LD 1712
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Item 1

C.__The current readiness of faculty to use technology in

D.__The professional development needed to integrate
technology into classroom teaching;

E.__Assessment of the strategy and goals for improving and
equalizing access to and the use of learning technology in
all schools;

F.__A plan for implementing the plan in several phases;

G.__Strategies that coordinate the resources and goals of
the endowment and the plan with a network of schools and
libraries in the State administered by the Public Utilities
Commission and the telecommunications education access fund;

H.__Strategies that coordinate learning technology in
kindergarten to grade 12 education with initiatives and
resources of the State's postsecondary education
institutions; and

I.__Data tracking and assessment of the progress of
implementing the goals of the endowment and the plan.

3.__Guiding principles for plan.__The plan must be consistent
with the following guiding principles:

A.__Equity.__The plan must promote equal opportunity for and
provide meaningful access to learning technology resources
for students who are economically disadvantaged or have
special needs;

B.__Integration with the system of learning results
established in section 6209.__The plan must support student
achievement of the system of learning results through the
integration of learning technologies that are content-
focused and that add value to existing instructional

C.__Sustainability and avoidance of obsolescence.__The plan
must provide future sustainability of learning technology
resources to adapt to future educational needs and to avoid
obsolescence of learning technology resources;

D.__Teacher preparation and professional development.__The plan
must provide effective preparation, professional development and
training programs for teachers and other

educators in the use and integration of learning technology
tools in curriculum development, instructional methods and
student assessment systems; and

E.__Economic development.__The plan must foster economic
development across all regions of the State and the
preparation of students for an economy that is dependent
upon technology.

Sec. 4. 20-A MRSA §19103, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 731, Pt. FFF,
§1, is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

§19103. Finances of endowment

1.__Endowment assets.__The endowment includes all assets,
funds and holdings held in the name of, on behalf of or for the
benefit of the endowment.__This is a nonlapsing fund the sources
of which include all appropriations and allocations by the
Legislature to the endowment; money from any other source,
whether public or private, designated for deposit into or
credited to the endowment; and interest or other income or assets
of the endowment.

2.__Fundraising plan.__The commissioner and the Commissioner
of Administrative and Financial Services shall, for the duration
of the endowment, identify and submit grant and fundraising
proposals in support of the priorities of the learning technology
plan to federal, corporate, foundation and other 3rd-party
sources as appropriate.

In conjunction with the advisory board established under section
19109, the commissioner and the Commissioner of Administrative
and Financial Services shall develop a plan for fundraising and
identifying grant sources that is designed to raise sufficient
funds to enable the learning technology plan to expand to the
secondary school level.__The fundraising plan must identify
specific funding sources, timelines and an assessment of the
probability of success.

All fundraising and grant proposals must be consistent with the
goals and terms of the learning technology plan.__The
commissioner and the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial
Services in conjunction with the advisory board established under
section 19109 shall develop any necessary guidelines for
fundraising and grant proposals in order to carry out this

Sec. 5. 20-A MRSA §19104, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 731, Pt. FFF,
§1, is amended to read:

§19104. Fiduciary roles and responsibilities

The Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services,
referred to in this section as the "commissioner," shall act as
fiduciary and fiscal agent with respect to the management and
administration of the endowment. The commissioner shall ensure
that deposits into the endowment are segregated and separately
accounted for as funds held in trust on behalf of the State for
the purposes specified in this chapter and for no other purpose.
The commissioner shall enter into and administer an investment
contract for the investment of endowment funds by an appropriate
entity, including, but not limited to, the Board of Trustees of
the Maine State Retirement System.

1. Investment of endowment. The If the commissioner
determines that the Board of Trustees of the Maine State
Retirement System is the appropriate entity to provide for the
investment of endowment funds, the board shall invest the
endowment in the same manner and according to the same investment
policy and practices by which the board invests the assets of the
Maine State Retirement System. The board shall treat the
endowment as held in trust on behalf of the State for the
purposes specified in this chapter and no other and shall
separately account for the endowment as investment assets,
attributing to the endowment its proportional share of investment
returns and of investment management costs and expenses,
including costs and expenses of the retirement system arising
because of its investment of the endowment. The commissioner and
the board shall develop jointly a memorandum of understanding,
setting out their mutual understanding of the investment of the
endowment, the related investment accounting and investment
return and expense attribution.

