LD 1691
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Item 1

interstate and federal-state exchange of criminal history records
for noncriminal justice uses;

2.__FBI.__Require the FBI to permit use of the national
indices by each party state and to provide, in a timely fashion,
federal and state criminal history records to requesting states
in accordance with the terms of this compact and with rules,
procedures and standards established by the council pursuant to
section 1707;

3.__Party states.__Require party states to provide information
and criminal history records for the national indices and to
provide criminal history records, in a timely fashion, to
criminal history record repositories of other states and the
Federal Government for noncriminal justice purposes in accordance
with the terms of this compact and with rules, procedures and
standards established by the council pursuant to section 1707;

4.__Council.__Provide for the establishment of a council to
monitor III system operations and to prescribe system rules and
procedures for the effective and proper operation of the III
system for noncriminal justice purposes; and

5.__III system standards.__Require the FBI and each party
state to adhere to III system standards concerning criminal
history record dissemination and use, response times, system
security, data quality and other duly established standards,
including those that enhance the accuracy and privacy of such
criminal history records.


As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise
indicates, the following terms have the following meanings.

1.__Attorney General.__"Attorney General" means the Attorney
General of the United States.

2.__Compact officer.__"Compact officer" means:

A.__With respect to the Federal Government, an official so
designated by the Director of the FBI; or

B.__With respect to a party state, the chief administrator
of the state's criminal history record repository or a
designee of the chief administrator who is a regular full-
time employee of the repository.

3.__Council.__"Council" means the compact council established
under section 1707.

4.__Criminal history record repository.__"Criminal history
record repository" means the state agency designated by the
governor or other appropriate executive official or the
legislature of a state to perform centralized recordkeeping
functions for criminal history records and services in the state.

5.__Criminal history records.__"Criminal history records"
means information, collected by criminal justice agencies on
individuals, consisting of identifiable descriptions and
notations of arrests, detentions, indictments or other formal
criminal charges and any disposition arising therefrom, including
acquittal, sentencing, correctional supervision or release.__
"Criminal history records" does not include identification
information such as fingerprint records if the information does
not indicate involvement of the individual with the criminal
justice system.

6.__Criminal justice.__"Criminal justice" means activities
relating to the detection, apprehension, detention, pretrial
release, posttrial release, prosecution, adjudication,
correctional supervision or rehabilitation of accused persons or
criminal offenders.__The administration of criminal justice
includes criminal identification activities and the collection,
storage and dissemination of criminal history records.

7.__Criminal justice agency.__"Criminal justice agency" means:

A.__A court; and

B.__A governmental agency or any subunit of an agency that
performs the administration of criminal justice pursuant to
a law or executive order and allocates a substantial part of
its annual budget to the administration of criminal justice.__
"Criminal justice agency" includes federal and state
inspector general offices.

8.__Criminal justice services.__"Criminal justice services"
means services provided by the FBI to criminal justice agencies
in response to a request for information about a particular
individual or as an update to information previously provided for
criminal justice purposes.

9.__Direct access.__"Direct access" means access to the
national identification index by computer terminal or other
automated means not requiring the assistance of or intervention
by another party or agency.

10.__Executive order.__"Executive order" means an order of the
President of the United States or the chief executive officer of
a state that has the force of law and that is promulgated in
accordance with applicable law.

11.__FBI.__"FBI" means the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

12.__III system.__"III system" means the interstate
identification index system that is the cooperative federal-state
system for the exchange of criminal history records.__"III
system" includes the national indices and, to the extent of their
participation in the system, the criminal history record
repositories of the states and the FBI.

13.__National fingerprint file.__"National fingerprint file"
means a database of fingerprints or of other uniquely personal
identifying information that relates to an arrested or charged
individual and that is maintained by the FBI to provide positive
identification of subjects indexed in the III system.

14.__National identification index.__"National identification
index" means an index maintained by the FBI consisting of names,
identifying numbers and other descriptive information relating to
subjects who have criminal history records in the III system.

15.__National indices.__"National indices" means the national
identification index and the national fingerprint file.

16.__Noncriminal justice purposes.__"Noncriminal justice
purposes" means uses of criminal history records for purposes
authorized by federal or state law other than purposes relating
to criminal justice activities, including employment suitability,
licensing determinations, immigration and naturalization matters
and national security clearances.

17.__Nonparty state.__"Nonparty state" means a state that has
not ratified this compact.

