LD 1681
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Page 1 of 2 An Act Relating to Personal Privacy and Governmental Information Practices ... LD 1681 Title Page
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LR 2465
Item 1

C.__A state agency or authority;

D.__The University of Maine System, the Maine Maritime
Academy and the Maine Technical College System;

E.__A county, municipality, school district or any regional
or other political or administrative subdivision; and

F.__An advisory organization established, authorized or
organized by law or resolve or by executive order issued by
the Governor.

§542.__Notice of information practices

Each public entity that has a publicly accessible site on the
Internet associated with it shall develop a policy regarding its
practices relating to personal information and shall post notice
of those practices on its publicly accessible site on the
Internet.__The policy must include:

1.__Information collected.__A description of the personal
information collected on the publicly accessible site on the

2.__Use and disclosure of information.__A summary of how the
personal information is used by the public entity and the
circumstances under which it may be disclosed to others;

3.__Choice.__The extent to which the user has a choice of
whether to provide personal information via the publicly
accessible site on the Internet and the consequences of refusing
to give that information;

4.__Procedures for access and correction. The procedures, if
any, by which the user may request access to that user's personal
information and request correction of that information; and

5.__Security.__The steps taken to protect personal information
from misuse or unauthorized access.


Sec. C-1. Commission established. The Blue Ribbon Commission to Review
Governmental Information Policy, referred to in this Part as the
"commission," is established.

Sec. C-2. Commission membership. The commission consists of 11 voting
members appointed as follows:

1. Two Senators, one from the Joint Standing Committee on
Judiciary and one from the Joint Standing Committee on State and
Local Government, appointed by the President of the Senate;

2. Four House of Represenatives members, one from the Joint
Standing Committee on Judiciary and one from the Joint Standing
Committee on State and Local Government, appointed by the Speaker
of the House of Representatives;

3. One representative of the news media, appointed by the
Speaker of the House of Representatives;

4. One representative of the Maine Bar Association, appointed
by the President of the Senate;

5. One representative of the Maine Civil Liberties Union,
appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and

6. Two representatives of the executive branch with expertise
and experience in collection and protection of personal

Sec. C-3. Chairs. The first named Senate member is the Senate
chair. The first named House of Representatives member is the
House chair.

Sec. C-4. Appointments; convening meetings. All appointments must be
made no later than 30 days following the effective date of this
Part. The appointing authorities shall notify the Executive
Director of the Legislative Council upon making their
appointments. When the appointment of all members is complete,
the chairs shall call and convene the first meeting of the

Sec. C-5. Duties. The commission shall study issues relating to
governmental and information policy, including the following:

1. Concerns about privacy of personal information collected
by governmental entities, including collection on publicly
accessible sites on the Internet;

2. Development of a comprehensive information practices law
governing collection and management of personal information by
state and local governmental entities; and

3. Other related issues.

Sec. C-6. Staff assistance. Upon approval of the Legislative Council,
the Office of Policy and Legal Analysis shall provide necessary
staffing services to the commission.

Sec. C-7. Compensation. Legislators who are members of the
commission are entitled to receive legislative per diem, as
defined in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 3, section 2, and
reimbursement for travel and other necessary expenses for
attendance at meetings of the commission.

Sec. C-8. Report. The commission shall submit a report of its
findings and recommendations, including any recommended
legislation, to the Second Regular Session of the 120th
Legislature by November 1, 2001. If the commission requires an
extension of time to make its report, it may apply to the
Legislative Council, which may grant the extension.


This bill relates to personal privacy and governmental
information practices, based on the recommendations of the Blue
Ribbon Commission to Establish a Comprehensive Internet Policy.

The bill requires state and local governments to include
notice of their information practices on their publicly
accessible sites on the Internet. The notice would inform the
public about what information is being collected via the publicly
accessible site on the Internet, how it will be used, how to
access and correct information and what security measures are
taken by the governments to prevent improper use of that

The bill also requires state agencies to include in their
review under the State Government Evaluation Act an analysis of
their information practices and their use of information

Finally, the bill creates a commission to examine public
concern about collection of personal information by governmental
entities and to create a comprehensive information practices law
governing collection and management of personal information by
governmental entities.

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