2) If a dog is tied or confined unattended outdoors under
weather conditions that adversely affect the health of
the dog, a shelter of suitable size with a floor above
ground and waterproof roof must be provided to
accommodate the dog and protect it from the weather
and, in particular, from severe cold. Inadequate
shelter may be indicated by the shivering of the dog
due to cold weather for a continuous period of 30
minutes. Consideration may be given to the coat of a
dog to determine whether or not the shelter is proper.

Sec. 19. 17 MRSA §1037, sub-§2, ¶D is enacted to read:

D.__A tether must be 5 times the length of the dog from the
tip of its nose to the base of its tail.__A tether must be
attached to a swivel or pulley.__The collar used to attach a
dog to a tether may not be a choke type.__The use of the
tether to restrain a dog may not result in the frequent
entanglement of the dog and may not render the dog incapable
of consuming food and water provided for the dog or prevent
the dog from moving to adequate shelter.


Under current law, cruelty to animals is a Class D crime.
This bill increases that crime to a Class C crime for a 2nd
offense or for a first offense for aggravated cruelty to animals,
which is defined as causing extreme physical pain to or
maliciously killing or intentionally torturing an animal. The
bill includes, under the definition of animal cruelty, the act of
killing or torturing an animal to frighten or intimidate a child
or forcing a child to injure or kill a domestic animal. The bill
requires a juvenile convicted of animal cruelty to receive
psychiatric or psychological counseling. The bill also
eliminates the section in which a person can lawfully kill that
person's own dog or cat. The bill also amends the type of
shelter that must be available for a dog to protect it from
inclement weather.

Page 3 of 4 Top of Page LD 1679 Title Page