2. Audit of endowment. The commissioner shall ensure
adequate audit of the investment management of the endowment and
the expenditures of the endowment each state fiscal year within
the scope of the annual audit of the Maine State Retirement
System or through separate audit as considered appropriate by the
Board of Trustees of the Maine State Retirement System. Any
separate audit must be reported to the Governor, the Legislature,
the commissioner and the State Controller in as timely a manner
as possible after the close of each state fiscal year.

3. Use of endowment. Until otherwise provided by the
Legislature, The endowment must be managed and invested to ensure
the perpetual maintenance of the principal amount of General Fund
money appropriated by the State.__In addition to the budgeting
guidelines pursuant to section 19105, in accordance with a state
the learning technology plan, the proceeds of the endowment may

be used for necessary audit services, legal expenses, investment
management fees and services and general administrative expenses
related to the management and administration of the endowment.

Sec. 6. 20-A MRSA §§19105 to 19110 are enacted to read:

§19105.__Commissioner's recommendation for annual learning

technology plan; guidelines and funding level

1.__Annual plan recommendation.__Prior to December 15th of
each year, the commissioner, after consultation with the advisory
board established under section 19109 and the Commissioner of
Administrative and Financial Services and after receiving the
approval of the state board, shall recommend to the Governor and
the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau
of the Budget the funding level for implementing the annual
learning technology plan.

2.__Budget development.__The commissioner, with the assistance
of the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services,
shall prepare an annual budget for the implementation of the
annual learning technology plan and exercise budgetary
responsibility to carry out the plan.__Annually, by January 1st,
beginning on January 1, 2002, in addition to complying with the
provisions of Title 5, sections 1665 and 1666, the commissioner
shall present the operating budget for the endowment to the
Governor and the Legislature for review by the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over education
matters and the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs.__
The commissioner may make expenditures only in accordance with an
allocation approved by the Legislature, and any liability or
obligation may not be incurred under this chapter beyond the
amount allocated by the Legislature.

3.__Guidelines.__The recommended funding level for the annual
learning technology plan must include the known obligations and
estimates of the following:

A.__The level of expenditure for purchases of portable
computing devices or the anticipated principal and interest
costs for the year of allocation for leases and other
appropriate financing arrangements, including leases under
which the learning technology plan may apply the lease
payments to the purchase of those devices;

B.__The level of expenditures for software and services such
as technical support and education intranet services;

C.__Funds designated by the commissioner for professional
development programs and services;

D.__Funds designated by the commissioner for the
expenditures for the alternative equivalent value factor.__
For purposes of this paragraph, "alternative equivalent
value factor" means the ratio of funding provided to school
administrative units that choose to provide an alternative
equivalent learning technology plan that meets the guiding
principles described in section 19102, subsection 3;

E.__Funds designated by the commissioner for the purchase of
kindergarten to grade 12 educational materials, including
library databases; and

F.__Funds designated by the commissioner for the purpose of
making adjustments to the cash flow of revenues generated
from the endowment.

4.__Funding level. The Governor shall include in the
Governor's biennial or supplemental budget submission, as
applicable, an allocation from the endowment necessary to
implement the learning technology plan.

§19106.__Governor's funding level recommendation

The Department of Administrative and Financial Services,
Bureau of the Budget shall annually certify to the Legislature
the funding level that the Governor recommends for the annual
learning technology plan.__The Governor's recommendations must be
transmitted to the Legislature within the time schedules set
forth by Title 5, section 1666.

§19107.__Actions by Legislature

The Legislature annually, prior to March 15th, shall enact
legislation to allocate the funding level necessary to implement
the annual learning technology plan.__The Legislature may
allocate for expenditure by the commissioner for eligible
kindergarten to grade 12 schools and eligible programs under the
commissioner's jurisdiction all the resources available for the
programs involved in the annual learning technology plan.

§19108.__Actions by department

Within the annual allocation, the department shall follow the
procedures established under this section.

1.__Cash flow.__For the purpose of cash flow, the commissioner
may pay the full payment amounts due on leases under which the
learning technology plan may apply the lease payments to the
purchase of portable computing devices, and the required

amount to offset the payments may be transferred to the debt
service portion of the account from other operating accounts.

2.__Report by commissioner.__The commissioner annually shall
provide the advisory board with evaluation and outcome data
relative to the implementation of the learning technology plan.