18.__Party state.__"Party state" means a state that has
ratified this compact.

19.__Positive identification.__"Positive identification" means
a determination, based upon a comparison of fingerprints or other
equally reliable biometric identification techniques, that the
subject of a criminal history record search is the same person as
the subject of a criminal history record or records indexed in
the III system.__Identifications based solely upon a comparison
of subjects' names or other nonunique identification

characteristics or numbers or combinations thereof does not
constitute positive identification.

20.__Sealed criminal history record information.__"Sealed
criminal history record information" means:

A.__With respect to adults, that portion of a criminal
history record that is:

(1)__Not available for criminal justice uses;

(2)__Not supported by fingerprints or other accepted
means of positive identification; or

(3)__Subject to restrictions on dissemination for
noncriminal justice purposes pursuant to a court order
related to a particular subject or pursuant to a
federal or state statute that requires action on a
sealing petition filed by a particular subject; and

B.__With respect to minors, whatever each state determines
is a sealed criminal history record under its own law and

21.__State.__"State" means any state, territory or possession
of the United States.

§1704.__Responsibilities of compact parties

1.__Director of the FBI.__The Director of the FBI shall:

A.__Appoint an FBI compact officer who shall:

(1)__Administer this compact within the United States
Department of Justice for federal agencies and other
agencies and organizations that submit search requests
to the FBI pursuant to section 1706, subsection 3;

(2)__Ensure that compact provisions and rules,
procedures and standards prescribed by the council
under section 1707 are complied with by the United
States Department of Justice and the federal agencies
and other agencies and organizations referred to in
subparagraph (1); and

(3)__Regulate the use of criminal history records
received by means of the III system from party states
when those criminal history records are supplied by the
FBI directly to other federal agencies;

B.__Provide to federal agencies and to state criminal
history record repositories criminal history records
maintained in its database for the noncriminal justice
purposes described in section 1705, including:

(1)__Information from nonparty states; and

(2)__Information from party states that is available
from the FBI through the III system but is not
available from the party state through the III system;

C.__Provide a telecommunications network and maintain
centralized facilities for the exchange of criminal history
records for both criminal justice purposes and the
noncriminal justice purposes described in section 1705 and
ensure that the exchange of the criminal history records for
criminal justice purposes has priority over exchange for
noncriminal justice purposes; and

D.__Modify or enter into user agreements with nonparty state
criminal history record repositories to require them to
establish criminal history record request procedures
conforming to those prescribed in section 1706.

2.__Party state.__Each party state shall:

A.__Appoint a compact officer who shall:

(1)__Administer this compact within that state;

(2)__Ensure that compact provisions and rules,
procedures and standards established by the council
under section 1707 are complied with in the state; and

(3)__Regulate the in-state use of criminal history
records received by means of the III system from the
FBI or from other party states;

B.__Establish and maintain a criminal history record
repository that must provide:

(1)__Information and criminal history records for the
national indices; and

(2)__The state's III system-indexed criminal history
records for noncriminal justice purposes described in
section 1705;

C.__Participate in the national fingerprint file; and

D.__Provide and maintain telecommunications links and
related equipment necessary to support the criminal justice
services set forth in this compact.

3.__Compliance with III system requirements.__In carrying out
their responsibilities under this compact, the FBI and each party
state shall comply with III system rules, procedures and
standards duly established by the council concerning criminal
history record dissemination and use, response times, data
quality, system security, accuracy, privacy protection and other
aspects of III system operation.

4.__Noncriminal justice users.__Use of the III system for
noncriminal justice purposes authorized in this compact must be
managed so as not to diminish the level of services provided in
support of criminal justice purposes.__Administration of compact
provisions may not reduce the level of service available to
authorized noncriminal justice users on the effective date of
this compact.

§1705. Authorized criminal history record disclosures

1.__Release by FBI to state criminal history record
repositories.__To the extent authorized by the Privacy Act of
1974, 5 United States Code, Section 552a, the FBI shall provide
on request criminal history records, excluding sealed criminal
history record information, to state criminal history record
repositories for noncriminal justice purposes allowed by federal
statute, federal executive order or a state statute that has been
approved by the Attorney General to ensure that the state statute
explicitly authorizes national indices checks.

