LD 1704
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Clarify the Activities of Membership Organizations in Maine LD 1704 Title Page
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LR 1665
Item 1

(7) Compensation paid by a political party to an
employee of that party, or compensation paid by a
membership organization to an employee of that
membership organization, for the following purposes:

(a) Providing advice to any one candidate for a
period of no more than 20 hours in any election;

(b) Recruiting and overseeing volunteers for
campaign activities involving 3 or more
candidates; or

(c) Coordinating campaign events involving 3 or
more candidates;

(8) Campaign training sessions provided to 3 or more

(9) The use of offices, telephones, computers and
similar equipment when that use does not result in
additional cost to the provider; or

(10) Activity or communication designed to encourage
individuals to register to vote or to vote if that
activity or communication does not mention a clearly
identified candidate.

Sec. 2. 21-A MRSA §1012, sub-§3, ¶B, as amended by PL 1999, c. 432, §2,
is further amended to read:

B. Does not include:

(1) Any news story, commentary or editorial distributed
through the facilities of any broadcasting station,
newspaper, magazine or other periodical publication,
unless the facilities are owned or controlled by any
political party, political committee or candidate;

(2) Activity or communication designed to encourage
individuals to register to vote or to vote if that
activity or communication does not mention a clearly
identified candidate;

(3) Any communication by any membership organization or
corporation to its members or stockholders, if that
membership organization or corporation is not organized
primarily for the purpose of influencing the nomination
or election of any person to state or county office;

(4) The use of real or personal property and the cost of
invitations, food and beverages, voluntarily provided
by an individual to a candidate in rendering voluntary
personal services for candidate-related activities, if
the cumulative value of these activities does not
exceed $50 with respect to any election;

(5) Any unreimbursed travel expenses incurred and paid for
by an individual who volunteers personal services to a
candidate, if the cumulative amount of these expenses
does not exceed $50 with respect to any election;

(6) Any communication by any person that is not made for
the purpose of influencing the nomination for election,
or election, of any person to state or county office;

(7) The payment by a party's state, district, county or
municipal committee of the costs of preparation,
display or mailing or other distribution incurred by
the committee with respect to a printed slate card or
sample ballot, or other printed listing, of 3 or more
candidates for any political office for which an
election is held;

(8) The use or distribution of any communication, as
described in section 1014, prepared for a previous
election and fully paid for during that election
campaign which was not used or distributed in that
previous election;

(9) Documents, in printed or electronic form,
including party platforms, single copies of issue
papers, information pertaining to the requirements of
this Title and lists of registered voters, created or
maintained by a political party for the general purpose
of party building and provided to a candidate who is a
member of that party;

(10) Compensation paid by a political party to an
employee of that party, or compensation paid by a
membership organization to an employee of that
membership organization, for the following purposes:

(a) Providing advice to any one candidate for a
period of no more than 20 hours in any election;

(b) Recruiting and overseeing volunteers for
campaign activities involving 3 or more
candidates; or

(c) Coordinating campaign events involving 3 or
more candidates;

(11) Campaign training sessions provided to 3 or more
candidates; or

(12) The use of offices, telephones, computers and
similar equipment when that use does not result in
additional cost to the provider.

Sec. 3. 21-A MRSA §1012, sub-§5 is enacted to read:

5.__Membership organization.__"Membership organization" means
a nonprofit corporation in good standing under Title 13-B with
one or more classes of members who pay dues on a regular basis
and have direct participatory rights in the governance of the
organization pursuant to the organization's articles of
incorporation or bylaws.


This bill amends the laws governing campaign finance reports
and finances to specify that compensation paid by a "membership
organization" to an employee for certain activities is not
considered either a contribution or a political expenditure.

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