§19109.__Advisory board

The Advisory Board of the Maine Learning Technology Endowment,
referred to in this chapter as the "advisory board," is
established to advise the commissioner and the Legislature on
matters related to the development of policies for the learning
technology plan and the deployment of endowment proceeds to
implement the learning technology plan.

1.__Membership.__In appointing the initial public members to
the advisory board, the Governor, the President of the Senate and
the Speaker of the House shall give proper consideration to the
appointment of members of the Task Force on the Maine Learning
Technology Endowment so that there may be continuity of policy
development.__In the appointment of public members to the
advisory board the Governor, the President of the Senate and the
Speaker of the House shall give proper consideration to members
with experience or special knowledge in one or more of the
following areas:__education, business or economic development,
technology, finance, library services and postsecondary
education.__Proper consideration also must be given to achieving
statewide geographical representation, cultural equity and gender
equity.__The advisory board consists of 12 voting members as

A.__Eight public members, 4 of whom must be appointed by the
Governor, 2 of whom must be appointed by the President of
the Senate and 2 of whom must be appointed by the Speaker of
the House;

B.__One member who is a member of the state board, appointed
by the chair of the state board;

C.__ One member representing public postsecondary education
institutions who is employed by a public postsecondary
education institution, appointed by the Governor;

D.__One member representing the Maine State Library,
appointed by the Director of the Maine State Library; and

E.__One member representing the Public Utilities Commission,
appointed by the chair of the Public Utilities Commission.

2.__Chair.__The advisory board shall choose annually one of
its members to serve as chair.__The chair may be elected to no
more than 3 consecutive terms.

3.__Meetings.__The advisory board shall meet at least 3 times
each year.

4.__Quorum.__Each member of the advisory board is entitled to
one vote.__A majority of voting members of the advisory board
constitutes a quorum for the transaction of any official

5.__Terms of members.__Except as provided by the terms of
initial appointments in this section, the terms of the members of
the advisory board are for 3 years.__Members may be appointed for
consecutive terms.__New members must be appointed consistent with
subsection 1, paragraphs A to E.__Members representing the state
board, public postsecondary education institutions, the Maine
State Library and the Public Utilities Commission may serve on
the advisory board only as long as they hold office in the
respective entity.__Terms of__the initial appointments must be
staggered as follows:

A.__Terms expiring January 1, 2004 include one member
appointed by the Speaker of the House, one member appointed
by the President of the Senate, one member appointed by the
Governor and the member representing the Maine State

B.__Terms expiring January 1, 2005 include one member
appointed by the Speaker of the House, one member appointed
by the President of the Senate, one member appointed by the
Governor and the member representing public postsecondary
education institutions; and

C.__Terms expiring January 1, 2006 include 2 members
appointed by the Governor, the member representing the state
board and the member representing the Public Utilities

6.__Expenses.__Members of the advisory board must be
compensated according to the provisions of Title 5, chapter 379.

7.__Appointment.__When a member leaves the advisory board, the
appropriate appointing authority shall appoint a new member to
serve out the remainder of the term.

8.__Staffing assistance.__The commissioner and the
Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services shall
provide appropriate staff support to the advisory board.

§19110.__Powers and duties of advisory board

The powers and duties of the advisory board include the

1.__Annual learning technology plan.__The advisory board shall
advise the commissioner in developing an annual learning
technology plan as described in section 19102, which must provide
the basis for the annual allocation of funds by the Legislature
from the endowment.

2.__Learning technology standards and measurements.__To
measure the effectiveness of the learning technology plan, the
advisory board may establish standards and methods of measuring
progress in the levels of academic achievement for students who
participate in the learning technology plan.__The advisory board
may also establish standards and methods of measuring progress in
the professional development of teachers who participate in the
learning technology programs funded by the learning technology
plan, as well as the impact of the learning technology plan on
parents and lifelong learners and the economic impact on
communities across the State.__The advisory board may assess the
impacts of the learning technology plan according to these
standards and measurements.

3.__Scope of assessment role.__As part of its assessment role,
the advisory board also may consider relevant strategic issues
necessary to develop, maintain and support the achievement of the
goals of the learning technology plan.__These issues may include,
but are not limited to, collaboration with the state board
regarding the implications of the learning technology plan for
pre-service teacher preparation and for standards-based teacher
certification in the State as well as collaboration with other
state agencies and state policymakers related to other strategic
issues necessary to ensure the most cohesive system possible for
planning, action and service in providing kindergarten to grade
12 educational opportunities.