2.__Release by FBI and state criminal history record
repositories to other agencies.__The FBI, to the extent
authorized by the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 United States Code,
Section 552a and state criminal history record repositories,
shall provide criminal history records, excluding sealed criminal
history record information, to criminal justice agencies and
other governmental or nongovernmental agencies for noncriminal
justice purposes allowed by federal statute, federal executive
order or a state statute that has been approved by the Attorney
General to ensure that the state statute explicitly authorizes
national indices checks.

3.__Use for official purposes.__Any criminal history record
obtained under this compact may be used only for the official
purposes for which the criminal history record was requested.__
Each compact officer shall establish procedures, consistent with
this compact and with rules, procedures and standards established

by the council under section 1707, that protect the accuracy and
privacy of the criminal history records and:

A.__Ensure that criminal history records obtained under this
compact are used only by authorized officials for authorized

B.__Require that subsequent criminal history record checks
are requested to obtain current information whenever a new
need arises; and

C.__Ensure that criminal history record entries that may not
legally be used for a particular noncriminal justice purpose
are deleted from the response and, if no information
authorized for release remains, an appropriate "no record"
response is communicated to the requesting official.

§1706. Criminal history record request procedures

1.__Positive identification.__Subject fingerprints or other
approved forms of positive identification must be submitted with
all requests for criminal history record checks for noncriminal
justice purposes.

2.__Interstate request.__Each request for a criminal history
record check utilizing the national indices made under any
approved state statute must be submitted through that state's
criminal history record repository.__A state criminal history
record repository shall process an interstate request for
noncriminal justice purposes through the national indices only if
the request is transmitted through another state criminal history
record repository or the FBI.

3.__Federal agency request.__Each request for criminal history
record checks utilizing the national indices made under federal
authority must be submitted through the FBI or, if the state
criminal history record repository consents to process
fingerprint submissions, through the criminal history record
repository in the state in which the request originated.__Direct
access to the national identification index by entities other
than the FBI and state criminal history record repositories may
not be permitted for noncriminal justice purposes.

4.__Fee.__A state criminal history record repository or the

A.__May charge a fee, in accordance with applicable law, for
handling a request involving fingerprint processing for
noncriminal justice purposes; and

B.__May not charge a fee for providing criminal history
records in response to an electronic request for a record
that does not involve a request to process fingerprints.

5.__Procedure; unable to identify.__If a state criminal
history record repository can not positively identify the subject
of a record request made for noncriminal justice purposes, the
request, together with fingerprints or other approved identifying
information, must be forwarded to the FBI for a search of the
national indices.__If, with respect to a request forwarded by a
state criminal history record repository under subsection 3, the
FBI positively identifies the subject as having a III system-
indexed record or records:

A.__The FBI shall so advise the state criminal history
record repository; and

B.__The state criminal history record repository is entitled
to obtain the additional criminal history record information
from the FBI or other state criminal history record

§1707. Establishment of compact council

1.__Compact council.__There is established a compact council
that has the authority to promulgate rules and procedures
governing the use of the III system for noncriminal justice
purposes, not to conflict with FBI administration of the III
system for criminal justice purposes.__The council is located for
administrative purposes within the FBI and continues in existence
as long as this compact remains in effect.__The council shall
hold its first meeting as soon as practicable after the effective
date of this compact.

2.__Membership.__The council is comprised of 15 members, each
of whom must be appointed by the Attorney General, as follows:

A.__Nine members, each of whom shall serve a 2-year term and
who must be selected from among the compact officers of
party states based on the recommendation of the compact
officers of all party states, except that in the absence of
the requisite number of compact officers available to serve,
the chief administrators of the criminal history record
repositories of nonparty states are eligible to serve on an
interim basis;

B.__Two at-large members, nominated by the Director of the
FBI, each of whom shall serve a 3-year term and:

(1)__One of whom must be a representative of the
criminal justice agencies of the Federal Government and
may not be an employee of the FBI; and

(2)__One of whom must be a representative of the
noncriminal justice agencies of the Federal Government;

C.__Two at-large members, nominated by the chair of the
council once the chair is elected pursuant to subsection 3,
each of whom shall serve a 3-year term and:

(1)__One of whom must be a representative of state or
local criminal justice agencies; and

(2)__One of whom must be a representative of state or
local noncriminal justice agencies;

D.__One member who serves a 3-year term and who is
simultaneously a member of the FBI's advisory policy board
on criminal justice information services, nominated by the
membership of that policy board; and

E.__One member, nominated by the Director of the FBI, who
serves a 3-year term and who is an employee of the FBI.

3.__Chair.__From its membership, the council shall elect a
chair and a vice-chair, who shall serve as chair in the absence
of the chair, of the council.__Both the chair and vice-chair of
the council:

A.__Must be compact officers, unless there is no compact
officer on the council who is willing to serve, in which
case the chair may be an at-large member; and

B.__Serve 2-year terms and may be reelected to only one
additional 2-year term.

4.__Meetings.__The council shall meet at least once each year
at the call of the chair.__Each meeting of the council must be
open to the public.__The council shall provide prior public
notice in the Federal Register of each meeting of the council,
including the matters to be addressed at the meeting.__A majority
of the council or any committee of the council constitutes a
quorum of the council or of a committee, respectively, for the
conduct of business.__A lesser number may meet to hold hearings,
take testimony or conduct any business not requiring a vote.

5.__Rules.__The council shall make available for public
inspection and copying at the council office within the FBI and

shall publish in the Federal Register any rules, procedures or
standards established by the council.

6.__FBI assistance.__The council may request from the FBI
reports, studies, statistics or other information or materials
that the council determines to be necessary to enable the council
to perform its duties under this compact.__The FBI, to the extent
authorized by law, may provide assistance or information upon a

7.__Committees.__The chair may establish committees as
necessary to carry out this compact and may prescribe the
committees' membership, responsibilities and duration.

§1708. Ratification of compact

This compact takes effect upon being entered into by 2 or more
states as between those states and the Federal Government. When
additional states subsequently enter into this compact, it
becomes effective among those states and the Federal Government
and each party state that has previously ratified the compact.__
When ratified, this compact has the full force and effect of law
within the ratifying jurisdictions.__The form of ratification
must be in accordance with the laws of the ratifying state.

§1709. Miscellaneous provisions

1.__FBI authority.__Administration of this compact may not
interfere with the management and control of the Director of the
FBI over the FBI's collection and dissemination of criminal
history records and the advisory function of the FBI's advisory
policy board chartered under the Federal Advisory Committee Act,
5 United States Code, Appx. I, for all purposes other than
noncriminal justice.

2.__FBI expenditure of funds.__This compact does not require
the FBI to obligate or expend funds beyond those appropriated to
the FBI.

3.__State authority.__This compact does not diminish or lessen
the obligations, responsibilities or authorities of any state,
whether a party state or a nonparty state, or of any criminal
history record repository or other subdivision or component
thereof, under the federal Departments of State, Justice, and
Commerce, the Judiciary and Related Agencies Appropriation Act,
1973, Public Law 92-544, or regulations and guidelines
promulgated thereunder, including the rules and procedures
promulgated by the council under section 1707, regarding the use
and dissemination of criminal history records and information.

§1710. Renunciation

This compact binds each party state until renounced by the
party state.__Any renunciation of this compact by a party state

1.__How effected.__Be effected in the same manner by which the
party state ratified this compact; and

2.__Notice.__Become effective 180 days after written notice of
renunciation is provided by the party state to each other party
state and to the Federal Government.

§1711. Adjudication of disputes

1.__Dispute resolution.__The council:

A.__Has initial authority to make determinations with
respect to any dispute regarding:

(1)__Interpretation of this compact;

(2)__Any rule or standard established by the council
pursuant to section 1707; and

(3)__Any dispute or controversy between any parties to
this compact; and

B.__Shall hold a hearing concerning any dispute described in
paragraph A at a regularly scheduled meeting of the council
and only render a decision based upon a majority vote of the
members of the council.__The decision must be published
pursuant to the requirements of section 1707, subsection 5.

2.__III system.__The FBI shall exercise immediate and
necessary action to preserve the integrity of the III system,
maintain system policy and standards, protect the accuracy and
privacy of criminal history records and prevent abuses until the
council holds a hearing on the disputes pursuant to subsection 1.

3.__Appeal process.__The FBI or a party state may appeal any
decision of the council to the Attorney General and after that
appeal may file suit in the appropriate district court of the
United States that has original jurisdiction of all cases or
controversies arising under this compact.__Any suit arising under
this compact and initiated in a state court must be removed to
the appropriate district court of the United States in the manner
provided in 28 United States Code, Section 1446 or other
statutory authority.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


The bill allows the Maine State Police to enter into a compact
with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other party states
for the purpose of organizing an electronic information sharing
system among the Federal Government and the states to exchange
criminal history records for noncriminal justice purposes for
dissemination as authorized by federal and state laws.

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