4.__Annual report.__The advisory board shall report annually
to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over education matters and the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
appropriations and financial affairs on the general status of the
finances and operations of the endowment and the learning
technology plan, including the results of the assessments
pursuant to subsections 2 and 3.

Sec. 7. Annual learning technology plan. For the 2002-03 school year,
notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes, Title

20-A, Chapter 801, and for the purposes of presenting the
learning technology plan to be developed annually by the
Commissioner of Education in consultation with the Advisory Board
of the Maine Learning Technology Endowment pursuant to Title 20-
A, chapter 801, the following components of the learning
technology plan that were recommended by the Task Force on the
Maine Learning Technology Endowment may be recommended by the
Commissioner of Education and the Advisory Board of the Maine
Learning Technology Endowment to be adopted, as appropriate, for
implementation in the 2002-03 school year. This annual learning
technology plan must include the following elements as described
in the Final Report of the Task Force on the Maine Learning
Technology Endowment.

1. Goal. The goal of the Maine Learning Technology Endowment
is to ensure a necessary level of access to technology, the
Internet and training and learning opportunities for all public
school students in the 7th and 8th grades and their teachers.

2. Local participation. All school administrative units may
participate in the learning technology plan by submitting a
letter of intent indicating their willingness to participate.
All students educated at public expense are eligible to
participate in the program.

3. Phase-in approach. The learning technology plan must
begin in school year 2002-03 with a phase-in approach that begins
with 7th and 8th grade students in public schools and then,
dependent on the availability of funds, encompasses a high school
expansion. The initial phase of the recommended program over the
first 2 years must target all schools, students and teachers at
the 7th and 8th grade levels. Phase I must encompass
approximately 242 schools with grade 7 or grade 8, 32,500
students and 2330 teachers. As soon as practicable, based on
3rd-party fundraising or improved revenue and cost projections,
the program must expand to all schools, students and teachers in
grades 9 to 12. The Commissioner of Education and the advisory
board annually shall assess the feasibility and recommended
strategy for the expansion of the program to the high school

4. Coordination, utilization and expansion of existing
technology infrastructure. The learning technology plan requires
the utilization of the Maine School and Library Network, the
telecommunications education access fund and the federal E-rate
program to enable and complement the technology components that
are supported by the Maine Learning Technology Endowment.
Appropriate policymaking entities shall collaborate to ensure
that the overall learning technology infrastructure of the State
functions and expands in a coordinated fashion. The Public

Utilities Commission shall enter appropriate orders or take
appropriate actions to ensure that capacity is developed and
expanded to provide external and internal network connections,
technical support and toll-free home network access as
recommended in the Final Report of the Task Force on the Maine
Learning Technology Endowment.

5. Plan. The learning technology plan must provide for:

A. Portable computing devices for every student and teacher
with functional software appropriate to grade level;

B. Obtaining basic research information and databases;

C. An alternative equivalent value factor option to school
administrative units if they meet the standards of the
learning technology plan;

D. Teacher technology and professional development;

E. External and internal networks and technical support;

F. Costs for replacement of portable computing devices,
servers and other equipment; and

G. An evaluation component.

Sec. 8. Fundraising plan. The fundraising plan required by the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, section 19103 must be part of the
learning technology plan submitted to the Second Regular Session
of the 120th Legislature in accordance with Title 20-A, section


This bill is introduced by the Joint Standing Committee on
Education and Cultural Affairs to implement the recommendations
of the Task Force on the Maine Learning Technology Endowment as
authorized pursuant to Public Law 1999, chapter 731, Part FFF,
section 2. The bill amends the governance and investment
provisions of current law related to the Maine Learning
Technology Endowment by providing for the establishment of the
Advisory Board of the Maine Learning Technology Endowment and by
clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the Commissioner of
Education and the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial
Services with respect to the Maine Learning Technology Endowment.
The bill also provides a set of guiding principles for the Maine
Learning Technology Endowment and provides that the components of
the learning technology plan that were recommended

by the task force may be recommended by the Commissioner of
Education and the Advisory Board of the Maine Learning Technology
Endowment to the Legislature, as appropriate, for implementation
of the learning technology plan using proceeds from the endowment
beginning in the 2002-03 school year.

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